Monday 10th of March 2025

kisses from the kremlin...

clothed of the peg...

US President-elect Donald Trump's transition team have released a letter that they say was sent to him by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"A very nice letter from Vladimir Putin; his thoughts are so correct," Mr Trump said about the note, which is dated 15 December 2016.

On Thursday the two leaders called for their respective nations to boost their nuclear arsenals.

Earlier, Mr Trump seemed to welcome the notion of a nuclear arms race.

"Let it be an arms race because we will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all," MSNBC journalist Mika Brzezinski says the President-elect told her in a statement over the phone, in response to a question about his tweet from the day earlier.

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a race to the bottom...

Trump on Nukes: ‘Let it be an arms race’Donald Trump spoke with Mika on the phone to clarify his stance on strengthening the United States’ nuclear arms program saying, “Let it be an arms race.”

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blame g w bush...

If Russia and the US are engaged in another nuclear arms race now, then it is the fault of George W. Bush, who started it by withdrawing from the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

LIVE UPDATES: Putin’s Q&A with media 2016

“The prerequisites for a new arms race were created after the US withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty. This is obvious,” he said on Friday during his annual Q&A session with the media.

Putin was referring to a key international agreement reached in 1972, under which the US and Soviet Union pledged not to undermine one another’s nuclear deterrent by developing the means to intercept each other’s intercontinental ballistic missiles.

President George W. Bush’s administration withdrew from the ABMT in 2002, resulting in its termination. Russia has responded by taking measures to ensure that America’s antimissile shield won’t work well against Russian ICBMs, Putin explained.

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the liberal delusion...

Johnathan Freedland is at it again... More or less praising the "liberal" hearbleed (not those CONservatives in Australia though they are part and parcel of the deception) for helping orphan kiddies — AFTER THE LIBERAL ideal and cash were paid to INFLICT "FREEDOM" for terrorists to thrive. This guy has no shame... or he does not understand the cause of our need to become generous — which was OUR BAD DEEDS OF SUPPORTING BAD PEOPLE in the first place.

Here goes Jonathan with his bleeding heart in his hand:

After this year, especially, I think the word should be worn with pride. If liberal means wanting to help children fleeing a dictator’s barrel-bombs, then call me a liberal. If liberal means believing that the peoples of a continent that for centuries was torn apart by war and bloodshed have found a new, peaceful mechanism for resolving their differences, and that Britain should play its part in that, then call me a liberal.

If liberal means holding true to the values of the Enlightenment, including a belief in facts and evidence and reason, then call me a liberal. And if liberal means cherishing the norms and institutions that protect and sustain democracy, from a free press to an independent judiciary, then call me a liberal. For those values are under assault just now, in a way few of us ever imagined.

So when it comes to “liberal”, we have nothing to apologise for. Sure, the remainers’ most public faces could fairly be described as both “metropolitan” and “elite” – columnists for London-based newspapers among them. But the same is self-evidently true of the other side, too. Michael Gove and Boris Johnson are not exactly members of the lumpen proletariat, are they? There is no definition of elite or metropolitan that does not include those two.

Don't bother read more — his views are dishonest:

News flash: The Western press was never free of propaganda and this has been fully exposed to full light when the darling of the press got her butt kicked by the college of electors. That's democracy US style, it has always been such, including for Al Gore. So the (liberal) press — except the Murdoch press that worked behind the scene to get Trump across the line — has been blaming the Russian "interference" rather than consider that the woman was tainted and played the wrong campaign...

And the values of enlightenment do not include selling weapons to the Saudis so they can beat the crap out of Houthis in Yemen, nor of supporting "rebels" (terrorists) in Syria. Nor is enlightenment the destruction of Libya to get rid of a "dictator" who had done reasonably well for that country. Fifty per cent of refugees, including the many who died at sea, CAME FROM THAT COUNTRY BECAUSE WE BOMBED THE LIBERAL SHIT OUT OF IT. Moron liberal... These are the facts.

boasts from both sides of the atlantic...

Hence Trump’s frequent verbal atrocities. They are all boasts and, like all boasts, they spring from an aching wish. My own guess is that Theresa, having sussed in advance that her interlocutor is a blithering saddo, will put him at his ease with an extravagant compliment about his non-existent personal magnetism. “That thing on your head is divine,” she will be already saying during the soup course. “So elegant, yet so masculine. How do you keep it in place? Surely only the strongest industrial adhesive can contain something so powerfully virile?” By that time, she will be breathing in his ear and he eating out of her hand. Cue violins.

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Well Clive James is doing his best to understand the situation and imagine Trump and May having haggish by the fireplace. Sadly, Trump and May are complementary like Laurel and Hardy. Both get their licks from religiousness, she with an ardent bigoted belief, him with a devious salesmanship for votes... And Trump could asked the same question about May's hair. Did she get inspired by Margaret Thatcher or by the local blue-rince mob? Either way none of this will matter — May is no challenge to his own wife. A bit like the royals who are slowly fading into the night with Charlie warning that populism is a disturbing echo of the 1930s... What a priviledge dork.