Monday 10th of March 2025

a job is a job for scaramouche...


Anthony “The Mooch” Scaramucci appeared on CNN’s State of the Union with Jake Tapper on Sunday morning to discuss his new, highly improbable role as White House Communications Director, expounding on his relationship with the media and also what he would like to see Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders do with her hair and makeup.

“I think Sarah does a great job. She’s an incredibly warm person, she’s incredibly authentic,” he said, adding that he generously offered her “the big office” because that’s just the kind of guy he is. But in exchange for his kindness, Scaramucci does have one little request.

“For Sarah Huckabee, I want to do everything I can to make her better at that podium. I think she’s phenomenal there now. But like every athlete that is training for the Olympics, every day we have to make ourselves incrementally better,” Scaramucci said.


And how might Sarah make herself incrementally better? Scaramucci will tell her—and you, and everyone in the country.

“The only thing I ask Sarah—Sarah, if you’re watching, I loved the hair and makeup person we had on Friday, so I’d like to continue to use the hair and makeup person.” Well then.

It’s long been apparent that in Trump’s world (of which Moochy is firmly a part), women are only as good as their appearances. Women who are good include the First Lady of France, one very uncomfortable Irish reporter, and of course, his daughter. Women who are bad include Carly FiorinaHillary Clinton and Mika Brzezinski, among countless others. It’s not difficult to discern a pattern in who Trump considers worthwhile—and who he doesn’t.

Scaramucci quickly insisted in a tweet that he wasn’t referring to Sanders’ looks—he was referring to his own.

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Note : Scaramuccia, also known as Scaramouche or Scaramouch, is a stock clown character of the Italian commedia dell'arte. The role combined characteristics of the zanni and the Capitano. Life at the White House is getting from loony to completely mad... And if you have not realised, Ms Sanders is fond of miniskirts showing lovely knees that would distract a press-corps made of juvenile pubercents.... 


and scaramouche deletes his nasty tweets about trump...

All those not-terribly-ancient tweets of his, now deleted, urging sensible folk not to fall for walls because they don't work, praising a governor for staying out of the "Trump spectacle", supporting Hillary Clinton (though that was way back in 2012), calling for gun control, describing himself as "for gay marriage, against the death penalty, and pro-choice", not to mention praising Islam as a religion of peace. Oh, and dumping on the existence of climate-change deniers as "disheartening".

His appointment as Trump's communications director would, if such a thing were to occur in Australian politics, be as sensational and about as authentic as if Malcolm Turnbull suddenly put Peta Credlin in charge of sharpening his public message.

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scaramouche warns the leakers...

The new White House communications director has promised to take “drastic action” to prevent leaks from the Trump administration, warning, “they’re going to get fired” if the leaks do not stop.

Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Anthony Scaramucci told host Chris Wallace he was willing to enforce hardline reforms of the White House’s communications department – and would even be willing to “pare down the staff.”

“I think it’s not fair to the president, it’s actually not fair to America or the people in the government,”Scaramucci said.

“I’m not going to be able to stop the leaks in the intergovernmental agencies and all that other stuff, that’s a different ball of wax. But something is going on in the White House that the president does not like and we’re going to fix it.”

Pressed to elaborate on his pledge to cut down staff, Scaramucci said, “As far as I’m concerned, it’s a new start for everyone in [the communications] team. Everyone on that team can stay if they follow protocol against the leaks.”

3 CNN journalists behind retracted Russia-Trump story resign

— RT (@RT_com) June 27, 2017

In another interview on CBS News, Scaramucci was even more explicit: “They’re going to get fired. I’m just going to make it very, very clear.”

Former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer resigned last week over objections to Scaramucci’s appointment as communications director.

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mooch leaks about a leak...

White House press aide Michael Short resigned Tuesday after the president’s new communications director revealed plans to fire him, according to a report.

“I have resigned, effective immediately,” Short told the political blog The Hill via text message Tuesday. “It was a privilege to serve the President of the United States.”

