Monday 10th of March 2025

the mask, the witch-bloke and the liar-woman...


Because no one is safe from politicized rancor in 2018, conservatives hate Jim Carrey now. The actor/comedian drew Republican ire over the weekend when he posted an unflattering portrait of what is presumed to be White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

The caption of the “cartoon,” as Carrey put it, doesn’t actually mention Sanders by name, but it’s not exactly cagey about whom the picture is meant to be. “This is the portrait of a so-called Christian whose only purpose in life is to lie for the wicked,” Carrey wrote in the tweet. “Monstrous!”

Predictably, conservatives were quick to jump on the former Ace Venture, with many saying they would never again watch his films. Sanders’ father, former presidential candidate and Fox News talk show host Mike Huckabee, took his own shot on Twitter. Linking to a Fox and Friends video asking if Carrey’s picture and religious commentary had “gone too far,” Huckabee had a few choice labels for the comedian:

“Pathetic BULLY, sexist, hater, bigot & ‘Christaphobe’ @jimcarrey attacks @PressSec for her faith; what would be hypocritical Hollywood reaction if he called someone a ‘so-called Muslim’ or ‘so-called Jew?’ #classlessCarrey”

We can’t fault a father standing up for his daughter, but calling someone a sexist bully for drawing a caricature — an art based on exaggeration — feels like just the type of PC BS people like Huckabee are supposed to be admittedly against. Not to mention the fact that “Christaphobe” sounds like a word made up by bigots trying to hide behind fabricated hypocrisy.


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Holala.... The Christians are up in arms for Jim having had a go at this woman's religious beliefs which do not stop her for lying silly with a straight face.  

satire from the master...

Jim Carrey's now viral caricatures of the White House Press Secretary and then the President are seen by some as political satire and by others as sacrilege. In a culture where character used to count and everything is politicized, how we process and respond to this kind of targeted speech shapes the conversation.

Art is political speech.


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Religion is a big big big lie. Go Jim, go. Love the painting. Gus — see:

the biden and the old crow of allan poe...

The comedy is a bit lame but not as bad as the New York Post is making out... :


The final episode of “Saturday Night Live” before Tuesday’s presidential election went much further than the show did in 2016.

Playing Hillary Clinton four years ago, Kate McKinnon looked at the audience and said, “We can’t tell you who to vote for, but on Tuesday, we all get a chance to choose what kind of country we wanna live in.” Vague enough, right?

Well, this week was a hell of a lot more specific than that.

As former Vice President Joe Biden, Jim Carrey took on a Halloween theme during the cold open and read a parody version of Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Raven.”

The satirical poem ended thusly: “This daylight savings time, let’s gain an hour and lose a president!

Can’t get much more explicit than that.

Alec Baldwin’s President Trump didn’t appear for a rebuttal, but Maya Rudolph’s Kamala Harris did and, in a throwback, McKinnon’s Hillary showed up.

It was a logical, if un-entertaining, end to more than a month of mostly clunker sketches sending up Biden and President Trump in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election. There is one more episode next week, but it’s safe to say that whether Trump or Biden wins, it won’t be funny. At the end of last cycle, McKinnon’s Hillary sang a mournful version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” Side-splitting.

The Poe sequence had nobody ravin’.

“I wanted to take your minds off the election by reading a scary story,” Carrey’s Biden began. “Once upon a midnight dreary, while Trump retweeted QAnon theories.” That, if you can believe it, was the funniest rhyme of the sketch.

The rest were belabored groaners.

“Still I will win, ‘cause I’m a baller,” Carrey said, failing to make the Joe Cool gag work yet again. “Just ask my running mate, Kamal-er.”


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Miranda Devine: Trump looking strong in the battleground states

Daily Telegraph·10 hours ago



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Joe Biden's most significant promise is his pledge to reunite America if he is elected president. In his portrayal, Trump is an "historical aberration" that can be corrected with a bit of effort and goodwill. But if you travel through the United States, if you flip through TV channels in the evening, if you speak with Trump supporters, a vastly different picture begins to emerge. It becomes clear that Trump alone isn't responsible for the deep divisions in American society, but is just a symptom of a much deeper crisis. And it is a crisis that won't disappear if he is voted out of office.


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