Friday 10th of January 2025

arguments, agreements and conspiracies...



Disclaimer: The information presented has been furnished from sources we deem to be reliable. We have not verified whether or not the information is accurate and do not accept any responsibility to any person and do no more than pass it on. All interested parties should rely on their own enquiries in order to determine the accuracy of this information. To view our General Policy, please view on our Planet-is-Flat website. 


The opinions expressed in this site are those of the various authors and contributors and do not reflect those of the site, the site owners or hosting agencies.


These general comments coming from platforms that sell or support whatever should be viewed with wry suspicion. I know, even this site YD has one of those at the bottom, but this is only due to vulturistic lawyers being a rabid bunch of dualist duellists. 


I know a few lawyers and they could easily be on one side or the other depending on who places the gruel in their bowl. That is their training. The law is an arse, an ass and a bum. The more cash or standing you have can influence a judge's decision. If you are a poor bastard, jail is more likely for you. If you rob the planet of several trillion dollars, you get the keys to the bank. 


And there are giant manipulations of intent for political gain, for consumer leverage and bums on seat at the local church. Some pedlars of falsities are protected species. Someone like Mxxxxx Rxxxxxx should be imprisoned for promoting opinions that have no currency, except he has been elected to parliament. God, what did we do to deserve such an idiot becoming a lawmaker/vetoer in our learned society? 


Yes, god, I know. You are a moron because you created us in your image and we are a bunch of morons. 


At present, you can see that a "news" outlet like say Mother Jones is hell bent on supporting Hillary to the hilt. It is the voice for La Femme though it nearly got derailed by the Bernie experience. Democracy Now! is the news outlet for the little people, the decent people, the downtrodden whose voice is being crushed by the police, by the political machines and the other biased news services. I believe Democracy Now! supported Bernie, because he represented about 70 per cent of the people, but La femme democratic and her corporate cronies won the day by fiddling the books. So a "news" outlet like Mother Jones has become a "#NeverTrump" at all cost opinionated arena. Silly trenches have been dug deep. 


On the other side, Trump is still fumbling with his lunatic mediatic voice. he has demoted his campaign manager Paul Manaford — who was shown to have private "Russian connections" in Ukraine (While Obama has "Ukrainian connections in Ukraine" collected with YOUR public cash) — with Stephen Bannon of Breitbart. We have already mentioned Breitbart on this site as a very conservative voice in the USA, in step with the Murdoch media and, despite Trump shooting shrapnel in all directions, including in his own face, supports Trump all the way.


In Australia, we get an original TV popular show called "Gruen Transfer". It's about advertising and how it manipulates our arses — sorry our brains — to believe or even consider buying something useless that we don't need. The show should explain how advertising plays on all our buttons, from our compassion to our ego and our sociopathic desires, but the characters on the show seem to be enamoured with the methods of pushing our buttons, massaging our compassion, uplifting our ego and manipulating our sociopathic desires. The show is "guided" by a very clever comedic smartarse whose smile is getting crookier as he ages, crunched between two serial advertising execs, who by the end in each episodes have convinced the audience that advertising is not "that bad"... Todd Sampson, one of the two advertising exec is actually the Chairman of a big advertising agency, while the other, Russel Howcroft is the CEO of the "third" largest commercial TV outlet in Australia. They are not going to piss on their bread and butter. They will show you the tricks but you should still be amazed by the slay of hand. You swallow. 


In another show, "redesign my brain", Todd, becomes a guru of brain manipulation. Let it be known that Gus redesigned his own brain in the early 1960s. At the time, I did not have all the "expert" in various disciplines of brain manipulation at hand, not even the tested philosophers like Aristotle and Nietzsche who then all felt somewhat unsound and dogmatic. My aim was to reject societal dogmatic views for my own private dogmatic intuition and become flexibly adaptable. It was called survival. And my main set-back through my life has been I never trusted people in corporate positions and the feeling has been mutual, though my instant "creative" ability was somewhat lauded. 


Why I mention Todd is simple. On the latest Gruen show, he was wearing a smart-arse black T-shirt with TUCK FRUMP written in large white letters. Unnecessary. Todd always wears T-shirt with various symbols and words such, which show he is both a victim and pedlar of his own bullshit. Todd is clever and smart. But he is monkey smart. By this I mean he is always in the realm of monkey tricks that do not enter the complex dimensions of say, a climate change complexity as seen by proper scientists, while not trying to explore the flat-earth argument as a counterpoint. 


Here I would challenge the Gruen show to do a proper presentation of the climate change science without indulging the denialists. It's complex and demanding. But the flippant format of the "Gruen" might not be suitable. Nevertheless WE NEED clever people like Sampson and Howcroft to help the dissemination of the climate science into our general arsey minds. We need to push the knowledge and urge for a solution.

