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monash — an old lion showing up the young donkeys of today'sThere is a controversy: to give Sir John Monash a posthumous Field-Marshal promotion. Such promotion is not unique though. I know of some people who got military promotion, after they died, for their work during the war. The problem here is that Monash was a "Melbourne man". Sorry I am a bit sarcastic here, but reading the SMH super-glorious account of Monash and then stating that: "But the main reason is a broader one, to do with history itself. It is not only futile but ludicrous to try to correct history or right past wrongs this way. These are the emptiest of empty gesture.... Our time is now, not the Australia of World War I...." One can smell that the SMH is seething rather than honouring. As someone pointed out at least Monash won some battles but Trumble is still 30 negative polls polls down the sewer. Promoting Monash might give him a few notches up, but he would not do it because...? No. Our glorious Trumble prefers to support the bombing of Syria on false pretences in order to brown-nose with his mate Donald... Monash woud have pulled his ears and kicked his arse. Trumble knows that...
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lions led by donkeys...
"Lions led by donkeys" was a popular phrase used in World War I to describe the infantry and the inept generals who led them ("All quiet on Western Front over Monash promotion", April 18). The Turnbull government's decision not to promote one of Australia's greatest soldiers, Sir John Monash, to the rank of field marshall, clearly demonstrates that "leadership donkeys" have not become extinct during the past 100 years. - Malcolm Freak, Armidale
One can only wonder at the reaction of Sir John Monash's family, if not most people, at the curmudgeonly rejection of him for a posthumous promotion. First the family had to put up with the crudely populist attempt by a reactionary rump in the Liberal party to exploit his well-deserved fame. Are we now to believe that Prince Philip, Tony Abbott's misguided and lampooned choice for a knighthood, is somehow more deserving of the title field marshall than Monash, one of our most distinguished soldiers? - Ron Sinclair, Bathurst
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the joke of fact-checks...
"I can't think of any," said Professor Horner, dismissing Mr Shorten's claim as "nonsense".
"There is not a single one," said Professor Prior, describing the precedents claimed by Mr Shorten as "ridiculous".
He said field marshals were "extraordinary and few and far between", adding that to promote Monash to field marshal would break with tradition in a manner that would put him in an entirely different category of promotion.
"We're not looking at just a skip and a jump here, we're looking at something quite different," he said.
"It would make Monash a politicised and somewhat ludicrous figure and that would be a pity considering his accomplishments."
Others have taken a similar view. Fairfax Media reported that Chief of the Defence Force Mark Binskin, in a letter to Mr Turnbull, said a posthumous promotion of Monash would be legally unsound and open the defence force to more claims.
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In "Monash and me", Peter Greste explains his own family relationship to the butchery of WWI... In it, he shows with clarity, that Monash — a Jew with German ancestry, at a time when anything German was rubbish material and antisemitism was powerful (still is) — WAS ABOUT TO BE SACKED BY BILLY HUGUES (because of rubbishing articles written by Keith Murdoch — Uncle Rupe's daddy and others), who saw better to let Monash start what is recognised as the victorious "engineering of warfare" at Villers-Bretonneux. Protocol so what? Fuck the protocol and "traditions"! Protocol and traditions are there to be smashed for progress and understanding otherwise we would still be swinging from our trees... or praying to Jupiter... Mind you Jupiter was not such a bad god... Give Monash a Field-Marshal gong and vote for peace thereafter...