Hollywood actress Amber Heard, who became embroiled in a tit-for-tat with Barnaby Joyce after he got her dogs Pistol and Boo kicked out of the country, is rather enjoying the Deputy PM running foul of Parliament's citizenship rules.
Follow all the latest political developments live.
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has accused Bill Shorten of treacherous behaviour over the latest development in the Federal Parliament's citizenship crisis.
His citizenship status emerged after a New Zealand Labour Member of Parliament asked a written question about the issue.
But MP Chris Hipkins said he did not realise the question related to Mr Joyce.
Ms Bishop has accused Labor of trying to use the New Zealand Parliament to undermine the Australian Government.
She said it puts the relationship between the two governments at risk and demanded Mr Shorten reveal who made contact with the New Zealand Labour Party.
"Bill Shorten must reveal who he put up to this dirty task," Ms Bishop said.
"Bill Shorten should be called to account for this appalling behaviour."
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says he's sure his deputy Barnaby Joyce will survive a High Court investigation into his dual citizenship, but what happens if he doesn't?
Key points:
Mr Joyce could renounce his citizenship then quickly recontest a by-election
Tony Windsor was considering a challenge in the event of a by-election
Fiona Nash would likely assume Mr Joyce's cabinet responsibilities
That's a question some are contemplating at Parliament House because a by-election could threaten the Government's majority of one in the Lower House, potentially forcing a hung parliament.
Several Nationals MPs have told the ABC there's no discussion about replacing Mr Joyce and that no-one is running the numbers, but the effects of a by-election are clear for the Government.
This Government is over. When Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce goes, the Coalition’s majority will go with him — and that will make it a hung parliament. At best.
That Barnaby is doomed is not in doubt.
Pretty much everyone, even some of Murdoch’s audience, is by now familiar with Section 44(i) of theConstitution, which prohibits any person from taking a Parliamentary post if he or she:
' ... is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power;'
No-one seems to be accusing Barnaby of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to our bros in Wellington, but the bit that says ‘entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power’ is a slam dunk for our Joycey because there is simply no doubt he is well and truly entitled to those rights and privileges.
On 20 July 2017, the day after Turnbull accused the accursed Greens of being "sloppy" when it came to (former) Senators Waters and Ludlum, our very own smirking assassin, Attorney General George Brandis, wrote:
'Any person wishing to be a member of the Commonwealth Parliament should consult with the Australian Electoral Commission about the requirements that they need to satisfy and should consider seeking their own legal advice about whether they meet those requirements.'
Of course, this was a round about way of probing for a weakness in Turnbull’s Section 44 eligibility and of course, Brandis did not answer, saying only:
Section 44 sets out several bases in which a person is incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a Senator or Member of the House of Representatives.
Either House of Parliament may refer any question respecting the qualifications of a Senator or Member of the House of Representatives to the court of disputed returns in accordance with the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. Whether or not the Senate or House of Representatives pursues that course in a given case is a matter for that chamber.
While we are on the topic of Tony Magrathea, on 3 August he issued a forlorn email, saying simply,
'The Abbott show is over.'
The UK court said the information Member for Warringah, Tony Abbott, provided matches with that on record:
We still don’t know why Abbott didn’t just show his certificate years ago and have done with all the bullshit. He’s a weird guy.
But back to Beetroot.
It is simply a fact the Coalition has no moral fibre. It wants only power.
This Government lied and bludgeoned its way to the front bench dangling from the chain of the Abbott wrecking ball and it will hang onto that power any way it can.
Heel marks in the carpet.
Despite scoring one of the greatest own-goals in Australian political history, this brew of carpetbaggers and wanna-be tough guys are now squealing for the High Court to help them out.
Mr Joyce is refusing to step down from Cabinet or abstain from votes in the Lower House – where the Coalition has a one seat majority – claiming he is confident the High Court will clear him to stay on.
You can almost hear the plaintive Coalition entreaties wafting on the cold Canberra night air: Carn youse judges, Beets was born in Tamworth, he’sdeadset Aussie, give him a break. Jesus.
