Monday 10th of March 2025

grim news for penguins and the rest of the planet...


News from Cape Grim that CO2 levels are at the point of no return may have scientists concerned and writers penning dystopian "cli-fi" works but the Turnbull Government is sticking to its non-policies on climate. Dan Bloom reports.

THERE'S BEEN SOME rather grim news in the global media recently and it's coming from a scientific CO2 monitoring station in Tasmania, situated on Cape Grim.

But more on this later. First the good news, if it can be called that.

If there's one continent on Earth where the twin impacts of global warming and climate change are very much on the minds of the people who live there, it's Australia. It doesn't help that the Australian government is lagging behind on legislating progressive climate change policies. 

But there's something about living on a massive island nation so much of which is desert, which makes some poets and novelists think about climate change. And in recent years, a small army of "cli-fi" (climate change fiction) novelists have taken up the topic in a variety of ways, from Alice Robinson in Anchor Point to James Bradley in Clade.

A new cli-fi novel by Jane Abbott titled Watershed sheds some light, too, on what Australia's future might look like in the new few centuries, if not sooner.


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old toons...

Due to an annoying computer breakdown, I am forced to republish old toons instead of publishing new ones to bore you to death with...

Meanwhile, Turnshitt and his gang of idiots stick to an old script based on bible studies in which global warming is not mentioned except for those who eat chillies on pizzas:


And god said, in Vengusius 3:14: "And thee who don't believe in my vengeful chilly wrath, shall go to hell and be stoked in burning coals foerevereth"...




See also:

ah love...

In the Sunday Telegraph of September 4, 2016, Angela Mollard tells "Oh where can I find my own Jackman?" behind pay wall of course.

Here on the slippery slope of envy for a younger spunk, Angela tries to explain relationships — with a couple of jokes.

She writes:

For a couple of years now (as if a couple of years gave this timelapse an aura of wisdom, when philosophers have been at it for more than 4,000 years) I have been trying to figure out what makes a relationship work. (Here comes the first joke) Like Scott Morrison endeavouring to pinpoint the policy that will fix our deficit (fat chance) or scientists intent on unearthing that single irrefutable fact that proves climate change (hey, Angela, this simple irrefutable fact exists in front of your nose, but your turdy paper insists on its scribes not to see it), I figure there must be something — a mindset, a practice, a clue — that separates relationships that endure from those that fail...

Of course Angela is a young upstart who is paid good money to appear like a young upstart, possibly with a fake sense of curiosity... The evidence is there and at the end of her article she comes to terms with it:

Love, she says, I finally realise is not a secret, it's a choice. "I'm with you".

Of course this youthful discovery is not new and may have been plastered through many a western philosophy book that excluded the religious mantras that forced women to obey men...

Meanwhile her joke about global warming scientists shows she is no brainiac... nor very intelligent... but, still, she inflict her lack of knowledge added to that of the Sunday Telegraph policy of denialism on the public at large.

good news for penguins...

It's a historic achievement in the fight against global warming: Envoys from the nearly 200 nations signed up to the Montreal Protocol gathered at a high-level meeting in the Rwandan capital Kigali last week managed on Saturday (15.10.2016) to strike a crucial deal to phase out the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), which act as potent greenhouse gases.

This agreement was initially understood to prevent a 0.5 degree Celsius (0.9 degree Fahrenheit) increase in global warming by the end of the century.

Although the ban will help in the fight against climate change, uncertainty around HFCs' impacts has tempered this estimate.

"A very straightforward case would mean 0.25 or 0.3 degree of warming prevented," said Michiel Schaeffer, science director at Climate Analytics. However, this will not count against the 2 degree limit cited in the Paris Agreement.

What are HFCs?

HFCs are compounds consisting of hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon atoms, produced synthetically and used primarily for cooling.

HFCs are catastrophic for global warming.

Scientists later realized that HFCs - which don't harm the now-healing ozone layer - are thousands of times more potent at trapping heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, the most abundant greenhouse gas. [Gus note: WATER VAPOUR is the most abundant greenhouse gas but it occurs in "natural balanced variations", though CO2 increases its greenhouse potential]

US Secretary of State John Kerry, who attended last week's meeting in Rwanda, said recently that each year, HFCs currently emit as much pollution as 300 coal-fired power plants.

And what makes HFCs even more worrying is that they are increasing at a rate of 10 to 15 percent a year, according to Greenpeace, which it says makes them the fastest-growing greenhouse gas.

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