Monday 10th of March 2025

ah pauline, stop bullshitting us about subjects you know nothing about...

pauline bullshitpauline bullshit

Head further north, to the 700-kilometre stretch of shallow-water reefs north of Port Douglas, and it is estimated 67 per cent of coral in this area has died since February.

Terry Hughes, director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies, said recent underwater surveys had confirmed that bleaching due to increased ocean temperatures in February and March was the worst on record, but that the rate of death had varied markedly.

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weather extremes...

Severe-to-extreme heatwave conditions are predicted to hit southern Queensland and northern New South Wales for three days from Friday, with temperatures forecast to crack 40 degrees Celsius in some parts.


Meanwhile some people are telling other bullshit...:

The Great Barrier Reef of Australia passed away in 2016 after a long illness. It was 25 million years old.

For most of its life, the reef was the world’s largest living structure, and the only one visible from space. It was 1,400 miles long, with 2,900 individual reefs and 1,050 islands. In total area, it was larger than the United Kingdom, and it contained more biodiversity than all of Europe combined. It harbored 1,625 species of fish, 3,000 species of mollusk, 450 species of coral, 220 species of birds, and 30 species of whales and dolphins. Among its many other achievements, the reef was home to one of the world’s largest populations of dugong and the largest breeding ground of green turtles.


No the Great Barrier Reef as it is today is only 10,000/12,000 years old

Remember we had an Ice Age that melted about 12000 years ago and sea level rose about 100 metres. The Reef as it could have been before, was further away from the present position and possibly not as "intensely diversified". As the sea water rose, it drowned mountain peaks and islands that become surrounded by atoll reefs, as they disappeared under the sea. The coral building upon itself kept pace with the rising sea. 

Today the increase of temperature and changes in the pH balance of the water is stressing the Reef. Some will survive, some won't. The case here is that as the reef dies in the northern parts it migrates south slowly. Within 30 years from now, the change due to global warming will be huge. And some more people like Pauline will be as ignorant as she is, enter parliament and tell more bullshit.


pox on the business council of australia...

Does the Business Council of Australia really believe that one of the most urgent priorities for governments should be slashing the ability of Australians to protect wildlife and nature in court? One can only assume so, because that is a proposition that the BCA wants the Council of Australian Governments to focus on in December.

In the BCA’s view, you should only be allowed to go to court to protect one of our natural wonders if you live on top of it or near it. The formal recommendation contained in the its report released last week is that standing for judicial review “should be limited to proponents and persons directly affected by a project”.

Bad luck if you live in Brisbane but care about the Great Barrier Reef. Get lost if you care about the central highlands forests but live in Melbourne. That is the BCA position.

The idea that only people who live near the reef or any of our other natural wonders should be allowed to protect them is nonsensical and undemocratic. All Australians should be able to have our day in court to protect our country’s natural places and wildlife. Our environment is part of our national heritage – it is our shared responsibility and belongs to us all. 

It is particularly perverse that at a time when our wildlife and wild places are under unprecedented threat that the Business Council of Australia wants to increase their vulnerability.

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pox on pauline...

The Great Barrier Reef will not survive coral bleaching if current sea temperature trends continue, according to a new report charting increases over the past three decades which blames manmade climate change for the problem.

The study found thermal stress to coral reef areas was three times more likely when its investigation finished in 2012 compared with when it began in 1985, forecasting “more frequent and more severe” bleaching through the middle of this century.

Led by researchers at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and published in Scientific Reports journal, the report projects that by 2050 more than 98% of coral reefs around the world will be afflicted by “bleaching-level thermal stress” each year.

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a gift to the fish n' free ship woman...

It was the One Nation snorkelling trip meant to prove that the coral bleaching of the Great Barrier Reef was nothing more than a "green lie".

Senators Pauline Hanson, Brian Burston and Malcolm Roberts chartered a commercial catamaran and a glass-bottom boat – with an entourage of at least 25 staffers and media in tow – to inspect a small patch of the reef last November.


Senator Hanson initially said there was no need to declare the cruise, contending it came in under the Senate's disclosure threshold of $300 and saying she would "make no apologies" for not listing it on her interests register.

But the One Nation leader did an abrupt about-face after Fairfax Media asked for a quote from Freedom Fast Cats for a similar private cruise package – and were told it would cost $4500. Even if responsibility for the trip was divided among the three offices, the value of the cruise would still be well over the disclosure threshold.

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reduced to a coral graveyard...

An unprecedented succession of coral bleaching events has left reefs around the world in a catatonic state. Almost half the Great Barrier Reef has been reduced to a coral graveyard, with coral cover at its lowest point since monitoring began.

Under the right conditions, corals can regroup with algae and regrow and this has occurred across many areas of the reef. But even for the fastest growing corals that can take a decade.

“The problem with a 10-year window that’s required for a decent recovery is that the chances of us having a fifth bleaching event in that time period is actually very high because of global warming,” said director of the ARC Centre for Excellence for Coral Studies at James Cook University, Terry Hughes.

“I dread to think that it might be as soon as next year.”

While he can’t predict when the next big bleach will happen, Professor Hughes is confident in saying the reef of the future will never look like the one of old.

