Tuesday 11th of March 2025

Mr Fraudband (sung to the tune of Mr Sandman)

Mr Fraudband

Mr Fraudband you’ve screwed our dream

Made the biggest mess that we’ve ever seen

You lied with Abbott to get elected

Made sure that Murdochs pay TV was protected


Fraud man you’re Abbott’s clone

Don’t have a vision to call your own

What you’ve done is quite obscene

Mr Fraudband you’ve screwed our dream


Mr Fraudband you’ve screwed our dream

Made the biggest mess that we’ve ever seen

We wanted fibre right into the home

We’ve got a nightmare from the twilight zone


Mr Fraudband now you’re in charge

You’ll screw your party and the country at large

You only care about the top end of town

You are no better than the clown you took down


Mr. Fraudband you’ve been exposed

A snake oil man with political prose

Your lying makes me want to scream

Mr Fraudband screwed us (it’s so exciting)

Mr Fraudband screwed up our dream.


By Graeme Henchel