Monday 10th of March 2025

blaming the ruskies, still...


In the spring of 2011, the U.S. and its allies began pushing for a military intervention in Libya to prevent the regime of Muammar Ghaddafi from massacring rebel forces and their civilian supporters. But without Russia’s acquiescence, the West could not pass a resolution in the U.N. that would provide a legal basis for the intervention. So Clinton and Obama began pressuring Medvedev to play along, and he ultimately agreed not to veto the resolution in the U.N. Security Council.

Putin was furious. The resolution, he said, resembled “the medieval calls for a Christian crusade,” one that Clinton, as the top U.S. diplomat at the time, helped to orchestrate. Later that same year, when Russia’s flawed parliamentary elections set off a season of street protests, Clinton spoke up in support of the demonstrations. “The Russian people, like people everywhere, deserve the right to have their voices heard and their votes counted,” Clinton said. “And that means they deserve free, fair, transparent elections and leaders who are accountable to them.”

It was a fairly tame statement of support for the Russian opposition movement. But Putin took it as a personal affront against his leadership, as well as a sign that Clinton was intent on manipulating the Russian presidential elections that were then just a few months away.

With a campaign based on Cold War rhetoric against the conniving West, Putin won that vote handily, and it is easy to see how he would relish the chance to manipulate the U.S. presidential elections in return.

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Of course... We all know that Libya is now a model of democracy, same as Turkey, Iraq and soon Syria, should the Ruskies not interfere with "our" plan to give Syria to the Saudis via Al Qaeda and ISIS...

Putin did not have to do anything... The Democrat are able to shoot themselves in the foot without any help from abroad. That someone hacked the democrat emails is beside the point. 

The point is that Hillary is a hardball neocon who will wish to teach a lesson to Putin, while trump is a popular megalomaniac who favours less hegemony and more wordly cooperation ...

The hard-ball Neocons in the US will thus favour Clinton... So where does out Uncle Rupe stands amongst all this crap. My hope is that Uncle Rupe knows that at this stage of the game, the next war will see some heavy unimaginable crap which could be contrary to business. I believe that in his support for Trump, Uncle Rupe still likes the hard-ball delusions, but after his support for all the recent American crappy wars, he might have seen the not-so-pretty future of this continuum. Uncle Rupe is in for the good times as long as there is crap somewhere else. Should the crap come home, he cannot support any ideology that will invariably do so. 



With the official nomination of Donald Trump as the Republican Party’s presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton has the opponent of her dreams — someone whose character, preparation and views are so defective as to make last night’s roll call a devastating moment in the lives of many Republicans. The GOP has had magnificent nominees (Abraham Lincoln) and likable nominees (Ronald Reagan, Dwight D. Eisenhower). It’s had admirable nominees who lost (Mitt Romney) and flawed nominees who won (Richard Nixon). It has never — and we certainly include Barry Goldwater — had a nominee who embarrasses and disgusts a significant number of people in his own party. How does Clinton, without endangering support in her own ranks, reach out to Republicans to secure her win? Here are five steps she can take:

1. Resist the urge to defame the entire party. A majority of the GOP primary electorate did not vote for Trump, and many who did not participate in the primaries will not vote for him. It is to these Republicans that Clinton should appeal.

2. Paint the picture. As horrifying as it might seem, Clinton should be spelling out the potential ramifications of a Trump presidency. One day he writes off the Baltic States in a fit of pique, prompting Vladimir Putin to  strike while the iron is hot. Trump does not believe the United States can default on the debt so he does just that in refusing to accept a reasonable budget (or continuing resolution) crafted by members of both parties. He digs in his heels and decides he need not abide by a Supreme Court ruling invalidating parts of his wacky immigration plan. These are not fantastical scenarios; they are entirely predictable.

3. Commit herself to bipartisanship in foreign policy. We have argued that without President Obama, there is a great deal more bipartisan agreement on Russia, the Islamic State, Iran, China, NATO and other topics. Clinton can pledge to include in significant policy positions some of the center-right voices with whom she sees eye to eye on any number of topics. She can say it is time to stop relitigating the Iraq War and work on eradicating the Islamic State and ensuring a stable Middle East. She can be gracious toward respected Republicans (e.g. Sen. John McCain).

4. She can defend George W. Bush now and then — against Trump. Bush’s anti-AIDS campaign has saved millions of lives in Africa. He championed No Child Left Behind. He forcefully derided anti-Muslim bias. It’s actually an old trick to praise past Republicans as a means of criticizing active ones, but the tactic here is especially effective given how depressed Republicans are about the nominee this time around.