The heat-susceptible corals are dying off in greater numbers than tougher corals that are harder to bleach and better equipped to recover.

The reef is transforming — but to what extent largely depends on how countries respond to climate change, according to Professor Hughes.

To get a better sense of what the reef will look like under various scenarios of global warming, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration science agency created these models.


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the sun and the moon shines out of her a...

Meantime, it takes a lot from Ms Hanson these days for one to be truly shocked, but her comments to Peta Credlin on Sky this week sheer took my breath away: “Climate change happens naturally through the sun and through the moon. It's just natural occurrences that have happened for centuries.” Ms Hanson I’d write you a long letter, explaining it all, but can’t find my crayons right now. You assure us that all of your supporters agree with you on this view. No doubt. But could it be, Ms Hanson, they are not the arbiters of what is happening? Perhaps talk to scientists, yes? Or from your own observations draw some conclusions as to the bleeding bloody obvious?


Read more of Fitzy:

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the nice pauline is confusing weather and climate...

One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has angrily rejected suggestions that climate change has contributed to the scale of Australia’s unprecedented bushfire season.

In an almost five-minute diatribe on Channel Nine Nine’s Today show on Monday, Ms Hanson said a build-up of fuel on the forest floor due to a lack of hazard reduction burns was to blame for the blazes that have devastated millions of hectares in southern Australia.

“It is a build-up of the fuel over a period of time – 30-plus years that it has come to this stage now,” she said.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Sunday announced the government would convene a royal commission into Australia’s devastating bushfires, which would look at the impact of climate change, the operational response at a state and local level and the role of the federal government.

Ms Hanson said the effects of climate change should play no part in the government’s proposed royal commission into the bushfire crisis.

“If you are going to have a royal commission into [bushfires], throw bloody climate change out of the window and let’s look at the pure facts of why we have had the bushfires,” the Queensland Senator said.

“How they were handled, what we can do better to stop it happening again – lowering the emissions as they are dead-set on doing,” she added.

“As far as predicting the climate change … they can’t even get my weather right and tell me if it’s going to rain,’ Ms Hanson said in an apparent reference to meteorologists, or perhaps climate scientists.


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DEAR PAULINE, Global warming and weather predictions ARE TWO VERY DIFFERENT ASPECT OF ATMOSPHERIC DISTURBANCES. Weather is hard to predict, global warming is a trend that can be calculated for the entry into the next century with astonishing bracketed accuracy...


Pauline, I am sure you can put your brain into gear to understand sciences should you be listening to the correct person — say Tim Flannery, for example... or read :


You are intelligent enough to understand the problem, without going on your high political horses...

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meanwhile, all at sea...


Hotter oceans lead to more severe storms and disrupt the water cycle, meaning more floods, droughts and wildfires, as well as an inexorable rise in sea level. Higher temperatures are also harming life in the seas, with the number of marine heatwaves increasing sharply.

The most common measure of global heating is the average surface air temperature, as this is where people live. But natural climate phenomena such as El Niño events mean this can be quite variable from year to year.

“The oceans are really what tells you how fast the Earth is warming,” said Prof John Abraham at the University of St Thomas, in Minnesota, US, and one of the team behind the new analysis. “Using the oceans, we see a continued, uninterrupted and accelerating warming rate of planet Earth. This is dire news.”

“We found that 2019 was not only the warmest year on record, it displayed the largest single-year increase of the entire decade, a sobering reminder that human-caused heating of our planet continues unabated,” said Prof Michael Mann, at Penn State University, US, and another team member.


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more aggressive measures to reduce emissions...


Paul Bassat, a prominent investor, founder of employment website SEEK and board director of the AFL and conglomerate Wesfarmers described the bushfire crisis this week as "our generation's Port Arthur moment", referring to the 1996 massacre which prompted the Howard government to tighten gun laws.

"The government and all Australians must take much more aggressive measures to reduce emissions," Mr Bassat told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age. "For those that are sceptical, the simple question I ask is: 'What if you are wrong? Are you prepared to gamble the planet on your non-scientific hunch?'"

The BCA has been contacted for comment.


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bleaching corals...

The Great Barrier Reef is facing one of the most widespread coral bleaching events on record, as water temperatures in the Coral Sea spike. 

Key Points:
  • A senior US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration scientist says the "vast majority of reefs along the GBR will have some bleaching by now"
  • The southern portion of the reef, which largely escaped bleaching events of 2016 and 2017, is unlikely to be spared this time
  • Reef expert Ove Hoegh-Guldberg stressed bleaching did not necessarily mean the coral had died, and in fact it may recover


"We've been at stressful sea surface temperature levels for some time," said Dr William Skirving, a senior scientist with the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration's Coral Reef Watch project.

"The vast majority of reefs along the GBR will have some bleaching by now," wrote Dr Skirving in a briefing note sent to top scientists on Wednesday.

He stressed that while the bleaching may have left a larger footprint than the record events of 2016 and 2017, the severity of bleaching was milder. However, forecasts indicated the bleaching would become more intense.


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pauline does satire...


Quite funny really. Pauline should give up her day job — of being a crummy politician — and become a stand up comic for the Antarctic Comedy Festival (the largest audience of penguins ever).