Earlier in the day, White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci told the Politico website that he planned to fire Short over alleged leaks.

Since Scaramucci didn’t tell him, Short initially denied the story.

“No one has told me anything, and the entire premise is false,” he told CNN.

In a strange twist, Scaramucci blamed “another leak” for early news of the firing — even though he was the person who let it slip.

“This is the problem with the leaking,” Scaramucci told a throng of reporters in West Wing driveway. “This is actually a terrible thing. Let’s say I’m firing Michael Short today. The fact that you guys know about it before he does really upsets me as a human being and as a Roman Catholic,” he said.

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mooch looses his poof...


Donald Trump’s new communications director has launched an extraordinary, foul-mouthed tirade against two senior colleagues, raising the prospect of all-out civil war at the White House.

Anthony Scaramucci told an interviewer that Chief of Staff Reince Priebus is “a fucking paranoid schizophrenic” who will be asked to resign, and that Scaramucci is not like Steve Bannon, the chief strategist, because “I’m not trying to suck my own cock”.

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I’m here to serve the country.

In the hate-filled, profane, self-important rant of White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci to the New Yorker’s Ryan Lizza, there were many appalling statements, but that was the one that stopped me cold.

We all know people who serve their country. They do so by putting on a uniform and fighting overseas, or joining the Foreign Service and representing us in foreign lands. They mentor a young person who needs guidance or take a foster child into their home or help build a house for a family in need. They run for school board or for Congress.

Or, yes, they accept a president’s offer to work in the White House. If they do so, it is with a sense of respect and humility, an understanding that the opportunity is a privilege. I’ve known communications directors and speechwriters and chiefs of staff who have served presidents of both parties. I’ve agreed with them sometimes, and sometimes disagreed; liked and admired some more than others; some may even have thrown a curse word my way once in a while. But never have I known one who felt anything but a sense of wonder and gratitude for the chance to serve at the apex of our democratic government.

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circa today and tomorrow...

Fox News has such an influence on Donald Trump that US journalists now react to the president’s proclamations on Twitter by searching for the Fox and Friends segment that inspired them.

This intimate feedback loop between the Fox morning show and the president has made it “the most powerful TV show in America”, in the words of a New York Times critic. For Rupert Murdoch, a ruthless player in conservative politics across continents, such influence is striking. But it’s not new.

Liberal critics of the administration, however, are now turning the spotlight on what they see as a troubling new pro-Trump outlet. It’s not Fox News, with its angry anchors and aging audience. It’s Circa, a colorful digital media site aimed at viewers in their teens and 20s.

Circa is owned by the Sinclair Media Broadcast Group, which owns or operates more than 170 television stations across the country and calls itself America’s “leading local news provider”. As Sinclair expands, it has faced speculation that it could become a conservative challenger to Fox News.

For months, Circa has attracted special attention from other news outlets for a series of scoops on the progress of the Russian investigation that many saw as shoring up the administration’s narrative.

The latest scoop came on Thursday, when Circa reported that a high-ranking FBI official, general counsel James A Baker, was “the top suspect in an ongoing leak investigation”, having allegedly leaked “classified national security information to the media”.

The report cited “multiple government officials close to the probe” who spoke “on the condition of anonymity”, and said an FBI spokeswoman declined to comment.

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Circa News, also known as Circa, is an American online news and entertainment service founded in 2012, by Matt Galligan, Ben Huh, and Arsenio Santos.[2] Accessible via a website, a mobile app, and related social media, the service features news stories and features consisting of individual bits of information.[3]

The service went offline for financial reasons on June 24, 2015,[4] and then relaunched in Spring 2016 under the ownership of media company Sinclair Broadcast Group.[5][6][7] Under Sinclair, the website's coverage has been described by some media outlets as conservative[8][9], though the site claims to report from a neutral point of view.[10]

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mooch is gone with his mojo...

