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not the nuz...ANY INQUIRY into fake news is much like having a royal commission into the make up and motivation for halal food. (The latter absurd proposition has been put forth by a few Australian politicians irritated by the Islamist bogeyman.) Neither mission is particularly helpful, other than to illustrate a mounting ignorance about a phenomenon that always was. In the United Kingdom, the Culture, Media and Sports Committee has made an announcement that it will investigate claims about the public being persuaded by untruths and the dazzling influence of propaganda. Invited submissions are to consider, among others, such questions as to what fake news is and where “... biased but legitimate commentary shade into propaganda and lies ... [and the impact of such news on] ... public understanding of the world, and also on the public response to traditional journalism." In the hyperbolic words of committee chairman Damian Collins MP, the rise of such fabrications constituted “... a threat to democracy and undermines the confidence in the media in general." The point is almost prosaic, given that Britain has been labouring under such fabrications and propaganda a good deal since the seedy reign of tycoon Rupert Murdoch commenced. A society that actually reads The Sun for factual enlightenment is bound to be a victim of the now touted propaganda that is supposedly afflicting the public. It is astonishing that the only reason that “fake news” has renewed currency is because of recent flavourings emanating from the Alt-Right, or from the Kremlin. In truth, the condition is a pre-existing one in the Fourth Estate. Fake news is standard: cereal, wheat and bran, the fibre of the information world. It has been the foodstuff of media for decades, if not centuries. What matters now is the outrage felt by those in news outlets who believe that a tinge of objectivity still remains in the process of news production. It ignores that news that is often not authentic has always been the mainstay of journalism — a case of unchecked sources, careless investigation or, in some cases, pure invention. Much journalism, for all its purported merits, supplies an illusion of objectivity. Government spin doctors have capitalised on – and some, such as former Prime Minister Tony Blair’s terrier-like Alastair Campbell, were formerly of – the press. Campbell, as director of communications and strategy, knew exactly how information might gestate and, in time, mutate into “news”. If one was to be rude about it, calculated dissimulation would be far more appropriate. Consider the way a person is interviewed on the arrival of a press crew. The subject interviewed is placed in an artificial setting pretending to read papers he has never touched, nor is interested in. The camera is trained in such a manner so as to suggest an open office space with light, when the office is essentially a closet space with a dying plant in the corner. The fake walk is staged, as is the fake reading with shuffling paper. read more:
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we've been on the case for a long time...
Gus himself has been aware of fake "nuz" since the early 1950s when he did his first cartoons. And let's not mention religious beliefs which are totally based on fake nuz and forgeries.
more fake items...
A gut-wrenching tale was shared by a Michigan man named Mike Hager, who asserted that he and his family had been stopped when returning from Iraq to his home state, after the order was put into action. He told his story to Fox 2, who reported that while Hager was cleared, the rest of his family, including his ill and elderly mother, was not. He went on to say that his mother died, while being denied entry into the US where she could receive medical treatment.
His mother actually had died five days before the order was signed.
"That's true. The 22nd of January, his mom died," Imam Husham Al-Hussainy, leader of the Karbalaa Islamic Educational Center in Dearborn, told Fox 2 News. "She did die but that was a couple weeks ago — before the ban."
The imam told the station that Hager had contacted him January 19, one day before Trump took office, and told him that his mother was gravely ill. He notified the imam that he was flying to Iraq to be by her side.
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alternative facts...
In restoring our common fact base, legacy media organisations (newspapers, television networks, book publishers) have a crucial role to play. Venerable journalistic institutions have extraordinary reporting, research and marketing resources at their disposal, and must redouble their efforts to remain trusted public mediators of what is true. Given the ideological polarisation of the media and filter bubbles on social media, this is a tall order.
Fake news sites seemingly evolve overnight. Many have the same layout style as legitimate newspaper websites, but lead with alarming headlines that bait readers to click and immediately share. Even if they don’t recognise the source by name, the visuals can look legitimate enough for a casual reader not to notice.
In this messy age, we need new tools to distinguish truth from falsehood across the digital sprawl. Many social and digital platforms are trying to address the problem by creating algorithms that can identify fake sources, but what’s missing from this solution is the human element.
Everyone can agree that social platforms need to do something when falsehoods are being shared millions of times, but none of us is comfortable with the social media giants deciding what’s valid or not. It’s impossible to automate fully the process of separating truth from falsehood, and it’s dubious to cede such control to for-profit media giants. What’s needed is human solutions that rely not just on third-party fact-checking bots but on the power of collaboration. We need people from across the political spectrum to help identify bogus websites and point out fake news. New systems must be developed to empower individuals and communities – whether as volunteers, paid staff or both.
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This is written by Jimmy Wales — a co-founder of Wikipedia. Of all the people he should know about fake news. Some journalists do no trust Wikipedia, despite its great care about presenting facts. Facts are not isolated in time nor space and energy. Most democratic political "facts" are subject to history, ideological, religious and psychological manipulation — including lies. Many false facts have a bit of truth in them.
The typical false fact during the last 2016 presidential election was Pizzagate. Ninety-nine percent of the people would have been able to see this as a bit of crap.
The typical false fact at the beginning of this century was the "Saddam has weapons of mass destruction". Most news outlet bought the scam. It was a hoax, a scam, a full blown deception created by the US administration to serve its purpose of war. To this day, ninety nine per cent of "legit" news outlet still promote the concept that the "intelligence" was defective. CRAP. It was a deliberate false news item. Bush, Blair and Howard should be facing criminal charges for having done an illegal war.
