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when the rot is in the merchandise...![]() Russian President Vladimir Putin has rejected allegations that Moscow is trying to meddle with the American presidential vote, saying that the US is no banana republic to allow such a thing. “Does anyone seriously think that Russia can somehow influence the choice of the American people?”Putin wondered during a meeting of the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi on Thursday. “Is America some sort of a banana republic?” he asked rhetorically. “America is a great state. Correct me, please, if I’m wrong.” Follow RT’s LIVE UPDATES on Putin taking part in Valdai club's final session The ‘Russian card’ was used during the American presidential campaign to distract the voters from the real problems currently faced by the US, including the enormous federal debt and police brutality, Putin suggested. “It is far better to distract people's attention to alleged Russian hackers, spies, agents of influence and so on and so forth,” Putin added. Russia and Putin have frequently been mentioned during the US presidential race. read more:
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russia is not going to attack anybody...
Putin also expressed regret that elections in the West have “stopped being an instrument of change.”
“It all comes down to scandals, digging up dirt and – I beg your pardon – discussing who has pinched whom, who is sleeping with whom. Well, this is totally out of line,” he said.
According to the Russian leader, the political agenda has become “vapid” in the West, while ordinary citizens’ trust for the ruling class is diminishing.
“Frankly, if we look at the programs of different candidates, we can get an impression that they are tailored to the same curves,” he said.
Putin also slammed US and EU attempts to portray Russia as an aggressive country and enemy of the West.
“Fictional, mythical dangers, like the alleged Russian military threat, are constantly being churned out. Indeed, it is a profitable thing. It allows them to expand their military budgets; to expand NATO; to bring the infrastructure of the bloc closer to the Russian border,” he said.
“Of course, it’s very nice, and sometimes profitable, to pose as the defenders of civilization… but the fact is that Russia is not going to attack anybody,” the Russian leader added.
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Russia is not going to attack anybody... except terrorists.
lying through the ventriloquist's dummies...
On November 30th, Buzzfeed bannered “Intel Officials Believe Russia Spreads Fake News”. Their ‘reporter’ (that is, stenographer of U.S. government propaganda) opened:
US intelligence officials believe Russia helped disseminate fake and propagandized news as part of a broader effort to influence and undermine the presidential election, two US intelligence sources told BuzzFeed News.
‘They’re doing this continuously, that’s a known fact,’ one US intelligence official said, requesting anonymity to discuss the sensitive national security issue.
‘This is beyond propaganda, that’s my understanding,’ the second US intelligence official said. The official said they believed those efforts likely included the dissemination of completely fake news stories…
One intelligence official said, ‘In the context, did Russia attempt to influence the US elections; the aperture is as wide as it can possibly be.'”
Then, there was this:
One of the intelligence officials who spoke to BuzzFeed News said the lack of clarity had proven to be a challenge in combating the propaganda efforts.
‘The real unanswered question is, why did they do it?’ the second US intelligence official said. ‘Is it because they love Donald Trump? Because they hated Hillary Clinton? Or just because they like undermining Western democracies?’
On this, the official said, there was no consensus.”
Even before the new U.S. President, Donald Trump, comes into office, the U.S. Establishment (of which buzzfeed is a Democratic Party mouthpiece) is trying to de-legitimize him, by alleging that he’s an ‘enemy’-agent, Vladimir Putin’s fool or worse.
This anti-Russian campaign continues the U.S. Establishment’s, and U.S. ‘news’media’s, war for Hillary Clinton (the U.S. aristocracy’s approved agent) and against Donald Trump, which propaganda-campaign during the Presidential contest was exemplified by such ‘news’-reporting as this, on 10 October 2016:
Insert Front Cover of Time Magazine with a picture of smiling Putin with a sticker "I have voted"...
Whatever the actual truth of this matter might be (and it’s certainly not what the U.S. ’news’ media are pumping): trusting the U.S. Government to be delivering that truth would be foolhardy, after, for example, George W. Bush and his Administration having lied this nation into invading Iraq in 2003 and the U.S. propaganda-media such as The New York Times and Washington Post having reported stenographically the Government’s lies and suppressed the contrary known truths — and the U.S. ‘intelligence’ agencies that had pumped the lies became blamed afterward for it all, as if they had originated the ‘errors’ — even the cover-ups were then lies, because the lies originated in the President of the United States and the U.S. ‘news’ media refused to publish the disproofs of them.
Only fools trust the U.S. Government and its ‘news’ media anymore. After all, how many of these ‘news’ media have reported the truth that the Obama Administration perpetrated in February 2014 a bloody coup (fronted by anti-corruption demonstrations) to overthrow the Moscow-friendly Ukrainian government headed by Viktor Yanukovych and replace it with a fascist and even nazi (or racist-fascist) government that blames Russians (instead of, like Hitler’s nazism) Jews (because the U.S. aristocracy hates Russians, not Jews), all in order for the U.S. to be able to place missiles in Ukraine on Russia’s very doorstep? And how many reported the ethnic-cleansing operation by that new U.S.-installed government, to exterminate the residents in the region of Ukraine that had voted 90% for Yanukovych— the Ukrainian President whom Obama had just ousted?
And the entire U.S. Government basis for sanctions against Russia is based upon Russia’s ‘conquest’ of Crimea, which occurred three weeks after Obama grabbed Ukraine and was anything but a ‘conquest’ though Obama called it that and his ’news’ media pumped the lie and ignored the fact that Crimea’s return to being again part of Russia was a direct response by Crimeans against Obama’s theft and replacement of the Ukrainian government that 75% of Crimeans had voted for.
Are the U.S. ‘news’ media and government any more trustworthy now than they were in 2002 — or in 2014?
