Monday 10th of March 2025

pure as snow...

NYP trump

On the 19th of July 2016, Trump appears on the cover of the New York Post — like the ghostly image of a Clever Chaser on the TV game show "Chase" — the popular game of knowledge (mixed with rubbish trivia).

One should realise that the days of Trump are far from over. This is a very clever cover designed to make the average punter's mini-brain tweak subconsciously to the association: Trump is a formidable resource of whatever.

No guff apart from a small subhead. Pure as snow. Trump. White.


Slowly, the perception about the man who can do no wrong — despite being a walking mistake himself and as some of his troops are prone to fucups "including his wife" — is fed to us by the slow subterranean network of positive manipulations by Uncle Rupe. 
We saw the same processed sauce in Australia, when Tony Abbott — in the same vein as Trump on the level of fucups, extreme right views and porkies scale — was promoted by Uncle Rupe as a bleeding-heart saint. In Australia then, it was an easy sell. Uncle Rupe had manipulated Labor to shoot itself in the double-headed cabooche and all Uncle Rupe had to do in the final days, was to froth up the concept that Abbott was god. It worked. 
Of course there are very knowledgeable media personalities who delude themselves by claiming that the media does not have a big influence on voters — such as Barry on Media Watch (ABC TV), but they miss the point. 
In the latest election in Australia, July 2, 2016, the media at large was mostly anti-Labor and pro-Turnbull and the closeness of the result is used by these commentating idiots to claim that the media had no influence. Bullshit. Had the media been pro-Labor, or even been balanced, it would have been good night Malcolm. So there.
In America, the game is slightly different and needs to be more subtle "for the moment". Let festering fester. There is still a couple of months before the final punch up. This isn't a sprint. It's a marathon, in which Hillary will be made to loose some puff. A slow hard grind...
So what? Melania Trump borrowed a few lines from a speech by Michelle Obama. Horror ! Journalists and intellectuals talk of "plagiarism" while 99 per cent of the plebs think that no wrong was done and have no clue what plagiarism is since most of them pinch their exam answers from the internet. 

As well, the fact that an "impartial" judge attacked Trump, only reinforced the concept that "the game is rigged" as claimed by Donny himself. Here the NYP does not hold back punches. The Offensive judge is shown as Darth Vader. Simple image but effective. This image will be reinforced in the future with variants. "Supreme" bias as Ruth blasts Trump. Intellectuals could write a 20,000 words essay/article/thesis and no one would read it. This essay/article/thesis could not in their wildest dream match the impact of such front page, also used as banners to sell the paper on every street corners.


The Daily Telegraph in Australia is also extremely skilled in manufacturing such effective crap. And all these same skills are used in all the Murdoch publication around the planet. It's an unmistakable style designed to convey an instant message, like a devious right wing cartoon.
As well, Hillary is jumping puddles when she should be in hot water up to her neck for having fiddled with security emails, and the NYP does not let her get away with it.


The NYP is not so much about words. It is about images that convey the gist. It's instant, undemanding and powerful. Editorials and opinionations in such and such respectable papers (NYT, WP) need reader's concentration to understand the minuties of analysed analytical crap. In the age of instant gratification, with the New York Post, we are taken back to the middle ages where the plebs could not read and the Church was transmitting the biblical message via the pulpit (FOX network) and reinforced by images on stained-glass windows (the NYP).
As Uncle Rupe knows well, politics is a mugs numbers game. And the numbers do not reside in the already convinced Democrats or Republicans, but in the mugs sitting on the fence waiting to be pushed by whatever emotions — especially fear and the hip-pocket nerve. At this level, Trump has all the game to himself, despite pissing on minorities. 
I am sure that Uncle Rupe knows it's not as easy to get Trump over the line, as it was to get Australians to vote for the unelectable Tony Abbott. But Uncle Rupe is clever.
Trump is a different sell, especially after having alienated everybody except the KKK, so far. But here is another technique in the selling of pain. Introduce "less" pain. Less pain is a "relief". After having harangued the public with extremist views, the rhetoric is scaled down a few notches to make it appear "reasonable". 
Here, for a comparison, we don't have to look much further that the former Australia Prime minister John Howard — a grand master of the technique: Promising pain but then, in the face of unrest, propose less pain as a reasonable solution. Piece of piss... 
And Trump has some powerful allies who will expose the weakness of the Democrats, such as Mike Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Mike Flynn was considered as Trump's Republican Party running mate before Indiana Governor Mike Pence was nominated. Here one does not have to be Einstein to guess why Flynn was bypassed for the job. Trump has much "bigger" things in store for him. Being the Vice-President is a bit like being a show pony — not the draught horse. 
Flynn will be the plough boy. And Pence is more like a "governor" — a high representative of the American system, despite his ultra-rabid views to suit the extreme rabid views of the hard-republicans. So far, Trump is collecting the Tea-Party, the republicans, the reluctant evangelicals and the states where military and weapons are made. He is slowly winning back the blacks, the Muslims and the Latinos by promising "less pain"...
If all goes right, Trump is a shoe-in. Uncle Rupe will make his earnest that this happens.