And here I would propose that Hillary is a sneak. She is a corporate lawyer. She is a corporate Democrat. Her views appear well set, but, as demonstrated by history, are very variable on which day she pins them like dirty laundry on a line. She appears to subscribe to the theory of global warming but her actions contradict. She wants peace but her actions contradict. She will give you a lolly should you support her without asking questions. On the other hand, Trump is frighteningly scatterbrains. At this stage, I would suggest against my own advice and my life-long experience of crap that he is still open to good ideas because he does not have any good ones. He could be prepared to redesign his arse (brain) like a chimp. Hillary is not. I am deluded of course.


Hillary went to the school of corporates and politics. Trump went to the school of street-fights and extortion. Both are wrong at this point in time for the future of this planet. But as I have mentioned before, the crooks, thugs, gangsters and liars ruling this planet won't accept the local florist as their leader.


In the late 1960s, the Western world discovered the techniques to inner peace through Indian gurus. I always stayed clear of gurus. I decided to become my own guru when I redesigned my brain, thank you very much and I will be bombastic at times, when times demand I'd be a cranky angry old kook. Most guru techniques were designed to release sexual tensions as well as feel Gaia, mother earth through our senses. Nothing new here. Other guru expanded techniques of brain relaxation have now been promoted to help corporate people be at ease with the sociopathic guilt of corporate ladder climbing — instead of helping hippies cultivate a bit of weed. 


I have used the guilt removal gum and the acceptance of responsibilities for a long time now. This is a simple but difficult step that opens the mind to learning new tricks in an ethical self-determination, while maintaining a flexibility of action and choice. It helps make choices that may not pay big cash, but make life extraordinarily fulfilling, above the crap of religious redemption and beyond having to sell wheezy vacuum cleaners. It has nothing to do with doing a magic trick faster and faster, because a magic trick is still a "magic" con trick, but in managing uncertainty to work for me as a reality.


It was using chaos before the Chaos Theory came along.


I am unfair on Todd. He might have a degree in nuclear physics for all I know. Russel on the other hand promotes advertising on TV as the ultimate form of advertising, since he's the CEO of a TV station in need of advertising to survive. He wont and can't tell you that advertising on TV is crap, even if your product is a want not a need... The only need here is to promote "consume" to make cash shift from one pocket to another. 


But all of the traditional platforms selling or promoting ideas and goods are going towards a lower level of reach, to their great chagrin. The new reaching platform is the little "smart" phone on which you become linked to "friends" that you collect like stamps. Here the program that controls you friendly addiction is also the platform to sell you the news and vacuum cleaners. The algorithms are targeted. The cookies control your life. They know your habits far more than you do yourself. And trivia is more important than knowledge. News is blancmanged, mulched, repackaged. Nothing new here, news has been similarly manipulated for yonks, but at least you had the illusion of choice of outlets. Now the outlet is limited to Google and Facebook... And both piss in each other's pockets. Gaming is the all important next exercise for your thumbs while you brain become as cleverly reactive as that of a chimp, while thinking you are the king of the castle. You are just becoming an atrophying idiot.


Welcome to the fast lane. Some people pray daily for Armageddon to come sooner than later, because they are sick and tired of this miscreant planetoid. I've got news for you. It won't happen. We're going to have to guide ourselves through the beauty of this place and find ways to be cleverer. 


It ain't going to happen with Trump nor Clinton. The chimps rule. And this is my useless opinion, based on the whiffy science of chaos probability.


Gus Leonisky

Your local average chimp


limiting the scope...

Reader James C. writes from Europe:

Can’t believe the media silence on this story. Look at the screenshot of CNN’s home page. Not a single mention of the flood anywhere. We’re it not for your blog, I wouldn’t have known about it.

read more:

The other worry is

Young people are turning to social media more than any other medium for their news, sending advertisers in search of new ways to reach audiences, research has revealed.

Key points:

  • 84 per cent of Australians have social media accounts
  • Television still ranked as the most preferred form of entertainment
  • Media and advertising researcher warns social media reviews for products and services can be unreliable

The data showed social media is well on its way to being the primary news source for most Australians, with the platform now beating traditional advertising methods as the most effective form of promoting a business or service.

According to the survey by professional services firm, Deloitte, over half of all respondents ranked "reviews from people within their social media circles" in their top three influencers for buying decisions.

"TV advertising has always been number two, behind word of mouth, and this year we have seen that change, and I think that is quite an interesting tipping point that has been reached," Deloitte survey author Nicola Alcorn said.

The Deloitte Media Consumer Survey, released on Monday, was based on the results of more than 2,000 Australians aged 14 to 69.

This year's survey highlighted the extraordinary influence of social media and found as many as 84 per cent of Australians were on a social network.