Do you think that the Murdoch press is telling the "truth"? No. Do you think that the Soros media is telling the "truth" No. Both are selling facts from ideologically "loded" (loaded) factors. Do you think that Sputnik and RT are telling the truth? No. But they have a reasonable gripe at being thrown out of the loop in the game of interpretation of facts.
Our media lies. It has done so, way before Constantine and the Catholic Church got in bed together. Most Greek "historians" were telling porkies or interpretation of facts to support their masters.
So Please Jimmy, don't enter the fray of facts and alternative facts. Just make sure Wikipedia is on top. discreetly.
Wikileaks is chastised for releasing raw facts... We should be grateful for this, even if the ensuing interpretations are wonky.
I think it's time for Uncle Gus to finish his book "The Age of Deceit". I am on to it pronto.
fake news from CNN...
Conservative provocateur
James O’Keefe said Tuesday that he plans to release “hundreds of hours of tape” he said would expose CNN.
Speaking with Fox News host Sean Hannity in a radio interview on Tuesday, O’Keefe said he had accrued the unaired footage inside CNN’s newsrooms from employees, according to reports from the network itself and The Huffington Post.
He also alluded to releasing the obtained footage “WikiLeaks-style,” or in systematic batches.
Some of the footage is scheduled to be released on Thursday afternoon, O’Keefe said. He said it centres on “one corporation, multiple newsrooms.”
O’Keefe’s planned exposé follows a tenuous month during which President Donald Trump, his staff, and allies have devoted much airtime in criticising and labelling CNN as “fake news.”
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Is there any media reporter who acts so much like his own employer’s PR department as CNN’s Brian Stelter?
Well, WaPo‘s Erik Wemple, maybe. Even when he’s criticizing his pub (wink! wink!), he remembers to call it “otherwise spectacular.”
But for today, the award goes to Stelter, who slung mud at undercover self-described “guerrilla journalist” James O’Keefe, who plans to release 100 hours of raw CNN audio on Thursday at 10 a.m.
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the lies of the MSM (main shit media)...
21 JAN 2019 AT 16:42
The scandal of skewed reporting
Reporting that an SAS operative stormed a Kenyan hotel "single-handedly" is not only a lie, it is also highly disrespectful to the Kenyan authorities.
There is no doubt that the SAS trooper who was present at the recent stand-off in a Kenyan Hotel, when terrorists stormed the building and took hostages, made a heroic contribution to saving lives. That much is true. But to say he performed his act single-handedly, as some do, is an insult to the many Kenyan servicemen and women who launched an immediate and coordinated response combining special forces, police and military units.
Such reporting, presenting skewed versions of events, is becoming a mainstay in the British media, a media which pats itself on the back for telling the truth when in fact what many outlets do, is sell lies. Remember the stories about Gaddafi bombing his own people in Tripoli? Remember the look on their faces when Saif al-Islam al-Gaddafi took them to the places where they said the bombs had fallen, revealing that the entire story was a fabrication?
Remember the pictures of Greek banks which they said were failed Russian ones, remember the "mass demonstrations" against Putin which were in fact protests against the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991, a decade before he came to power? Remember the pictures of civilians murdered by "Assad" which were copied and pasted from the Iraqi front two decades earlier?
And it is not only the British media selling lies. Remember the sexed-up report on Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction, which turned out to be a doctoral thesis copied and pasted from the Net written a decade earlier, justifying an illegal attack against a sovereign nation in which war crimes were committed? Remember the biased reporting against the Serbian authorities, attacked by the Albanian terrorist KLA which the west supported? And where once has the western media stated that in Libya, western powers were supporting terrorist groups on their own lists of illegal organizations?
And now Brexit, with the monstrous lies about 50 million pounds a day or 350 million pounds per week available for the National Health Service? What complete and utter nonsense.
So no wonder the social media has now taken over as the leader of truth-telling, no wonder people learn more from the comments section under the articles than the articles themselves, no wonder that the mass media has started a campaign to fight against what it calls "fake news". No wonder that social media sites are starting to censor what people are writing and ban them for daring to tell the truth about Syria and the Ukraine for instance.
People are banned from social media outlets because they point out that the Ukrainian authorities are attacking their own population, that the South-Eastern Ukrainians had to take up arms to defend themselves, that they were massacred in attacks carried out by Fascists backing Kiev. People are banned because they out the fact that western countries have been supporting terrorists in Syria, a sovereign nation, and because they point out that Russia is defending the Syrian people against this scourge.
The reaction? To boycott newspapers and sites which tell the truth, brand them as fake newsmongers, and to send virus warnings to those trying to log on. In doing so, they are losing the media war and admitting their own defeat.
In the same discussion comes the question of responsibility to tell the truth but also to show restraint in identifying people without permission, or posting videos of them without their permission. In this, comes the responsibility of the social media as well as the mass media and while it is wrong to say the SAS trooper acted single-handedly, it is also wrong to post his face online so that he can be easily identified and thus endangering his life. And in this discussion comes material available to all on video sites, in which the subject of the footage is shown, again without permission.
It is the duty of a journalist to tell the truth and to listen and read more than (s)he speaks or writes until (s)he is aware that what is being divulged is the real story and not some fabrication to smear a person or a country to garner support for a policy.
By Domenichino - [1], Public Domain,
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey
Twitter: @TimothyBHinchey
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