US President Donald Trump has decided to remove Anthony Scaramucci from his job as communications director after just 10 days, hours after swearing in new chief of staff John Kelly.

Key points:
  • Scaramucci became communications director on July 21, the same day Sean Spicer announced his resignation
  • He told Fox News his appointment marked the beginning of "an era of a new good feeling"
  • White House said he was leaving to give new chief of staff a "clean slate"


Hoping to turn the page on a tumultuous opening chapter to his presidency, Mr Trump had insisted earlier on Monday that there was "no chaos" in his White House as he swore in the retired Marine general as second chief of staff.

Not long after, Mr Scaramucci, who shocked many with his profane outburst last week against then-chief of staff Reince Priebus, was gone.

In the words of the White House announcement, he was leaving because he "felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team".

The two-sentence release concluded: "We wish him all the best."

Earlier, in an Oval Office ceremony, Mr Trump predicted General Kelly, who previously served as Homeland Security chief, would do a "spectacular job".

Mr Scaramucci became communications director on July 21 (local time), the same day former White House press secretary Sean Spicer announced his resignation.

Appearing on Fox News, Mr Scaramucci had said one of his first tasks would be to halt the leaks and he pledged to better focus the message coming from the White House.

He told Fox News his appointment marked the beginning of "an era of a new good feeling" and said he hoped to "create a more positive mojo".

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trump vs mooch...

Trump said: “Anthony Scaramucci, who was quickly terminated (11 days) from a position that he was totally incapable of handling, now seems to do nothing but television as the all-time expert on ‘President Trump’.

He said: “Like many other so-called television experts, he knows very little about me. Anthony, who would do anything to come back in, should remember the only reason he is on TV, and it’s not for being the Mooch!”


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the liars get a job in media...

What does one get for leaking to the media, lying to federal investigators about it, and allegedly participating in a plot to derail an American election? If you answered jail time, too bad. The correct answer is a job at CNN.

That is at least the case for Andrew McCabe, the former acting FBI director and one of the people deeply involved in the ‘Trump-Russia’ investigation before it was taken over by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. CNN announced on Friday it was hiring McCabe as a contributor.

Just a day earlier, however, the network was in full meltdown over former White House press secretary Sarah Sanders getting hired by Fox News, and her predecessor Sean Spicer appearing on Dancing With the Stars – arguing that both were liars who did not deserve gainful employment. 


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cleverer than a cheese platter...

It's one of the greatest political fallouts ever. Period.

Key points:
  • The former White House communications director is fundraising against his former boss
  • Mr Scaramucci accused Donald Trump of "tearing at the racial and social fabric" of the United States
  • Mr Trump has previously labelled him an "unstable nut job" and incompetent 


Anthony Scaramucci served for just 11 days as White House communications director before being sacked for his derogatory comments about some of Donald Trump's inner circle.

Now 'The Mooch' is fundraising against his former boss, who he wants to make a one-term president.

He told the ABC the most powerful man in the world was an "orange fat blob" with the "self-esteem of a pigeon" and warned Australia it would be difficult to maintain its current close relationship with the White House.

He said the President's insistence Hurricane Dorian was heading for Alabama (despite the words of his own scientists) was proof of a frail ego.

"Again, it's his inability to ever be wrong about anything or ever to apologise for anything, It basically has to do with very low self-esteem," he said.


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For a hair-brained yellow pigeon, Trump is doing a great job at impressions of "The Lion King" relieving himself on a moonless night. He has a coterie of monkeys and bass-asses who think he is cleverer than a European cheese platter to place tariffs upon. The latest news from the USA (the man/woman in the street and the "gripe"-vine in the atmosphere) is that Trump has divided the country into those who vote for him while hating his guts and those who REALLY hate him and don't vote for him. Unfortunately those who REALLY hate him, and wish to vote for the Democrats, have a choice between old screaching chalk and chunks of weed — which makes the cheese board Donald more apetising to the other haters...

As an American friend of mine just said: "The US is now the dis-United States of hate"...

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