Sunday 12th of January 2025

an aussie by proportions...


Crossbench senator Derryn Hinch has become the latest politician to be embroiled in the dual citizenship debacle.

The Victorian senator has confirmed that he still holds a US social security card from his time living in New York in the 1960s and 1970s, which could be a breach of the constitution.

Section 44 of the constitution not only bans anyone with allegiance to a foreign power from sitting in parliament, it also disqualifies anyone who is "entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power".

Senator Hinch said he would seek legal advice, and acknowledged he could join the ranks of seven other parliamentarians already facing the High Court over their eligibility.

"I plan to raise the issue with the solicitor-general and, if necessary, will refer myself to the High Court, acting as the Court of Disputed Returns," he said in a statement.

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as stated on his biography:


Derryn Nigel Hinch is an Australian Senator for Victoria and media personality, best known for his work on Melbourne radio and television. Wikipedia
Born: 9 February 1944 (age 73), New Plymouth, New Zealand
Spouse: Chanel Hayton (m. 2006–2012), more
Political party: Derryn Hinch's Justice Party (2015—present)
Nationality: New Zealand, Australian
Movies and TV shows: Hinch Live,MiddayThe Wog BoyDancing with the StarsBeauty and the BeastWillesee at Seven


if I was a judge of the high court...

Presently, our prime Minister is "very confident" that the high court will preserve the totality of "his" government by adjudicating that senators and members of parliaments with a dual citizenship glitch are not in breach of section 44 point something, but I am not so sure. The law is clear and intended to weed out the foreign riff-raff that populates the benches of parliament. So do we apply the law AS HAS BEEN DONE IN THE PAST or do we buggerise the law to suit the government of the times? My feeling is that quite a few of the Justices would wish to apply the law FIRMY, while a few with friend in the CONservative camp might wish to smooth over the glitch, which to tell the truth (as if we never did) is quite amazing that people coming into this parliament never bothered check their eligibility... Gus would be in favour of kicking them all out and make them reapply for the job, crawling low in front of an elective crowd or by public flogging, once they have an official paper signed by trusty (don't make me laugh) chief warden of Aussieland that they have renounced any benefits from a foreign power, nor to have any contact with such foreignity, including Penguinland.

So there. We shall see, but the law is the law.

backpedalling — that's life...

Derryn Hinch has back-pedalled on his intention to ask the Senate to refer him to the high court next week, saying if the government thinks he is eligible to sit in parliament then he won’t bother.

The Victorian senator revealed this week he had sought legal advice about his eligibility because he has an American social security number from his time working in New York as a journalist in the 1960s and early 70s.

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cleared by august constitutional lawyers in september...

Crossbench senator Derryn Hinch has said it is a "huge relief" to learn he will not be referred to the High Court, after he raised concerns about his eligibility to sit in the Parliament.

Earlier this week, Senator Hinch said he would ask the High Court to decide if he was in breach of the constitution because he holds a social security card from the United States.

External Link: Derryn Hinch tweet: Att-General Brandis says Govt has cleared my S44 legitimacy. Won’t refer to High Court. Opposition Leader Penny Wong agrees. Huge relief.


Section 44 of the constitution not only bans anyone with allegiance to a foreign power from sitting in Parliament, it also disqualifies anyone who is"entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power".

But Senator Hinch said, after a "ghastly few days", the Government had found it was legal for him to sit in the Upper House.

"I'm glad the Government has accepted the same advice given to me this week by two august constitutional lawyers," Senator Hinch said in a statement.

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We're glad that this is cleared up by august people...