Sunday 9th of March 2025

the futility of the abbott...

abbott and the rabbits...

Abbott and the rabbits... This cartoon by Hop, published 1885 in the Bulletin, shows the futility of prayers. They had no effect on the population of rabbits. Rabbits had become the number one pest for farmers and despite recent attempts by the CSIRO to eradicate them with various infectious disease, they still thrive... but do far less damage than the wild cats.

Here Gus takes the liberty to show the futility of the Abbott trying to prevent the "marriage equality" yes survey.  But Abbott (and his CON mates) is still going to make trouble for as long as possible with "protections" for "his" religious beliefs that are no more than historical delusions. 

Hopefully, his views (and that of his CON mates) on global warming "being crap" will go the same way... On that score I know that global warming is going to accelerate at a pace unheard off by years 2019-21... So far we ain't seen nothing... By 2032, troubles will be massive...

other cartoons...




See also:

scaring the horses on the field...


expect right-wing shenanigans...

The group of parliamentarians who have worked tirelessly to force same-sex marriage on to the political agenda are now elated, exhausted and nervous.

While the socially progressive forces in the federal parliament, across the main parties and the crossbench, appear to have the numbers to get gay marriage legalised without major diversions if everyone holds their nerve, the struggle to get this far has been protracted and arduous.

You can understand the nervousness. This won’t be done until it’s done.

On the plus side, conservatives seem to have inched back since the historic yes vote. You really would hope so, given they were rebuked by a majority of the Australian people and, worse, by their own supporters, with 71 out of 76 Coalition-held electorates voting yes in the postal survey.

The conservatives who matter are signalling that protections for religious freedomcould be considered separately from the process of legalising same-sex marriage, in the new year, which is a substantial advance (if you can put aside the irony of a bunch of right wingers now arguing forcefully for a mini bill of rights).

read more:

before the religious roller...


the abbott and the bishop...

ON Thursday night, 24 hours after the same-sex marriage result, young Christians from

the No-voting western half of Sydney took five litres of black paint to Yes-vote heartland,

inner-urban Newtown, and painted over an offensive mural of Cardinal George Pell and

Tony Abbott engaged in a sex act.

The giant mural depicted the former Prime Minister as a bride with his hand down the

topless Cardinal’s rainbow underpants, complete with pubic hair and caption “The Happy

Ending”. It was painted on the wall of the Botany View Hotel on Wednesday as a perverse

celebration of the 61.6 per cent same-sex marriage ‘Yes’ vote.

Within hours someone had splashed white paint across the wall, obscuring Cardinal Pell’s


But it took 28-year-old Maronite Catholic builder, Charbel, to do the job properly.

He and a mate drove to Newtown and proceeded to paint over the mural using a

long-handled roller, respectfully leaving the artist’s name intact and choosing a colour that

blended in with the rest of the building. He was impervious to abuse from passers-by

calling him “fat wog” and “bigot”.


Miranda Devine: Christians must be protected in wake of sam...

2 of 6 19/11/17 8:42 AM


Please note that Miranda seems not to give a hoot about other religious groups opposed to SSM. The point would be that should the religious make far less noise about their rights, the whole thing would have been done, delivered and we would have moved on. But most religious groups especially Christians like to think of themselves as victims, while historically most of the time they have been the victimisers.


rabbits still breed like rabbits...

New research has written another chapter in the textbook case of an arms race between a host and its pathogen. The main characters in this 70-year seesaw drama are the voracious European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) and a virus deliberately released in France and Australia to kill off the rabbits and protect fields and pastures. Working with museum specimens collected decades ago, a team has discovered that rabbits on two continents evolved the same genetic changes to beat back the virus—before the virus itself changed to regain the upper hand. The find is another striking example of how evolution sometimes repeats itself, and suggests we might be able to predict nature's course in to some degree.


Read more:


Democracy isn't a spectacular sport... it's becoming a nasty blood sport...


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