Turnbull reckons he already knows what the High Court will decide.
Mr Turnbull is also confident the court will clear his deputy, declaring:
"The Deputy Prime Minister is qualified to sit in this House and the High Court will so hold."
But there might be a problem there.
University of Sydney constitutional expert Anne Twomeysaid Mr Turnbull's declaration that the court "will" clear Mr Joyce was "not terribly helpful".
She said:
"You won't find any constitutional lawyers expressing that kind of confidence."
On the face of it, Beets is gone. That will have some interesting consequences.
For starters, the remaining Nats will fight like cats and dogs to lead the mighty Party, but more amusingly, a true hung parliament will be a sight to behold.
It doesn’t really matter which events came in which particular order, because linearity really wasn’t important on Tuesday in Parliament House.
All you needed to understand was the raging #auspol fever had descended – the desperate, wild-eyed fever of jockeying and deliberate distraction – thrusting Australian politics into a new level of unhinging.
But to comprehend Tuesday, we first need to recap Monday.
The prime minister’s first resort on Monday was reassurance when it became clear that the deputy prime minister, Barnaby Joyce, would go off to the high court after New Zealand had stretched out its welcoming arms to claim the long lost son of James of Dunedin. (Barnaby’s father would be James Joyce, of course. How on earth could it be otherwise?)
Despite the manifest inconvenience of New Zealand claiming Australia’s deputy prime minister, Turnbull’s line on Joyce was that of calmer-in-chief.
This was just a small thing, a bit of housekeeping, an opportunity to pop down to the high court and have the justices clear up a messy and unworkable provision, as one would clear out a pantry stuffed with goods past their use-by date.
Sadly for the prime minister, reassurance tinged with hubris didn’t exactly catch on. It foundered before the day was done.
So, given the first parable didn’t catch, by Tuesday we were thrust into a completely new unreality. Nothing transformed into something. Canberra woke up, suddenly, in a potboiler.
Overnight, we had entered a full-blown political crisis – an unseemly international conspiracy.
By the AM program on the ABC at 8am, the Labor party was in cahoots with colleagues across the Tasman to bring down the Australian government. The manager of government business, Christopher Pyne, came out first with the treachery line.
The prime minister sounded the same dastardly trumpet in the Coalition party room. Bill Shorten wanted to steal government by entering into a conspiracy with a foreign power, Turnbull told colleagues.
Just in case we missed the first two foghorns honking away in a mist of swirling incomprehension, the foreign minister, Julie Bishop, presented herself to journalists in the mural hall to suggest she would struggle to trust a Labour government in New Zealand, or at least members of a Labour government prepared to look into the dual citizenship processes of their own country, at the behest of colleagues in Australia.
Before we could all absorb that uncharacteristic burst of partisan impetuousness from Australia’s normally highly professional foreign minister, we were in question time and, evidently, the government’s brains trust had required backbenchers to double down by asking questions about foreign state interference in Australian political matters.
With a straight face.
As the faux gravitas came in the flurry of cartoonish Dorothy Dixers, Australians were invited to believe a cold war had erupted across the Tasman and New Zealand was now some axis of evil.
Question time was beyond excruciating as otherwise intelligent people, members of the elected government of Australia, painted ever more florid pictures of conspiracy – an offensive which achieved precisely nothing, beyond inserting a massive question mark over the government’s collective judgment and fitness for office.
On Tuesday the Turnbull government succeeded in one thing, and one thing only: hanging a lantern over its own desperation, its own lack of an organising idea, and its own terrible panic and recklessness.
Could we really be watching the Australian government completely lose the plot, right before our eyes?
Apparently, Joyce has just relinquished his Kiwi citizenship... We are waiting for the High court mercy on all the other dual-impostors. Either it's a blanket application of the law and all should be ejected from Parliament or ALL SHOULD BE reinstated once they relinquish their OTHER citizenship... No individual cases or judgements.
Meanwhile the law is the law is the law...
By now school children will be reciting section 44 of the constitution every morning under the flagpole: “any person who is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or citizen ...”