Nearly a third of people checked social media four or more times a day and advertisers are looking for those eyeballs, the survey said.

Fusion Strategy, a media company that researches the media and advertising industry, issued a warning to so-called "millennials", who turned to social media first for information on things such as hotel reviews.

"I just feel sorry for all the people who are following social media critiques because you could be a lunatic and write a critique," managing director Steve Allen said.

"You could have no experience with the product type and write a critique, and somebody is going to take action from it."

read more:,-deloitte-says/7721528


Disclaimer: The information presented in this FBI report has been furnished from sources we deem to be vaguely reliable. We have not verified whether or not the information is accurate and do not accept any responsibility to any person and do no more than pass it on. All interested parties should rely on their own enquiries in order to determine the accuracy of this information. To view our General Policy, please view on our Planet-is-Flat-on-Thursdays website. 

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The report contains a disclaimer and states it is being presented "as is," adding the DHS does not provide warranties of any kind about the information presented in it.

"It doesn’t claim that it’s accurate," Freeman stated. "It doesn’t mention WikiLeaks … not even once. In other words, the report does not allege that the Russians gave any Democratic Party or [Democratic National Committee chairman Leon] Podesta emails to WikiLeaks." Freeman also identified what he called "weasel words" in the report, by which he meant qualifying terms to cover the fact that the authors of the report knew they were making allegations that could not be supported by hard evidence or proof.

"The report starts with a disclaimer, and uses weasel words like ‘as is,’ and ‘does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information’." These are terms that someone who is selling something that is useless uses when he does not want to talk about the fact the blasted thing will not work. Such terms were commonly used in reports of dubious credibility to protect their authors from being sued in courts of law for intentional misrepresentation or willful concealment, Freeman explained.

The report fails to note National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblowers have said the NSA already possess full and decisive documentation that would clearly prove the embarrassing leaks alleged to have bene provided by the Russians really came from sources within the Democratic Party, Freeman added.

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rude to the bully...

A junior employee in the Australian prime minister’s office has been suspended over an “inappropriate” anti-Donald Trump social media post from the week before the US presidential election.

On Friday 2GB Radio revealed that an executive assistant of Drew Clarke, the prime minister’s chief of staff, had posted a photo of a T-shirt promoting the Tuck Frump anti-Trump website on her Facebook page.

The website says it was “created to give people a megaphone to voice their disgust with the racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-environmental and bullying stupidity of Donald Trump”.

read more:


Read from top...

top coat on shit…….


Superficial America 


If we were to try to identify one point in US history where superficiality took root in America, it might well be a speech by an American salesman named Elmer Wheeler who in 1937 coined the now-famous maxim of “Don’t sell the steak – sell the sizzle!”. For those who don’t know, the sizzle is the sound made by a steak when it is first tossed onto a hot barbeque. His idea had merit. Looking at a photo of a steak or listening to a radio commercial about steaks would be unlikely to generate much immediate purchasing response, but hearing that sound might well recall fond memories and persuade shoppers to head for the supermarket. His theory was that it isn’t the simple product that generates a purchase but rather our emotional response to some element of that product.

Of course, it was American Jews who more or less created marketing, and Bernays’ advertising wizards were not slow to adapt Wheeler’s advice to virtually every product in existence. But, as with most things American, they didn’t know when to quit, and carried the process far past the end. It soon occurred to American businessmen that if people were buying the sizzle there was no need to provide the steak. It may come as a surprise to many people, especially Americans, but it was American companies, not Chinese, that created fake products and flooded the nation and the world with them. Since customers wanted the ‘sizzle’ of leather in their cars and on their sofas, anything vaguely resembling leather would suffice. It was Americans who created fake leather, wood, metal, glass, fake wool and linen, fake virgin olive oil and, eventually, fake people. The list is almost endless. Any natural product that could possibly be counterfeited – but nevertheless sold as the real thing – was produced and sold.

And it was primarily the conflux of sizzle and credit that led companies and marketers to create the propaganda of the American Dream; not the dream where you succeed, but the dream where you have the appearance of success. After all, borrowing money to purchase a fake leather sofa to show off to your neighbors is almost as good as actually having the money in the bank to purchase the real thing. And this is what the marketers marketed. The focus on providing consumers with increasingly less steak and more sizzle, along with the fake materials purchased on credit, eventually resulted in what we call superficiality, a term that describes Americans as perfectly as any other.

It is interesting to watch the continuing development of this process today. It shouldn’t be necessary to point out that Starbucks offers some of the worst coffee on the planet, which is natural since it was designed to suit American tastes. But you may be surprised to learn that Starbucks is no longer selling coffee; they are now selling “experiences”. The marketers and advertisers, aided and abetted by the propagandists and their Freudian background, have concluded that there is an even better way to loot bank accounts than offering fake goods on credit. In their view, shops once sold commodities (coffee beans), then became ‘service firms’ (coffee shops) where the commodity was standardised and the distinguishing consumer attraction was the quality of service. Inherent in that shift was the degrading of the commodity – which was expensive – and replacing it with ‘service’ which cost nothing but an artificial smile. They have now moved to a new level where we sacrifice both the commodity and the service, and replace both with “an experience”.

