Thursday 23rd of January 2025

gold for the pink bits of the empire...

british empire...

Generations of British school children knew it as the pink areas of the map, covering a quarter of the world’s land area, a vast dominion on which the sun perhaps only finally set when Hong Kong was handed to China in 1997.

For one Conservative MP however, the British empire appears to be no distant memory but a living reality that still even includes the Thirteen Colonies of what was to become the eastern states of the US.

“Now that’s what I call winning!!!” tweeted the MP for South Derbyshire, Heather Wheeler, on Monday evening, along with a map of former imperial territories and the words: “Empire Goes for Gold.”

The map, which appears to be the same as one used to illustrate the Wikipedia entry for the British empire and highlights not just the American colonies but also Ireland, Iraq and India, was graphically superimposed with Olympic medal tallies showing how the “empire” had thrashed not just the “rest of the world” but also the post-Brexit European Union.

Wheeler, a committed Brexiter who was appointed in July to serve in Theresa May’s new government as an assistant whip, appears to have been trying to link feelgood factor around Britain’s Olympic success to the UK’s looming exit from the EU.

She added in the same tweet: “Well done Team GB & all our Commonwealth friends, now for the Trade Agreements....”

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the final tally...


great great britain donkeys...

What is difficult to ascertain is whether Britain's decline is responsible for the decline in quality of its politicians or whether the decline in quality of its politicians is responsible for Britain's decline.

Whatever the answer to this conundrum, there is no doubting the fact that Britain has been for quite some time a country led by donkeys masquerading as lions.

Just consider the staggering incompetence of Theresa May's predecessor, David Cameron, in the way his government organized the referendum on Britain's membership of the EU.  

Firstly, there was no quadruple lock imposed — in other words the requirement that a majority of voters in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales needed to vote to exit in order for it to be accepted as legitimate, especially considering the enormity of the issue at stake. It now means that with a decisive majority of voters in Scotland voting to remain in the EU and consequently faced with the prospect of being forced out against their will and democratic choice, there is now the possibility of a second referendum on Scottish independence.


This Russian article of course is designed to hurt... And remembering that Scotland is free to have a referendum, in the same manner as Crimea was free to vote with an overwhelming majority to secede from Ukraine and Join Russia...


Crimean status referendum, 2014

Voting system Majority voting

Autonomous Republic of Crimea [a]

Join Russian Federation 96.77%    

Restore 1992 constitution 2.51%  

 Invalid votes 0.72%    

Voter turnout: 83.1%

whatever whatever...


Following her theft of the 'strong and stable' slogan from Mein Kampf, she gave her manifesto the suitably Mussolini-esque title of "Forward, together!" All that was missing was an accompanying picture of a valiant Aryan soldier, chest puffed out, hands on the drone control unit, ready for the next crusade. The strange thing is, though, the Tories would much rather not have a manifesto at all; they'd much prefer just a two line version reading "it's your patriotic duty to vote Tory. Now f*ck off and leave us alone."

The Tories' clear aim is a repeat of 1931. Held in the wake of a run on the pound and the near collapse of the banking system, this was the last time any party received a majority of votes in a general election, and it delivered 470 seats to the Tories. Labour was left with 52 (down from 287). One of the major factors behind this victory was a Labour party bitterly divided between its leadership and the vast majority of its MPs. In a mirror reversal of today's situation, Ramsey MacDonald - Prime Minister of a minority Labour administration elected in 1929 - had invited the Tories into government to implement a brutal austerity budget of wage and benefit cuts opposed by most of his own party. This was the most gratuitous self-destruction of the Labour party at the hands of its own right wing until - well until this June 8th I imagine.

The Tories, of course, massively capitalized on this disarray: their 1931 manifesto (comprised of a few skimpy paragraphs) wrote that: "to complete this work [of dealing with the economic emergency] it is imperative that the government should have a national mandate giving it freedom to use whatever means may be found necessary after careful examination to effect the end in view. It is necessary that in place of a small Parliamentary majority we should have a stable government with a large majority backed by the resolution of a great majority of the electors. The country must show in no uncertain matter that it will have nothing to do with a party whose program could only convert a situation grave already into one of chaos and catastrophe." The Tories would provide a "stable government," which Labour would threaten with its "chaos"; therefore it is in the national interest that the Tories get the biggest majority possible. Sound familiar?

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