Gus Leonisky
Your local branch of the salad 


a yuge success...

The past several days of the Trump campaign have been described alternately as debacle and farce: the awkward rollout of Mike Pence, chaos at the convention, a muddled message, a plagiarized speech.

Don’t you believe it. The Republican National Convention of 2016 has been a yuge success: It is a triumph of narcissism.

Midway through the 8 p.m. hour of Monday’s prime-time programming at the convention, Patricia Smith, the mother of one of the Americans killed in the Benghazi terrorist attack, was speaking emotionally about how “I blame Hillary Clinton personally for the death of my son.”

But her speech was preempted — by Donald Trump.

“This is a breaking news situation,” Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly said, cutting off convention coverage to do a phone interview with . . . the candidate. Trump’s “breaking news” turned out to be little more than a denunciation of Ohio Gov. John Kasich for skipping the convention. “Look, I beat him very badly” in the primaries, Trump taunted. “If I were him and gotten beaten that badly I probably wouldn’t show up either.”

Upstaging his own convention was classic Trump: Ego over substance, pride over politics, self-worship over good judgment. And how could anybody have expected otherwise?

For weeks, GOP leaders have pleaded with Trump to build a professional operation, but he argued that he is sui generis and doesn’t need what other politicians do. Now we see the consequences: a convention rally of conspiracy theorists, co-hosted by Trump’s longtime political adviser; a needless floor fight over convention rules in which the hapless presiding officer, a backbench congressman, walked off the stage; and, now, a plagiarized passage in a speech by the would-be first lady that went unvetted by Trump’s thin staff.

read more:

of course it's plagiarism. GET OVER IT...


An astrophysicist has used the power of mathematics to prove Melania Trump's speech was plagiarised from First Lady Michelle Obama.

While Twitter and Facebook went into meltdown over the similarities between Melania Trump's Republican convention speech and Mrs Obama's 2008 Democratic convention speech, Bob Rutledge busily calculated the probability that Donald Trump's wife had not plagiarised it.

He then took to Facebook to share his calculations. one in 87 billion....

read more:


Of course the speech was plagiarised... Get over it.

It was done DELIBERATELY  as a means of distraction from other issues. As well, as mentioned above, most of the plebs would not care less. They might even think that pinching Michelle Obama's own speech promising stuff — in the light of what Obama did to America is a sweet revenge — and was kind of clever. 

Here we are reminding you what was said and you can compute what was done... Clever indeed...




“In working with Melania Trump on her recent First Lady speech, we discussed many people who inspired her and messages she wanted to share with the American people,” said McIver.

“A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama. Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs Obama’s speech as examples. I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech.”

McIver’s apology “for the confusion and hysteria my mistake has caused” comes as the sight of the would-be first lady lifting whole chunks of her speech from a political rival threatens to destroy attempts to present a more polished and competent campaign in Cleveland.

read more:



Here you are... Melania Trump is an admirer of Michelle Obama in the kerfuffle about plagiarism came from this love for the black woman... Here can you sense a clever manipulation of intent. The damage from the "plagiarism" is only superficial and only with the "liberal intellectuals" not with the average black voter who "love" Michelle but have found Barak quite disappointing. What point-centage is lost with the intellectuals (which would go Democrat anyway) is a net gain of a couple of point-centage within the black community. 