Such splendid 19th century language: “acknowledgement of allegiance ... obedience ... subjects”. Back then people were expected to know their place. We were subjects first, citizens second. The founding fathers were anxious that parliamentarians owed their loyalties to the crown, and it wasn’t until after the second world war that Australians stopped being British subjects and then later in 1986 when the Australia Act was passed that being British made you a foreigner for the purposes of parliamentary qualification.
Let's get one point straight. The crisis around Barnaby Joyce has been caused by one simple oversight by one person.
Mr Joyce was careless in not properly checking whether he complied with the citizenship requirement of the Australian constitution.
He was not landed into this pickle by Bill Shorten, the New Zealand Labour Party, the media, or anyone or anything else.
If he had acted years ago with abundant caution — or his party had — he wouldn't have had a problem.
And the Government's over-the-top efforts on Tuesday to find a conspiracy begs the question: does it think an MP's alleged breach of the constitution, if suspected, should be just ignored?
At the extreme, wouldn't there be a risk that, in such circumstances, an MP could be open to an attempt to compromise them?
A few weeks ago the Greens' Scott Ludlam resigned when he found he was a citizen of New Zealand, which he left as a child.
His dual citizenship came to his attention when a barrister started poking around. Senator Ludlam accepted the situation with grace.
Of course much more is at stake politically with Mr Joyce.
It's unsurprising and entirely appropriate that the Government fights for him in the High Court — although it is another matter that he is not standing aside from the ministry.
But the Government's attempt to paint this as a "treacherous" Mr Shorten executing a dark deed involving a foreign power is desperate distraction politics.
Senator Nash said she had sought advice of the UK Home Office on her citizenship status after Mr Joyce's statement on Monday.
"By Monday evening, I was advised that a caseworker at the UK Home Office was of the view that, on the basis of the limited facts that I had provided, I was a British citizen by descent through my Scottish-born father," she said.
Senator Nash said her mother was born in Australia and was an Australian citizen, but her father was born in Scotland in 1927.
Even the Prime Minister said this week the constitution was not meant to be read literally.
Like some latter day Christian reformer, Malcolm Turnbull is trying to squeeze living relevance out of a document that has had its day.
Read more of this crap if you can be bothered...: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-18/abolish-the-constitution-and-start-again/8816488
Nooooooooo... The Constitution isn't broken ! What is broken is that people who have joined Parliament FAILED TO READ THE CONSTITUTION IN REGARD THEIR OWN STATUS of eligibility. SIMPLE. Simple. Trying to blame the Constitution for the fucups is a bit rich.
A China-born MP for New Zealand’s ruling party has denied being a spy after it emerged that he had spent years studying and teaching in universities with links to Chinese intelligence services.
“I am not a spy,” Yang Jian, the National party’s first MP born in mainland China, told reporters on Wednesday after a joint investigation by the Financial Times and New Zealand’s Newsroom revealed what they described as his hidden past.
According to the New Zealand Herald the 55-year-old MP rejected the accusations as a racist “smear campaign” targeting him “just because I am Chinese”.
Yang emigrated to New Zealand from China in 1999 to take a job teaching international relations at Auckland University. Twelve years later he became an MP, quoting China’s former Communist party leader, Deng Xiaoping, in his debut speech to parliament.
“I don’t care if it is a white cat or a black cat,” the National party legislator said. “It’s a good cat as long as it catches mice.”
The Turnbull Government has lost its one-seat majority after the High Court ruled Barnaby Joyce's election invalid because of his New Zealand citizenship.
Mr Joyce will now face a by-election. The court also found former Greens senators Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters were not validly elected, along with One Nation's Malcolm Roberts and the National Party's Fiona Nash.
There will not be a citizenship audit of federal politicians, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declaring "we are not going to engage in some kind of national witch hunt".
Key points:
Malcolm Turnbull says a citizenship audit would be unworkable
Furious at suggestions Josh Frydenberg is a dual citizen, PM points out Mr Frydenberg's mother was born in a ghetto during WWII
Bill Shorten says all politicians should be required to make a declaration to Parliament
Mr Turnbull has rejected the idea, ridiculing it as unworkable.