5. Elevate the qualities Trump lacks; support the values he derides. Trump lacks empathy, intellectual curiosity, patience and tolerance — some of the critical traits of successful presidents. He disdains “losers,” reveres power and feigns religiosity. These deficiencies go far beyond politics. Most ordinary Americans do not share these glaring defects and feel queasy about a president who does. Simply said, Americans are better than this. (We hope.)

Clinton will no doubt do some small things well. She’ll have a long list of Republican supporters. She’ll run a real campaign in 50 states, refusing to write off states Democrats haven’t won recently (as she hopes Trump wastes time and money in New York and California). But what she really needs to do is demonstrate a largeness of spirit, something Trump is incapable of doing.


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Gus thinks that here the WP is deluded. These points are lacking in reality of understanding the Republican camp. The only one who could defect from the republicans are the Neocons, but Trump can give them something to chew on to keep them on his watch.

Trump camp is cleverer in the populist deviousness. It works. The truth always come second and on this, Hillary's handling of the truth is very very thin. Many of Sanders supporters are livid and won't let off. Some of them might actually vote for the Republicans as a) a protest vote and b) find that Trump and Sanders had more common grounds.

the neocpnkbs for clinton...


Perhaps the last place you’d expect to find John Stubbs or Ricardo Reyes, two former George W. Bush administration officials and ardent Republicans who retired from politics years ago, is at the Democratic National Convention in 2016.

And yet here they are, posted up in a rented house in downtown Philadelphia, tirelessly promoting their grassroots organization, R4C16, which they launched last month with a singular goal in mind: to get their fellow Republicans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November.

“If you’d told me five years ago this is where I’d be today…” said Reyes, breaking into a laugh. He glanced at across the kitchen table at Stubbs, who shrugged ruefully.

“Look, if the Republicans had nominated anyone else, we’d be voting for them,” Stubbs said.

In an interview Tuesday, both men appeared to struggle, almost physically, to describe their reasons for disliking Republican nominee Donald Trump, eventually arriving at a one-two punch. Trump, they said, is dangerous, not only to the free-market values of traditional Republicanism, but also to the security and integrity of the United States.

And the only reasonable alternative, they went on, is Hillary Clinton.

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Uncle Rupe will work during his holidays to make sure this does not happen... I believe he has a few more ammos in his media bag... We shall see.


Interestingly, Bill Kristol, this NEOCON par excellence and Uncle Rupe's protegé (See is batting against Trump, BECAUSE TRUMP DOES NOT WANT WAR. Here we could see this as a means to promote Trump in a devious anti-Trump campaign while the thrust of his boss (Rupert) is pooshing hard to get trump elected. I say pooshing because the actions here are quite bold but restrained yet.


asking the русские for help...


Republican Donald Trump has appealed to Russia to uncover and release thousands of emails Hillary Clinton did not hand over to United States officials who investigated her use of a private email system when she was secretary of state.

Key points:
  • Clinton camp says Trump encouraging foreign power to conduct espionage
  • Trump calls on Russia to find 30,000 missing Clinton emails
  • Mike Pence warns of consequences if Moscow behind hack

Mrs Clinton, a Democrat who faces Mr Trump in the November 8 White House election, responded with a campaign statement accusing him of posing a possible national security threat by urging Russia to commit espionage and influence the vote.

"Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Mr Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, told reporters.

Mrs Clinton has said the emails she did not turn over were private.

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Meanwhile Clinton's trade flip-flop:


One thing is for sure: as Kevin Kearns has pointed out, she seems never to have investigated the counterarguments to free-trade ideology. Kearns, who heads the U.S. Business and Industry Council, an association of domestic manufacturers, has noted:

"For all her alleged smarts and homework, nothing Hillary Clinton has said or done demonstrates that she understands that free-trade theory is based on a model with a highly flawed set of assumptions (full employment, no exchange rate cheating, no cross border investment flows, and so on). She seems unaware that in practice, not only does the theory not work as advertised, but that it inexorably undermines the U.S. industrial base, with all that that means for American jobs and wages."

Which is the real Clinton, the trade supporter or skeptic? Either way, the problem is that her trade record feeds one of the most damaging of the public’s negative perceptions of her: she is not trustworthy. Notwithstanding her claims to the contrary, she seems to have no enduring values and, lacking an eye on the long term, constantly allows short-term expedience to dictate her actions.


But feminism should be applauded. We had our own dose of bad will a few years ago. So congratulation to Ms Clinton for breaking the "glass ceiling"...

At the Republican Convention last week, attendees had the chance to wear their sexist derision for Hillary Clinton with pride. Just outside, hawkers sold T-shirts emblazoned with "Trump vs Tramp", bumper stickers proclaiming "Life's a bitch, don't vote for one," and the badges printed with "KFC Hillary Special: 2 fat thighs, 2 small breasts, one left wing".