Many of the U.S.-billionaire-owned and controlled ‘news’ media, both in the U.S. and associated aristocracies, have now officially formed a censorship-operation, called “First Draft News”, to systematize their filtering-out of facts (such as I have here linked to regarding Ukraine and Crimea) that they don’t want their respective publics to have access to.
This issue of press-control has nothing to do with the question of whether Trump was the better candidate (Americans preferred Bernie Sanders, whom the aristocracy blocked from winning the Democratic nomination), but everything to do with Trump’s inheriting a U.S. aristocracy — and its associated foreign aristocracies, and their respective press-operations — that’s hostile not only to him, but to Putin, and hoping to be able to oust both.
In an ‘oligarchy’ (more honestly called an “aristocracy” because it’s not found only in “banana republics”) such as the U.S. Government is, this institutionalized lying is the reality; and the historical background to it can be found here and here. I presented the post-1990 portion of it here. Back in 1992, the BBC did a documentary about the history of it between the end of World War II and the end of the Soviet Union, and that’s here.
On November 30th, Spencer Ackerman and Julian Borger, in Britain’s Guardian, headlined about this ongoing operation, now against Trump:
“US legislation proposes new committee to counteract Russian ‘covert influence’: Congress set to review bills to authorize intelligence body to oppose Russian interference and propaganda, which could be at odds with Trump administration.”
The big question now is whether Trump will do the bidding of the U.S. aristocracy, or whether he’ll actually go to war against them and bring crashing down the fascist operation that has controlled the U.S. Government since at least 1990 and which is commonly called “neoconservatism”. The signs on that are not yet clear. Here, from Michael Averko, is the best discussion I’ve found of an important part of that: Trump’s search for a suitable U.S. Secretary of State.
Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010, and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.See toon at top...obama is trying to look serious after too many jokes...
WASHINGTON — President Obama has ordered American intelligence agencies to produce a full report on Russian efforts to influence the 2016 presidential election, a move some of his aides said is aimed at presenting President-elect Donald J. Trump with definitive proof of Russia’s involvement.
Mr. Trump has suggested that American intelligence reports attributing the hacking attacks to Russia were driven by politics, not facts. “I don’t believe it,” he said in an interview with Time that was published this week. “I don’t believe they interfered.”
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see toon at top...
rotten democrat bananas...
“It is evident that the current ruling party, which is called ‘Democratic’, has blatantly forgotten the original definition of its name, taking into account the unscrupulous use of administrative resources and appeals to the Electoral College not to concede to the will of the voters’ decision,” Putin said.
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Award-winning journalist John Pilger says that Donald Trump’s election victory “could be seen from miles away,” and has blamed a union of political, financial and media figures for standing behind a “grotesque campaign” to elect the “corrupt” Hillary Clinton.TrendsUS Elections 2016
“The only people who are surprised are those who allowed it to happen – and I am speaking about the liberal class in the US,” Pilger told RT’s Afshin Rattansi during a lengthy interview on RT UK’s Going Underground.
“They told us that only the status quo – a corrupt, war-mongering candidates will be acceptable to the majority. We will have their hyperventilating, and their frustration, and their frenzied reaction for a long time. But, they’ve created Trump…”
a false letter...
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has thrown out viral media company BuzzFeed’s argument that their revelation of the infamous Fusion GPS Trump-Russia dossier was part of their “fair reporting privilege.” BuzzFeed has been slammed with a lawsuit as a result of some of the scandalous and unverified accusations contained in the dossier.
The 35-page dossier, compiled by opposition research firm Fusion GPS and former MI-6 agent Christopher Steele, was unveiled to the public by BuzzFeed in January. The dossier is stuffed with incendiary claims, but the one that got BuzzFeed and Steele in trouble was a claim that Russian billionaire Aleksej Gubarev acted as a Russian intelligence agent to hack into the computers of the US Democratic National Committee.
Gubarev, founder of domain hosting network Webzilla, is suing BuzzFeed for libel in a Florida court. He is also suing Steele for the same charge in London. BuzzFeed argued that they enjoyed "fair reporting privilege" to publish the report as it was part of an ongoing FBI investigation. Therefore, they say, they were not liable in Gubarev's libel suit because the dossier was posted under accepted journalism practices.
But the Justice Department pointed out that when BuzzFeed published the dossier back in January, they didn't invoke the FBI probe — and the dossier was compiled by an independent research firm, not a government agency. As such, it isn't "privileged" information and BuzzFeed is culpable for any wrongdoing the court finds was committed in the act of publishing.
"Although the Article states that BuzzFeed decided to publish the so-called Dossier to provide readers an opportunity to 'make up their own mind' about its explosive but unverified allegations, BuzzFeed now contends in its motion to compel that the Article is nothing more than a report on official government proceedings," the DOJ lawyers wrote.
"I feel somewhat vindicated," Val Gurvits, one of Gubarev's attorneys with the Boston Law Group, told The Washington Times. "We're not the only ones that see that BuzzFeed's attempts to defend its actions after the fact are really nothing more an afterthought to try to limit their liability."
"[BuzzFeed's] position seems to be, if the government happens to read something as part of doing its job, all of a sudden that becomes a government document that you can now publish it, which is an asinine position because if that was true, all I would have to do to ruin my neighbor's reputation is [write] a letter to the FBI accusing my neighbor of orchestrating 9/11, sending a copy to BuzzFeed, and then BuzzFeed would have the unfettered right to publish that false letter."
The story of the dossier is long and convoluted. It was originally funded by Republican donors who opposed then-candidate Donald Trump when he was attempting to secure the Republican presidential nomination. When it became evident that Trump was destined to be the nominee, the dossier's backers became the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton — hoping to find some evidence of criminal activity with which to discredit Trump.
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