"Are we saying that we would propose to have somebody interrogate each and every member and senator, examine their genealogy, seek to uncover facts about their parentage that may not even be known to the member or senator?" he asked.
Mr Turnbull said an auditor would then have to establish what complex foreign laws might apply to each person.
He argued the High Court is the only way to determine eligibility.
"The constitution is very clear, every member and every senator has an obligation to comply with it," Mr Turnbull said.
"The High Court has clarified the meaning of Section 44 in respect of dual citizenship and it is up to senators and members to satisfy themselves they are in compliance."
Look. It's nor hard. You are born overseas or have some other background: You need to renege on your country of origin and take the Australian oath to enter parliament. There are specific ways to achieve this. Julia Gillard was born overseas and did this. Simple.
the average orstra'yan versus dogs with a bone...
Hollywood actress Amber Heard, who became embroiled in a tit-for-tat with Barnaby Joyce after he got her dogs Pistol and Boo kicked out of the country, is rather enjoying the Deputy PM running foul of Parliament's citizenship rules.
Follow all the latest political developments live.
read more:
Meanwhile at the Julie turncoat workshop:
Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has accused Bill Shorten of treacherous behaviour over the latest development in the Federal Parliament's citizenship crisis.
Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce revealed yesterday he was a dual New Zealand citizen, but argued he was still eligible to sit in Parliament and asked the High Court to make a ruling.
His citizenship status emerged after a New Zealand Labour Member of Parliament asked a written question about the issue.
But MP Chris Hipkins said he did not realise the question related to Mr Joyce.
Ms Bishop has accused Labor of trying to use the New Zealand Parliament to undermine the Australian Government.
She said it puts the relationship between the two governments at risk and demanded Mr Shorten reveal who made contact with the New Zealand Labour Party.
"Bill Shorten must reveal who he put up to this dirty task," Ms Bishop said.
"Bill Shorten should be called to account for this appalling behaviour."
Read more of this Juliecrap at:
Rooles are rooles...
if barnaby stays, all the others have to come back...
Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says he's sure his deputy Barnaby Joyce will survive a High Court investigation into his dual citizenship, but what happens if he doesn't?
Key points:That's a question some are contemplating at Parliament House because a by-election could threaten the Government's majority of one in the Lower House, potentially forcing a hung parliament.
On Monday, New Zealand's Prime Minister confirmed Mr Joyce was a citizen of the country because his father was born there.
Several Nationals MPs have told the ABC there's no discussion about replacing Mr Joyce and that no-one is running the numbers, but the effects of a by-election are clear for the Government.
read more:
According to the rules, BARNABY HAS TO GO.
he has to go...
This Government is over. When Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce goes, the Coalition’s majority will go with him — and that will make it a hung parliament. At best.
That Barnaby is doomed is not in doubt.
Pretty much everyone, even some of Murdoch’s audience, is by now familiar with Section 44(i) of theConstitution, which prohibits any person from taking a Parliamentary post if he or she:
' ... is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power;'
No-one seems to be accusing Barnaby of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to our bros in Wellington, but the bit that says ‘entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power’ is a slam dunk for our Joycey because there is simply no doubt he is well and truly entitled to those rights and privileges.
Barnaby Joyce is a New Zealand citizen, NZ PM confirmshttps://t.co/b0xxN18jtw via @abcnews
— DameFreeradicalone2u (@freeradicalone) August 14, 2017New Zealand's Prime Minister has confirmed that "unwittingly or not", Barnaby Joyce is a citizen of that country because his father was born there.
Maybe we can cut Barnaby some slack because, after all, who knew about arcane Kiwi citizenship laws?
The Australian Electoral Commission apparently.
