Friday 7th of March 2025



Our latest cover story explains how “Fire and Fury” came to be and whether, and the extent to which, it approaches the truth. Most importantly, however, it delves into the consequences for an America and a world that have been confronted with a nuclear-armed fool who is likely to remain in office for some time to come, who is neither mentally nor psychologically suited for the job – apparently also not physically, either, given how late he starts the working day and how early he ends it. That, unfortunately, is precisely the point: Humanity as a whole is being set back just because of one single person. The achievements of decades – the fight against a climate disaster, against the nuclear threat, for equality between men and women, between blacks and whites and so on and so on. Where is the world supposed to start again if it manages to survive Donald Trump?

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Yep, but not new... Where is the world supposed to start again if it manages to survive George W Bush, Obama, Donald Trump, Clinton, Nixon? We've been on this case of "evolution" of Presidents for a while, actually since May 2005 on this site alone... Please visit: 

Evolution of sapiens

and note that this picture below is far more accurate than this erzast at Der Spiegel, and reflects the rise of humanity despite the morons in charge:


other evolution images from gus...

trump devolves



Mind you one could think differently....

evolution of the dumbest

still tops with his own morons...

United States President Donald Trump’s overall approval rating is plumbing depths he’d rather not tweet about, but his conservative base remains firmly on side.

In fact, Mr Trump finishes his first year in office more popular with his own party than Barack Obama or Bill Clinton were at the same point.

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donalding in davos...

At the World Economic Forum in Davos, there isn't just one global economy and one business world. There are several worlds and layers, a bit like the different levels of a company headquarters, but with escalators between some floors and others connected by wobbly ladders and others with no link whatsoever.

The politicians converge on their floor, they hold speeches, meet with or avoid each other and then leave to continue their travels either inspired or exhausted. Their importance is measured by whether they get to speak in the big auditorium and for how long, and whether they will be welcomed and interviewed by WEF founder Klaus Schwab.

The stars of the financial world, along with many lobbyists, also come to Davos to cultivate their networks, cut deals and celebrate at nighttime parties, like the one held by consulting firm McKinsey with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Making public appearances at Davos isn't always crucial and some guests never even enter the congress center. The gathering's prominent finance-world guests include executives from major banks and hedge fund managers. 

Multinationals like Apple, Google and Facebook show up with entire armies in the hopes of divining new trends and steering public opinion.


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Please pay attention to "... and steering public opinion"... "Your mind veel be managed!"... Read from top....

alternative claas spiegel...

Der Spiegel Exposes One of Its Top Reporters as ‘Fake Stories’ Creator

The reporter apparently managed to falsify and invent stories and interviews for several years, and was finally exposed when a suspicious colleague decided to thoroughly check his alleged sources.

German weekly news magazine Der Spiegel has announced that one of its star reporters resigned due to committing journalistic fraud "on a grand scale".

An internal investigation reportedly revealed that Claas Relotius, a 33-year old staff who won numerous accolades, including CNN Journalist of the Year award in 2014, and who was named German Reporter of the Year earlier this month, has been inventing stories and faking interviews for several years.

Relotius’ cheating was apparently exposed when a colleague who worked with him on a story along the US-Mexican border became suspicious and tracked down two alleged sources who were quoted extensively in Relotius’ article, and who said that they actually had never met him.


Other false stories by Relotius reportedly include an article a Yemeni prisoner in Guantanamo Bay and a piece about NFL star Colin Kaepernick.

This development apparently did not amuse a number of social media users who were quick to express their emotions on Twitter.

Commenting on this development, the magazine lamented that it marks "a low point in the 70-year history of Der Spiegel."


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