Monday 10th of March 2025


steady hands...

the "grown ups" are back... voters are betrayed...

Malcolm Turnbull has completed his transformation from progressive firebrand to ambassador for the conservative brand.

There was no room in his 4000 word speech at the Liberal campaign launch for the words "same sex marriage".

Climate change rated a glancing mention, treated in fewer than 50 words.

And the only time he spoke the word "fairness" was to promise fairness between generations by not bequeathing debt.

Turnbull provided almost a caricature of Coalition brand identification, overwhelmingly emphasising economic growth and border security.

It was a deliberately restrained launch that announced only the most parsimonious of new spending, designed to portray the Liberals as the party of grown-ups.

The prime minister said that the UK's Brexit vote was "a sharp reminder of the volatility in the global economy" and went on to offer himself as the right leader for such times.

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we got rid of howard and abbott for good reasons...



It was a more measured tone on Sunday, as Turnbull paid tribute to his "distinguished predecessors".

Howard, he said, had "set the gold standard, leading the most successful and effective government".

"Your reforms," he said, "set up Australia for the longest period of prosperity in our history."

Abbott's time in office, by contrast, went unmentioned.



Instead Turnbull praised him for bringing an end to the "chaos of and dysfunction of the Rudd-Gillard years".

"And you remain a dedicated advocate for our cause," he continued.

"John and Tony we salute you."

After Turnbull's speech, Abbott shook his hand enthusiastically, saying: "Well done mate, well done, good job."

He showed up, he was gracious, he did his duty. No one said he had to smile.

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If my memory is correct, there was NO dysfunction during the Gillard years apart from the merde-och press fake support for Rudd and the Turdy express throwing slippers and thomsons to the wolves who since have been discredited, though Pyne should have got his comeuppance and Hockey (remember him?) who was recompensed with more rorts and a cushy job for having been a shit.
But the "dysfunction" label sticks. The Gillard policies were progressive and far better than the Turdyconomics that followed under Turdy Abbott. Now these turdyconomics have morphed into Turdballeconomics which are the same shit, including giving cash to rich and sticks to the poor, all promoted with a Malcolmian smile of confidence. Another con job is coming (continuing), including the slow dismantling of Medicare and the destruction of public education despite Malcolm protesting to the contrary. So what? We know they lie, Malcolm included — and as committed as he is to do whatever crap, he will be booted out within six month by the hardball loonies in his party — or he will get bored and pack up to his tax haven...
We got rid of Howard for good reasons, Turnbull got rid of Turdy Abbott for ONE bad reason (which was to save the arse of the Liberal [CONservative] Party) which would have been our good reasons should Abbott had still been PM... Why do these guys linger around like bad smells? Shoo... You've done enough damage...





Election 2016: Tony Abbott criticises Malcolm Turnbull for lack of focus on 'big issues'

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has criticised his successor Malcolm Turnbull's election campaign, telling Sky that the focus has strayed to gay marriage in the final days because the Prime Minister has not focused on the "big issues" of budget repair and border security.

My guess is that Turdball would have reserved these issues for his grandstanding "press" conference today at the press club... But this is also where, should the press be alert (god forbid), some journo will ask about the future of the ABC and SBS and the NDIS and the Gonski reforms and Medicare's REAL future under a revitalised Abbott government...


the greasy salmon...

Neil Mitchell says some colleagues of the PM think anything under ten seats majority is a failure; Tony Abbott tell Sky News, ‘National security has played almost no part in this campaign.’


All the developments with Katharine Murphy