Monday 10th of March 2025

the price was too high...


Former US Congressman and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Tom Price left the Trump administration Friday afternoon.

Price recently racked up at least $1 million in expenses — with the White House's prior authorization — on jet trips around the US, to Asia, Africa, and Europe. In one case, Price took a $25,000 round-trip from Washington to Philadelphia when a government employee could make the same flight for about $725 flying on a commercial airliner with tickets purchased by the government's procurement arm, the General Services Administration (GSA).

"Secretary of Health and Human Services Thomas Price offered his resignation earlier today the President accepted," the White House press secretary said in a new release September 29. 

"The president intends to designate Don J. Wright of Virginia to serve as Acting Secretary, effective at 11:59 p.m. on September 29, 2017. Mr. Wright currently serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health and [the] Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion," the statement said.


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obamacare will be priced out...


another one bites the dust...

WASHINGTON — Tom Price, the health and human services secretary, resigned under pressure on Friday after racking up at least $400,000 in travel bills for chartered flights and undermining President Trump’s promise to drain the swamp of a corrupt and entitled capital.

Already in trouble with Mr. Trump for months of unsuccessful efforts to repeal and replace President Barack Obama’s health care program, Mr. Price failed to defuse the president’s anger over his high-priced travel by agreeing to pay a portion of the cost and expressing “regret” for his actions.

In a statement, the White House said that Mr. Price “offered his resignation earlier today and the president accepted.”

It said Mr. Trump will tap Don J. Wright of Virginia to serve as acting secretary at midnight Friday. Mr. Wright currently serves as the deputy assistant secretary for health and as director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.

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