Err....Turnbull calls Greens' citizenship problems 'sloppiness' | SBS Newshttps://t.co/Q3F7YkXIn3 @TurnbullMalcolm @Barnaby_Joyce #auspol
— Gerard McGarry (@mcgarryger) August 14, 2017On 20 July 2017, the day after Turnbull accused the accursed Greens of being "sloppy" when it came to (former) Senators Waters and Ludlum, our very own smirking assassin, Attorney General George Brandis, wrote:
'Any person wishing to be a member of the Commonwealth Parliament should consult with the Australian Electoral Commission about the requirements that they need to satisfy and should consider seeking their own legal advice about whether they meet those requirements.'
Of course, this was a round about way of probing for a weakness in Turnbull’s Section 44 eligibility and of course, Brandis did not answer, saying only:
Section 44 sets out several bases in which a person is incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a Senator or Member of the House of Representatives.
Either House of Parliament may refer any question respecting the qualifications of a Senator or Member of the House of Representatives to the court of disputed returns in accordance with the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918. Whether or not the Senate or House of Representatives pursues that course in a given case is a matter for that chamber.
While we are on the topic of Tony Magrathea, on 3 August he issued a forlorn email, saying simply,
'The Abbott show is over.'
The UK court said the information Member for Warringah, Tony Abbott, provided matches with that on record:
We still don’t know why Abbott didn’t just show his certificate years ago and have done with all the bullshit. He’s a weird guy.
But back to Beetroot.
It is simply a fact the Coalition has no moral fibre. It wants only power.
This Government lied and bludgeoned its way to the front bench dangling from the chain of the Abbott wrecking ball and it will hang onto that power any way it can.
Heel marks in the carpet.
Despite scoring one of the greatest own-goals in Australian political history, this brew of carpetbaggers and wanna-be tough guys are now squealing for the High Court to help them out.
This coalition oversight is remarkable... Amazing sloppiness even, wouldn't you say @TurnbullMalcolm #auspol #fizzahttps://t.co/fEptGHtBcE
— Benjamin Kensington (@BenKensington) August 14, 2017Mr Joyce is refusing to step down from Cabinet or abstain from votes in the Lower House – where the Coalition has a one seat majority – claiming he is confident the High Court will clear him to stay on.
You can almost hear the plaintive Coalition entreaties wafting on the cold Canberra night air: Carn youse judges, Beets was born in Tamworth, he’sdeadset Aussie, give him a break. Jesus.
Turnbull reckons he already knows what the High Court will decide.
Mr Turnbull is also confident the court will clear his deputy, declaring:
"The Deputy Prime Minister is qualified to sit in this House and the High Court will so hold."
But there might be a problem there.
University of Sydney constitutional expert Anne Twomey said Mr Turnbull's declaration that the court "will" clear Mr Joyce was "not terribly helpful".
She said:
"You won't find any constitutional lawyers expressing that kind of confidence."
On the face of it, Beets is gone. That will have some interesting consequences.
For starters, the remaining Nats will fight like cats and dogs to lead the mighty Party, but more amusingly, a true hung parliament will be a sight to behold.
The fate of the nation will rest with Katter, Wilkie, Sharkie, McGowan and Bandt.
That is, of course, if no more heads roll.
And Beets?
I’m thinking top paddock.
Read more:
from dunedin with lurv...
It doesn’t really matter which events came in which particular order, because linearity really wasn’t important on Tuesday in Parliament House.
All you needed to understand was the raging #auspol fever had descended – the desperate, wild-eyed fever of jockeying and deliberate distraction – thrusting Australian politics into a new level of unhinging.
But to comprehend Tuesday, we first need to recap Monday.
The prime minister’s first resort on Monday was reassurance when it became clear that the deputy prime minister, Barnaby Joyce, would go off to the high court after New Zealand had stretched out its welcoming arms to claim the long lost son of James of Dunedin. (Barnaby’s father would be James Joyce, of course. How on earth could it be otherwise?)
Despite the manifest inconvenience of New Zealand claiming Australia’s deputy prime minister, Turnbull’s line on Joyce was that of calmer-in-chief.
This was just a small thing, a bit of housekeeping, an opportunity to pop down to the high court and have the justices clear up a messy and unworkable provision, as one would clear out a pantry stuffed with goods past their use-by date.
