Friday 10th of January 2025

our little diviner .....

from the ABC …..

Howard urges calm as drought takes hold

Prime Minister John Howard says Australians need to keep a sense of perspective amid growing concerns about the drought.

The Federal Government today released the first stage of a national assessment of Australia's water resources, which found there is considerable room for improvement.

There is growing concern about rainfall, with meteorologists warning the Government that Australia is in the grip of its worst drought ever.

Mr Howard says it is a very grim outlook but the Government will give all available help to farmers and will review drought assistance next week.

He has told Southern Cross Broadcasting he expects the drought to leave a big impression on the national psyche.

"We all psychologically have mood swings related to what's happening in the bush," he said.

"I think Australians living in the cities identify with the bush still, very strongly.

"It's part of our history, part of being Australian, and when the bush is suffering we feel it. 

Mr Howard says Australia has to obliterate state borders when it comes to water supply.


Gus: if today's temperature is not an indication of coming global warming ... what is?

I urge the Prime Minister to wake up, stop dilly-farting about it and start enforcing reduction of CO2 and methane by as much as 70 per cent today; not in 40 years time when the levels of these gases in the atmosphere will reach records not seen since about 80 million years ago or such ... with sea levels at more than 250 metres above present levels.

I urge the Prime Minister to influence is buddy in Washington to stop his stupid war theatrics and enforce massive reduction of CO2 quota TODAY ...

One-man band

I fear the meister is whistling, drumming and fiddling away, all at the same time. He has nothing to lose by ignoring Global Warming for a while, then gently fanning the flame into a huge wedgie for Labor during the election campaign. Labor will have to work out whether it wants more identification with Greens, and the controversial social issues, or shadow the Tories in the centre. Keep watch at the platforms and conferences on climate change, and see if Beazley comes within cooee of Bob Brown.

Disaster relief

From our ABC

Govt announces first $350m of drought package
The Prime Minister, John Howard, has announced the first part of Federal Cabinet's drought package and promised to offer help to more types of producers and extend the amount of time it is offered.

He says there will be more announcements but the first part will cost about $350 million more.

Federal Cabinet is working on a package worth about $750 million.

read more at the ABC


Gus: interesting to know that last year's "disaster relief" for farmers in the US was about 27 billions dollars... A double-dip in the kitty for many US farmers...

Give the poor bloke a white cane...

From our ABC

Howard says media buy-outs unrelated to new laws
The Prime Minister says it is a misunderstanding of the situation to say recent movement in the media industry is a direct result of new ownership laws.

The Federal Government's overhaul of media ownership legislation was officially signed off by Parliament yesterday, but it is not yet known when the changes will come into force.

The Seven Network has bought a stake in West Australian Newspapers and James Packer's Publishing and Broadcasting Limited (PBL) has announced a partial sell-off of media assets.


Give our UnAustralian Johnnee a white cane... It seems he's gone totally blind...

media chips .....

from today's sydney morning herald ....

We all get to pay pay in the new awstraylen media casino Gus but, as always, only the house wins.