Add the rigmarole of Ben Carson comparing Hillary to Lucifer — Carson being a former presidential candidate and full-blown creationist — add the conviction of pastor Mark Burns who delivered the "prayer" at the start of the Trump convention and who intoned that "god was a republican" — and add the push by most religious leaders who formerly hated Trump but now embrace him as a if he was Jesus Christ, the hypocrisy delivers more evangelical point-centage to the trump campaign, which the elegant mainstream media (NYT , WP) cannot stem...

The list of these religious leaders include of course Eric Metaxas — and now Michael Brown who previously had vouched not to vote for Trump... Metaxas is part of the discreet troop of creationists who is working for ... you guessed who... Uncle Rupe... Read from top...

here are the graphics...

These are the graphics that can beat a thousand million words and ten conventions:

cover today

cover yesterday

cover a couple of days ago


You may have noticed, that the graphic voice is getting louder. The size of the secondary news panel has shrunk to nothing. And the editorialising troops are in full swing inside... More pictures, more graphics... Uncle Rupe is in full swing... The salad gets more sauce... The Master is taking control.

Special note: In the cover where the half-brother of the president is mentioned, the image of this "black man" would be quite dull, despite the message. Sales of the paper would plummet by about 5 per cent. What do you do about pushing a message which people might find uninspiring? You add a near-naked white female above... and why not mention some sport... You can work out the technique. Brilliant messaging...

8 november 2016.... a possible cover...

cover november 2016

Mischief from Gus leonisky

Possible cover for the NYP, unless something goes apecrap... read from top...

sour grapes from the washington post...

Almost as soon as Donald Trump wrapped up his ostensibly off-the-record meeting with TV news executives and anchors last week at Trump Tower, the New York Post’s scrappy gossip column, Page Six, had the first inside account.

It was like a f---ing firing squad,” an anonymous source told the column about Trump’s combative remarks. “The meeting was a total disaster.”

Hmm. “Total disaster.” Now who does that sound like?

And when Melania Trump decided she was staying in New York City rather than moving to the White House so that the Trumps’ young son, Barron, could finish the school year, the Post was first with the news, too. It was sourced to two unnamed people “familiar with the Trump transition.”

So far, so good in the Age of Trump for the 215-year-old tabloid. The paper and Trump go way back, to his days as an up-and-coming New York real estate developer and man about town. Long before he ran for president, long before “The Apprentice,” Trump was the star of hundreds of Post news stories, Page Six items and pieces by the paper’s longtime gossip columnist, Cindy Adams. 

During the soap-opera drama of his adulterous romance with Marla Maples in the early 1990s, for instance, Trump appeared on the paper’s cover for eight straight days. It was during this stretch that he was the subject of one of the most famous headlines in the paper’s history of famously colorful headlines: “Best Sex I’ve Ever Had,” based on an oversharing quote supposedly uttered by Maples.

The paper’s long-standing relationship with Trump may now be paying off with some inside tips about — or possibly even from — the new president-elect and his inner circle.

“It’s his hometown paper,” says a source in the upper reaches of Trumpworld. “He was an eccentric billionaire living in Manhattan. They’ve always had a sort of mutually beneficial relationship. It was proximity and convenience.” But this source, speaking anonymously so as not to get crosswise with either Trump or the paper, said a past relationship doesn’t guarantee a future one: “I don’t think one paper is better positioned than any other.”


Several of Trump's pick for his cabinet have connections with Uncle Rupe (including "Avatar"). Uncle Rupe owns the New York Post. Uncle Rupe was a confidente of George W Bush and Uncle Rupe has pushed some sensitive buttons in Obama's Presidency. Now Uncle Rupe would see that it would be more profitable to make business with Russia than have an all out war as La Clinton is still planning. Trump is in favour of dealing with Russia as well, but he has picked some hawks to lead the "foreign policies" and "defence". The idea here is to deal without loosing the eyes off the ball.

