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alternative western press sees red...This week, Navalny called for mass protests to take place on the June 12th public holiday, which celebrates modern Russia’s break with Soviet Communism in 1991. He applied for, and was granted, a permit to hold a rally on Moscow’s Sakharova Avenue, a roughly one-mile long thoroughfare which runs from near the Kazanskiy train station to the famous Boulevard Ring. Meanwhile, his regional followers organized similar gatherings across Russia, from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, which attracted varying degrees of support. ... However, in Moscow things were different. Because on Saturday night, Navalny made an unexpected move. Citing problems with renting stage equipment, he cancelled his Sakharova gathering and switched the event to Tverskaya, arguably the metropolis’ main street. But the problem with this move was that a war reenactment festival, known as Vremena i Epokhi (Times and Epochs), had already been organized for this area long beforehand, with a couple of hundred thousand visitors expected. ... As it happened, the protest turned out to be a pretty damp squib, attracting around 5,000 devotees, who mainly served to annoy the estimated 250,000 folks there for the military reenactments. Navalny himself was detained before he even arrived and charged with promoting an unauthorized rally and disobeying police. And it appears he didn’t miss very much. To be is to be perceivedBut you wouldn’t know that by reading western media reports from Moscow on Sunday, as the local hack pack went into overdrive in their latest attempt to weave a silk purse from a sow’s ear. The usual distortion of Navalny’s background was on display, with little or no mention of his right-wing nationalist beliefs. For example, you won’t have read about him equating Muslim migrants to cockroaches or promoting the concept of “Russia for the Russians.” Instead, we have the spectacle of journalists portraying a figure who is far more extreme than Marine Le Pen, Steve Bannon or Nigel Farage as a “liberal.” And doing so in the same outlets that detest that trio. Yet another example of crap, misinformed Russia analysis on Twitter. These were actually erected for a WW1 re-enactment "Времена и эпохи" — Bryan MacDonald (@27khv) June 12, 2017Almost every correspondent refused to tell followers how the event was “unsanctioned” and “illegal,” instead preferring to act as cheerleaders. Some examples included hacks from Foreign Policy, the Guardian, BBC and the Moscow Times. Meanwhile, Associated Press, the Washington Post, ABC and Fox all managed to omit any mention of the history festival in their reaction to the change of location. And then there was CNN, always good for a laugh on this beat, breathlessly telling its viewers that hundreds of thousands of demonstrators could be mobilized. When in reality it was around 5,000 in Moscow. And even nationwide, in this vast country, Navalny’s efforts appeared to be in the low five figures. Which tallies with the support levels of around two percent reported by independent opinion pollsters like the Levada Centre. Aleksey Navalny has very little public support in Russia. But western reporters in Moscow are hoodwinking their readers, viewers and listeners into believing he is far important than he actually is. It’s just further evidence of the extremely low quality of journalism on this beat. A situation which seems to get worse, not better as time goes by. read more:
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meanwhile in sweden...
In 2015, the Swedish police released a report describing 53 districts throughout the country as “vulnerable," and 15 listed as “especially vulnerable." Vulnerable areas are described as having high rates of crime and poverty where police face unique challenges and have to adapt their approach. These neighborhoods may also host violent religious extremism, and locals don’t report crime to police for fear of retribution.
The new report, which has not yet been made public but was seen by journalists from the newspaper DN, adds eight more areas to the list, raising the number to 23.
These new areas are in the cities of Boras, Gothenburg, Landskrona, Malmö, Uppsala and in the capital, Stockholm.
According to Linda Staaf, head of the national police NOA's intelligence department, these areas should have been classified as “especially vulnerable” earlier, but there was not enough information on them available.
“In comparison to the last report we now have more knowledge and a better picture,” she told DN.
Police have asked for more resources in dealing with these troubled neighborhoods.
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they ignore us...
As a seriously satirical and annoying website exposing the truth, this site,, does not appear or any list of anything. We are in the wilderness by our lonesome-self despite having collected more than 140,000 readers so far. But is it enough and do we care? Two metaphysical questions that don't really need an answer. Pure existentialism does not need self-explanations. Meanwhile we will carry being a nonsense of truth in the landscape of porkies, manipulations and of silly government.
But, should you have powers beyond the pedia of existence, you could add us to the list below, or may be not (some of the company they keep is embarassing) :
List of satirists and satires
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. (November 2008) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)
Below is an incomplete list of writers, cartoonists and others known for their involvement in satire – humorous social criticism. They are grouped by era and listed by year of birth. Also included is a list of modern satires.
1 Early satirical authors
2 Medieval, Early Modern and 18th Century satirists
3 Modern satirists (born 1800–1900)
4 Modern satirists (born 1900–1930)
5 Contemporary satirists (born 1930–1960)
6 Contemporary satirists (born 1960–present)
7 Notable satires in contemporary popular culture
7.1 Print
7.2 Television and radio
7.3 Music
7.4 Film
7.5 Video games
7.6 Internet
8 References
Anyway, here a picture from The New Yorker, circa 1969, to remind you that we haven't invented anything...:
the fake western news about real russian views...
Traditional news organizations have increased fact-checking, too, with projects such as Le Monde’s Decodex in France and BBC’s RealityCheck. And they have developed tools readers can use to identify what they call “fake news” outlets.
A good-spirited competition has broken out between government, researchers and investigative journalists to be the first to reveal the latest Russian attempt to pollute the legitimate news ecosystem, said Inga Springe, director of the Baltic center for investigative journalism, Re:Baltica.
In April, her website published an article under the headline “Three Baltic Russian-language news sites known collectively as Baltnews are secretly linked to the Kremlin’s global propaganda network.” Using a clue originally unearthed by the Estonian security service, Re:Baltica painstakingly traced the websites’ ownership from Latvia to the Netherlands and then to Rossiya Segodnya, a news agency owned and operated by the Russian government.
“It was our biggest scoop,” said Springe, who said she was surprised “the Kremlin didn’t try to hide the network behind more offshore companies.”
“It also proved our suspicions,” she said, that the Kremlin controls considerably more media networks outside Russia than it chooses to admit.
Birnbaum reported from Tallinn, Estonia. Ellen Nakashima in Tallinn contributed to this report.
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What is meddling? Pushing some facts, alternative facts, different points of views about the planet and discussing how the US is pushing crap up your trousers leg? The Western media, including the European press, is full of lies and views that are illogical and dumb. But so what?
From an old New Yorker (Circa 1960):
enterprising fake news versus fake news, circa 1900...
Nothing new...