Monday 10th of March 2025

open all hours...

open al hours

In his glorification of Menzies, John Howard took us on a tour of a grocer shop, aka run by Ronnie Barker. Menzies was astute enough to know his limitations, during a time when shopkeepers were the soul of king and country, without much intellectual density. It went all down from there in the Liberal (conservative) party, apart from John Gorton who knew his socialism was going to get him in trouble in a party concentrating on selling noodles for glorious profit and voted himself out of being the shop-keeper.

After the adventures of Whitlam and Fraser, aka fiddledong and fiddledung, grocers took over the business of Australia once more. The shop under Labor was managed with a more realistic discount for the less fortunates, but after a few years of selling, Howard took over the merchandising of noodles in the same manner as Ronnie Barker locked the till with his elbow. 

Thereafter, when Howard got the boot, some equitable value was slowly coming back, until the "spiritual" grandson of Menzies, a little runt called my-memory-is-giving-me-the-shits Tony Something took over the shop as if the rotten eggs were a good sell.

As Bobby Hawkey said, the Menzies years were too long. 

see also:

education for the future...

On July 30, the Daily Telegraph had a slanted article about "Kids cop an eco-agenda" — Critics claim new school syllabus promotes activism over basics". How terrible to teach kids that we've stuffed up the planet and that they will be the clever ones to sort our crap out. Should they muck up, they will end up like sick extras in the movie Mad Max Fury Road...