The propagandists and marketers, the offspring of Lippman and Bernays, are spending enormous sums of money on psychologists and psychiatrists to fathom precisely what it is about going to a Starbucks or a Wal-Mart that can create a positive emotional response. Yes, I know. I almost choked writing that sentence, but these people are serious. They want to identify the stimulus and to then fabricate the circumstances in an attempt to provoke that response. If successful, the fake commodity and fake service can disappear to be replaced by a fake emotional experience that you will treasure and one day excitedly relate to your grandchildren. It is all a false reality created with contrived experiences that are not real, but Americans are already on international speaking tours proselytising the new marketing approach. And it’s all fake, in the same way that most of America is fake. In the US, marketing is built on lies just as is virtually all else in the nation. It is interesting to watch Americans promoting this new view; they are unable to recognise that any part of their new bible contrasts with reality, and react with offense when Europeans tell them “You Americans are all about image instead of reality. Everything about you is fake and superficial. You people are living in a cliché.”

It is true that sitting in a coffee shop in Vienna or at a sidewalk cafe in Rome can be a treasured experience, a result generated by dozens or perhaps even hundreds of charming small details that combine to create a genuine appreciation of one of life’s little pleasures. But these wonderful small experiences cannot be fabricated and still generate a pleasure of life, except perhaps for Americans who appear to have lost entirely the ability to distinguish the sizzle from the steak and to whom the only genuine reality is superficial. There is nothing inherently wrong with wanting one’s customers to have a good experience, but the American attitude toward creating these is not genuine or sincere; it is cheap, fake, and artificial, a psycho-induced emotional response to a fake reality. Instead of trying to understand how to give customers a real, genuine, pleasant experience as they would receive in Vienna or Rome, the Americans are spending millions trying to understand how to fabricate in their customers the artificial “feelings” of an experience without actually giving them anything. One needs to wonder what the hell Americans think about, what goes on in those minds. And again, if anybody needs an “experience” so badly they have to go to a Starbucks or a Wal-Mart to find it, what they really need is a life.

One of the most obvious sources of evidence of the ingrained superficiality that pervades America today is fruit and vegetable production. There are almost no fruits and few vegetables produced in the US today that have any taste, and there are almost no Americans who know what good fruit tastes like. The reason explains much about the American mentality. US growers wanted to eliminate the natural blemishes that occur on most fruits, so these were cross-bred through many generations to produce a cosmetically-perfect appearance. Next, sporadic and uneven ripening was inconvenient and expensive since pickers would have to return for many days over a month or more to pick all the fruit, so growers cross-bred the fruit to ripen as nearly as possible on the same day. Next, tenderness and delicacy were a problem because fruits are often damaged during packing and transportation, so the growers cross-bred the fruits for toughness and hardiness. It’s no secret they succeeded. You can take an apple in an American supermarket and throw it against a concrete wall, with the only damage being to the wall. Then, they wanted to standardise the sizes, so they cross-bred for size consistency, after which shelf life was a problem. Natural fruits will last at best only a few days before they begin to spoil, so growers cross-bred fruits that could be picked green and would last for months. Finally, they cross-bred for artificial color.

In all of this, the Americans were so interested in cosmetics and profit that they sacrificed the only important quality which was taste. The result is apples that taste like cardboard if they have any taste at all, and most don’t. We can buy American Granny Smith apples in supermarkets in Shanghai, with a taste somewhere between clay and tissue paper. Eating an American peach is like chewing on a piece of soft wood. American oranges from Florida are just a bitter, tasteless pulp, as are most strawberries. One American grower claimed that the entire fruit industry was about “decorating stores”, instead of providing delicious food. It’s all about appearance, marketing and corporate profit, an underlying philosophy that perfectly mirrors the superficial American attitude to most things, from automobiles to education. The American version of a peach is a pretty colored ball of dry cellulose that can be picked green and hard, thrown off rail cars and thrown onto trucks, transported for weeks and stored for months, then ripened artificially by exposure to methane gas. It’s the perfect American fruit; hard as a rock, indestructible, has a shelf life of 75 years more or less, and with its lack of taste perfectly reflected in its customers. If you see an American apple in a Chinese supermarket in May or June, that apple has been sitting somewhere for almost a year, and the fact that it hasn’t rotted does not mean it’s edible. All American fruit should be avoided, not only for tastelessness but for the chemicals and GM dangers.




Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).








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