The NYP does not create Trump, but Uncle Rupe influences all the conservative country bumpkin papers in Central USA. He "owns" FOX... Does he tell his people what to do? Sometimes, but more often than not Uncle Rupe's people are picked FOR THEIR OWN VIEWS which are in tune with what he wants. Uncle Rupe also "owns" the WSJ and had (has) a hand in many conservative magazines and can influence online, like Breitbart.

From the start, Uncle Rupe saw that Trump was "unelectable" but worth a shot against a bad lot of candidates who would have bored him to tears, including Hillary, on whom, Uncle Rupe's troops would have more dirt than 10 Wikileaks...

As the Democrats and the press of the establishment are trying to reverse the Trump victory with recounts and changing the minds of delegates, there is going to be some mighty bloody fights ahead.

For all I know, Uncle Rupe is going to ignore this for a while and hold fire. And then...


See pictures from top... and read my "editorial" of 20 July 2016... Boy... Talk about Nostradamus Gus !

murdochstein in murdochistan...

Dr Frankenstein created a monster, and Rupert Murdoch’s people created Donald Trump, the candidate. One was fantasy, the other is all too real. Mike Fewster explains.

He wasn’t planned or anticipated. There is some reluctance and embarrassment now for the parents in acknowledging their own.

The relationship between the child and the parents is not completely comfortable. Some outcomes, however, are just the inevitable result of years of the preliminary activities.

Donald Trump isn’t a momentary error of the body politic. News Corp has been sowing the seed for many, many years. And that seed has been sown for purposes of meeting immediate needs rather than with due regard for long term consequences.

read more:


The major belief that drives Rupert Murdoch is anti-climate change. He may not know it but this is it. From this, cascades a lot of actions and sub-beliefs, including profits. He married Jerry Hall. She used to be very concerns about climate change... Now? not a peep. This belief or say this philosophical thrust in the distrust of the science of global warming lays in his upbringing in which gambling is the key to success. He has bet that whether global warming is real or not, there is bugger all we can do about it and we should do bugger all about it. 

Rupert is no dummy. He has known about this for a long time and has placed his troops in key positions to make sure  money is being made from this denial. And it's all legal. Freedom of speech, you know. And the technique to sell the message is uncomplicated but cleverly sophisticated like the covers of his magazinepapers such as the NYP (see at top). 


this is a conspiracy...


read from top and learn something... Please look at the date of publication (July 2016)


And by the way, if you think that the spat between Miranda Devine and Andrew Bold was not orchestrated, you have 99 per cent chances of being wrong... I could give you the instruction sheet but I won't because on these things, nothing is written, but nothing is done without an intent, including the promotion of the Murdoch stable in the "other" media? No, really?.

murdochstein in trumpistan...

Here is the cover of the New York Post... The NYP is a Murdoch paper and it does not disappoint… See some NYP covers from top...




Meanwhile the now furious commentariat that has been anti-trump FOR THE WRONG REASONS is still pushing a barrow of possibilities of Russian interference independant from Trump — and dates as hookers who may have been paid with campaign moneys or whatever are peeled off like winter onions...


Today we are reminded of the REAL CRIMES OF CLINTON, with the anniversary of the destruction of Yougoslavia


And the real crime of the Bush family with Gulf War One and Two.


All we need is tally the CRIMES of Obama in Syria, Libya and Yemen


the latter one, the Yemen war started by Obama, is becoming far more of a blight on Trump, as he gears up to accelerate the BIG GAME, than having had a fling, which Trump denies anyway but got paid for via his lawyer with a cheque signed by his son or such, while CLINTON created a precedent for saying "I have not had sex with that woman" when the technicality of a blow job enters the realms of vanilla sex (see the Cardinal)...


We all know that most presidents had flings on the side, including that famous Catholic boy JFK, who may have paid with his life for not playing the BIG GAME...


The four words of the headline are typical of Uncle Rupe's inspiration, worth a 20,000 words essay in the New York Times that would still be bitter about the Mueller finding NOTHING... READ FROM TOP.



Note: We were prescient on the Election of Trump at top. Note the dates of posting... And not a Russian in sight.