The prime minister was so confident that Joyce being a dual citizen by descent was allnothing he declared that the high court would find Joyce was eligible to sit in the parliament – no ifs, buts or maybes – nothing to see here, apart from a brief rhetorical insult to the separation of powers.
Sadly for the prime minister, reassurance tinged with hubris didn’t exactly catch on. It foundered before the day was done.
So, given the first parable didn’t catch, by Tuesday we were thrust into a completely new unreality. Nothing transformed into something. Canberra woke up, suddenly, in a potboiler.
Overnight, we had entered a full-blown political crisis – an unseemly international conspiracy.
By the AM program on the ABC at 8am, the Labor party was in cahoots with colleagues across the Tasman to bring down the Australian government. The manager of government business, Christopher Pyne, came out first with the treachery line.
The prime minister sounded the same dastardly trumpet in the Coalition party room. Bill Shorten wanted to steal government by entering into a conspiracy with a foreign power, Turnbull told colleagues.
Just in case we missed the first two foghorns honking away in a mist of swirling incomprehension, the foreign minister, Julie Bishop, presented herself to journalists in the mural hall to suggest she would struggle to trust a Labour government in New Zealand, or at least members of a Labour government prepared to look into the dual citizenship processes of their own country, at the behest of colleagues in Australia.
Before we could all absorb that uncharacteristic burst of partisan impetuousness from Australia’s normally highly professional foreign minister, we were in question time and, evidently, the government’s brains trust had required backbenchers to double down by asking questions about foreign state interference in Australian political matters.
With a straight face.
As the faux gravitas came in the flurry of cartoonish Dorothy Dixers, Australians were invited to believe a cold war had erupted across the Tasman and New Zealand was now some axis of evil.
Question time was beyond excruciating as otherwise intelligent people, members of the elected government of Australia, painted ever more florid pictures of conspiracy – an offensive which achieved precisely nothing, beyond inserting a massive question mark over the government’s collective judgment and fitness for office.
On Tuesday the Turnbull government succeeded in one thing, and one thing only: hanging a lantern over its own desperation, its own lack of an organising idea, and its own terrible panic and recklessness.
Could we really be watching the Australian government completely lose the plot, right before our eyes?
As it turned out, yes, we could.
read more:
he isn't a kiwi anymore...
Apparently, Joyce has just relinquished his Kiwi citizenship... We are waiting for the High court mercy on all the other dual-impostors. Either it's a blanket application of the law and all should be ejected from Parliament or ALL SHOULD BE reinstated once they relinquish their OTHER citizenship... No individual cases or judgements.
Meanwhile the law is the law is the law...
By now school children will be reciting section 44 of the constitution every morning under the flagpole: “any person who is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or citizen ...”
Such splendid 19th century language: “acknowledgement of allegiance ... obedience ... subjects”. Back then people were expected to know their place. We were subjects first, citizens second. The founding fathers were anxious that parliamentarians owed their loyalties to the crown, and it wasn’t until after the second world war that Australians stopped being British subjects and then later in 1986 when the Australia Act was passed that being British made you a foreigner for the purposes of parliamentary qualification.
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Simple enough...
from the queen of the journos...
Let's get one point straight. The crisis around Barnaby Joyce has been caused by one simple oversight by one person.
Mr Joyce was careless in not properly checking whether he complied with the citizenship requirement of the Australian constitution.
He was not landed into this pickle by Bill Shorten, the New Zealand Labour Party, the media, or anyone or anything else.
If he had acted years ago with abundant caution — or his party had — he wouldn't have had a problem.
And the Government's over-the-top efforts on Tuesday to find a conspiracy begs the question: does it think an MP's alleged breach of the constitution, if suspected, should be just ignored?
At the extreme, wouldn't there be a risk that, in such circumstances, an MP could be open to an attempt to compromise them?
A few weeks ago the Greens' Scott Ludlam resigned when he found he was a citizen of New Zealand, which he left as a child.
His dual citizenship came to his attention when a barrister started poking around. Senator Ludlam accepted the situation with grace.
Of course much more is at stake politically with Mr Joyce.
