Saturday 11th of January 2025

the caddy...


He is the new US president. She has been the British prime minister for six months. On Friday they will meet in Washington, making her the first foreign leader to visit President Donald Trump, exactly a week after his inauguration.

They will talk about a post-Brexit trade deal, Nato and immigration, but when Andrew Marr asked Theresa May on television last weekend if she felt torn between the wish for “a good deal” and the urge to speak truth to power about women’s rights, she replied that while she disapproves of some of Trump’s comments, for now her priority is to identify common ground, and prove herself: “I think the biggest statement that can be made about the role of women is that I will be there as the female prime minister of the UK talking to him about the interests we share.”

Organisers of last Saturday’s Women’s March in the UK want marchers to write to May asking her to reaffirm the UK’s commitment to human rights. Those who marched were motivated in part by their anger that the new US president was filmed in 2005 boasting that his fame meant he could grab women by their genitals. Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct by at least 24 women. So what should British women, and others who care about women’s rights, think or feel about May, our second female prime minister, being the first leader to congratulate him in person, in the White House?

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the wall

US President Donald Trump has signed directives to build a wall along the country's border with Mexico and crack down on cities that shield illegal immigrants, proceeding quickly on sweeping and divisive plans to curb immigration and boost national security.

Key points:
  • Mr Trump signed executive orders on border security, including his planned Mexico border wall
  • He says Mexico will pay '100 per cent' of the costs associated with the wall
  • The administration will crack down on 'sanctuary cities' that harbour illegal immigrants

The Republican President is also expected to take steps in the coming days to limit legal immigration.

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The white racist gun-toting Christians will be in raptures...

the next golf war...

All US presidents are supposed to love golf, and Donald Trump has famously opened a course in Scotland, the land of his forebears – high-handedly dismissing the concerns of local residents.

But sadly this looks as it will be yet another point of Trumpian dispute with China, which is cracking down on golf. The ruling Communist party has closed down 111 Chinese courses, on the grounds that they are a massive waste of land and water, an echo of Mao Zedong’s disparaging view that golf is a “sport for millionaires”. Perhaps the one person who kept the idea of golf acceptable to the non-golf classes is John Updike, with his ecstatic golf-related prose.

Maybe Mao and Trump would have admired Updike’s concept of a golfer’s modesty: “Few sights are more odious on the golf course than a sauntering, beered-up foursome obviously having a good time. Some golfers, we are told, enjoy the landscape; but properly the landscape shrivels and compresses into the grim, surrealistically vivid patch of grass directly under the golfer’s eyes as he morosely walks toward where he thinks his ball might be. We should be conscious of no more grass, the old Scots adage goes, than will cover our own graves.”

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The man in the street sees the future: Trump and Putin make peace and bed each other against the Chinese. Europe can sell its excess beetroots to Moscow but the US grows its own sugar beets, the dry leaf of which is customary smoked in school toilets. More golf courses will be built around the world in order to improve the look of the natural environment — which to say the least presenly look like Trump's wild untidy hair when he gets out of bed around 10 AM (unless he uses a hair net like all good narcissistic males) since he had been a-tweeting all night about one voter's fraud and trying to find a willing contractor for his big wall that could be seen from space. Global warming of course is a hoax depite the temperature reaching more records daily. 

Meanwhile Christo, the wrap artist, decides not to wrap up the Colorado river anymore in a protest against Trump — the new landlord. Ah, the artistic temperament, the plastic sheets and the tempera ! May be Christo should wrap up the new President's hair in a excessive fit that would please the environmentalist rather than his present now abandoned project.

more than 19 holes at don's mar-a-largo...

Investigators with ProPublica and Gizmodo have prodded and tested the cyber-security of various Trump-associated locations, including his Mar-a-Lago Florida resort. The results were not good – unless, of course, you’re a hacker.

"Our inspections found weak and open Wi-Fi networks, wireless printers without passwords, servers with outdated and vulnerable software, and unencrypted login pages to back-end databases containing sensitive information," wrote the investigative team.

In the case of Mar-a-Lago, a location so dear to President Donald Trump that he calls it his "second White House," the team didn't even need to enter the grounds. They parked a boat 800 feet away and pointed an antenna at the club, and found that it would have been child's play to slip past the feeble electronic defenses of the president's home away from home.


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