Sunday 9th of March 2025

on the path to penury .....

The Editor,
Sydney Morning Herald.                                                             August 25, 2006.

‘Our national politicians are underpaid’ says outgoing Reserve Bank Governor, Ian Macfarlane (‘Look Who's Not Getting Enough’, Herald, August 25).

The current edition of Webster’s Dictionary defines a politician as “a man of artifice or deep contrivance; one who adopts politics as a means to his own ends; an intriguer or schemer”.

For what it’s worth, this ungrateful, workchoiced, part-time wage slave thinks that Macfarlane & our self-interested politicians are already eating more than enough cake.

Wilting flowers?

For a long time now, I've looked at the picture above, with distracted wonderment, and I have this underlying strange feeling that, despite the Cheshire-cat-whose-bowl-is-full-o-cream smile, the man (whoever he is) in the picture seems a bit peeved he had not been asked for the square dance, so he could flatly refuse...

Yes, he appears to me as if he would decidedly remain the top beaming wallflower amongst the wilting others in the display, despite the oldish hairstyle that is so loved by US presidents and monks...

Just my impression. mind you...