It's unsurprising and entirely appropriate that the Government fights for him in the High Court — although it is another matter that he is not standing aside from the ministry.
But the Government's attempt to paint this as a "treacherous" Mr Shorten executing a dark deed involving a foreign power is desperate distraction politics.
read more:
and the deputy of the deputy...
Deputy leader of the Nationals Fiona Nash is the latest politician to be ensnared by the citizenship fiasco, revealing she is a British citizen by descent.
Key points:The revelation comes just days after the leader of her party, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, revealed he was a citizen of New Zealand.
Senator Nash said she had sought advice of the UK Home Office on her citizenship status after Mr Joyce's statement on Monday.
"By Monday evening, I was advised that a caseworker at the UK Home Office was of the view that, on the basis of the limited facts that I had provided, I was a British citizen by descent through my Scottish-born father," she said.
Senator Nash said her mother was born in Australia and was an Australian citizen, but her father was born in Scotland in 1927.
read more:
even simple ximon would know...
The debacle over Section 44 of the constitution,which has already seen two MPs leave the Parliament and threatens to bring down the Government, shows the document has outlived its use-by date.
Even the Prime Minister said this week the constitution was not meant to be read literally.
Like some latter day Christian reformer, Malcolm Turnbull is trying to squeeze living relevance out of a document that has had its day.
Read more of this crap if you can be bothered...: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-18/abolish-the-constitution-and-start-again/8816488
Nooooooooo... The Constitution isn't broken ! What is broken is that people who have joined Parliament FAILED TO READ THE CONSTITUTION IN REGARD THEIR OWN STATUS of eligibility. SIMPLE. Simple. Trying to blame the Constitution for the fucups is a bit rich.
Simple Ximon (I mean Xynophon) would know...
Read from top
a good chinese cat in new zealand...
A China-born MP for New Zealand’s ruling party has denied being a spy after it emerged that he had spent years studying and teaching in universities with links to Chinese intelligence services.
“I am not a spy,” Yang Jian, the National party’s first MP born in mainland China, told reporters on Wednesday after a joint investigation by the Financial Times and New Zealand’s Newsroom revealed what they described as his hidden past.
According to the New Zealand Herald the 55-year-old MP rejected the accusations as a racist “smear campaign” targeting him “just because I am Chinese”.
Yang emigrated to New Zealand from China in 1999 to take a job teaching international relations at Auckland University. Twelve years later he became an MP, quoting China’s former Communist party leader, Deng Xiaoping, in his debut speech to parliament.
“I don’t care if it is a white cat or a black cat,” the National party legislator said. “It’s a good cat as long as it catches mice.”
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all booted out...
The Turnbull Government has lost its one-seat majority after the High Court ruled Barnaby Joyce's election invalid because of his New Zealand citizenship.
Mr Joyce will now face a by-election. The court also found former Greens senators Scott Ludlam and Larissa Waters were not validly elected, along with One Nation's Malcolm Roberts and the National Party's Fiona Nash.
Follow live.
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Read from top...
not complicated...
There will not be a citizenship audit of federal politicians, with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull declaring "we are not going to engage in some kind of national witch hunt".
Key points:The push for an audit further intensified when former Senate president Stephen Parry resigned this week because he has dual citizenship.
Mr Turnbull has rejected the idea, ridiculing it as unworkable.
"Are we saying that we would propose to have somebody interrogate each and every member and senator, examine their genealogy, seek to uncover facts about their parentage that may not even be known to the member or senator?" he asked.
Mr Turnbull said an auditor would then have to establish what complex foreign laws might apply to each person.
He argued the High Court is the only way to determine eligibility.
"The constitution is very clear, every member and every senator has an obligation to comply with it," Mr Turnbull said.
"The High Court has clarified the meaning of Section 44 in respect of dual citizenship and it is up to senators and members to satisfy themselves they are in compliance."
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Look. It's nor hard. You are born overseas or have some other background: You need to renege on your country of origin and take the Australian oath to enter parliament. There are specific ways to achieve this. Julia Gillard was born overseas and did this. Simple.