If that last one sounds familiar, it should. Almost exactly the same "joke" was made at the expense of Australia's first female prime minister in a menu at a fundraiser for Liberal MP Mal Brough: "Julia Gillard Kentucky Fried Quail - Small Breasts, Huge Thighs & A Big Red Box".

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This is not on. 




the latest storm at the democratic convention...

In an exclusive interview with Mother Jones, Nina Turner, a prominent Bernie Sanders delegate and surrogate, explained why she was at the center of the latest storm at the Democratic convention.

For the past day, Sanders delegates have been complaining that Turner, a former Ohio state senator, was somehow dissed by the Hillary Clinton campaign. At first, the talk was that her credentials were revoked and that she was booted out of the proceedings. Throughout Wednesday, Sanders delegates trotted about Philadelphia holding "I'm with Nina" signs. It was unclear what had transpired. But many Sanders delegates cited this episode as yet another indication that the Democratic establishment was trying to smother the Sanders revolution.

At an early evening press conference at the Wells Fargo Center, champions of Turner gathered to express their support for her and display their anger with the Clinton campaign. This group included actors Danny Glover, Susan Sarandon, and Rosario Dawson. They repeatedly asserted that the Clinton camp had insulted Turner and that this was yet another slight of the entire Sanders movement. Once again, they declared, the Clinton crowd was dismissing the Sanders wing and not doing what they could to achieve unity. There was much anger and passion, as these Turner supporters pointed to the Turner business as symbolic of the Democratic elite's effort to stifle the progressives.

Reporters asked over and over for details of what had actually happened with Turner, and her high-profile allies declined to provide any specifics. They continued to assert that Turner was disrespected and that was a blow to all the Sanders delegates.

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doomed to repeat the 2016 defeat...

During bouts of gallows humor about our present political condition, it is often said that we are doomed to repeat the 2016 presidential election in perpetuity.

President Donald Trump will not stop attacking his vanquished general election foe more than a year after taking office. His supporters still chant “Lock her up!” Hillary Clinton continues to re-litigate the campaign, devoting an entire book to the subject, continually coming up with new excuses for her shocking loss—some worth rehashing, many more of them not.

For the Democrats, this problem is even worse. While Trump and Ted Cruz have for the most part buried the hatchet, the loyal opposition cannot even get beyond the Democratic primaries the party ostensibly rigged on Clinton’s behalf against septuagenarian socialist Bernie Sanders. This is a major reason the Democratic National Committee still cannot capitalize financially off of Trump’s dysfunction.

In fairness, this isn’t entirely the fault of the main combatants. Clinton and Sanders occasionally take shots at each other, directly or through proxies, but competitive Democratic primaries are lazily described as contests between Hillary-loving centrists and the ascendant “Bernie wing” no matter what is really going on.

Then came this week’s primary in the Texas Seventh Congressional District, which provided fresh evidence that the Democratic establishment genuinely cannot get out of its own way. Democrats are trying to unseat Congressman John Culberson, an incumbent Republican whose district voted for Clinton in 2016. They have a real chance of winning, but the primary ended up being so messy that the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee actually published opposition research against an insurgent liberal candidate.

That’s the prerogative of an organization that exists to get Democrats elected to Congress. But such interventions have to be undertaken carefully, or they may backfire.

The target of the DCCC’s ire was a progressive named Laura Moser, whose offenses include writing an article—for The Washingtonian, natch—in which she said she would “sooner have my teeth pulled out without anesthesia” than live in Texas.

“Democratic voters need to hear that Laura Moser is not going to change Washington,” the DCCC opposition memo retorted. “She is a Washington insider, who begrudgingly moved to Houston to run for Congress.”


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she walked on shit...

Actor Debra Messing has been slammed over reposting a tweet which boldly refers to Hillary Clinton as being a “modern-day Jesus” who was “betrayed and crucified” by Judas – also known as Bernie Sanders.

“Today @DebraMessing decided to share a tweet to her half-million followers accusing Bernie of being ‘Judas’ who ‘betrayed’ & ‘crucified’ the ‘modern-day Jesus’ (Hillary),” journalist Glenn Greenwald tweeted.

It came after Messing shared this tweet on her feed, which was originally written in April 2017 by the Twitter handle @MadamClinton.


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making both side nervous...

Is Bernie Sanders selling socialism? Or is he just making a clear case for a government that actually works for the people? A panel discussion with Norman Solomon and Kamau Franklin, with Jacqueline Luqman as host


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