Monday 10th of March 2025

helping little old ladies across the street to shoot them on the other side...



Manual of a Perfect Gentleman (1908)

In this picture [movie: Manual of a Perfect Gentleman] we see a young fellow leaving home carrying a book containing rules of etiquette. While seated on a bench in the park an occasion presents itself to practice some of its precepts, for a nursemaid comes along with a baby in her arms and sits beside him, and while she does some work he volunteers to mind the youngster. He does not keep it long, however, for it sets up such a squeal that he is glad to return it to the maid and hasten away. 

Next he meets a pretty young woman who is having some difficulty buttoning her shoe, and he very gallantly volunteers to assist her, but she, misunderstanding his desire to be kind, considers his conduct impertinent when he raises her ruffles a trifle high, and she gives him a slap and hastens indignantly away, leaving him sprawling on the ground. 

He next comes upon a beggar and gives the unfortunate a few pennies, but when the impostor sights the wallet he compels the generous young man to give him every cent at the point of a gun. 

We next see him as he passes a river into which two men have just thrown a dummy, and he, thinking that it is a man in distress, dives in and drags the thing to shore, much to the amusement of the spectators. When he realizes that the joke is on him he becomes hardened, and vows to go his way through life always bearing in mind the axiom, "Self-preservation is the first law of nature.”

This philosophy comes floating along in one of the earliest movies ever made, possibly based on nothing much, except the realisation that we all are vulnerable and exploitable, or can become a dictator.

The more elegant view for "being a gentleman" comes from a ficticious quote from a ficticious manual, that would fit well with the Three Musketeers:

"What water hates most, apart from being sunburnt, are sword strokes. This is why every morning, a gentleman, with his fencing foil — safety cork removed — shall refine his movements through the waters of a deep enough river. This is the secret of the finest blades of the realm

(Manual for the Perfect Gentleman)

You think an enlightened dictator can exist? You see no problem with the patriarchal system? Do you ever repeat that people need to be hit with a stick to make them move forward? Are you nostalgic for the blessed times when security prevailed? You are not against slipping a little graft to a civil servant? Do you realize that you could be a hard ruler with a hand in a kid glove? Do you think you hold the truth because you have a very powerful imaginary friend? Are you fed up with the fact that you are constantly reminded of human rights? Do you think that freedom of expression has limits, "yours"? Does the majority — made of ignorant people — make you despair? Do you want to have a formal dictatorial system because you're fed up with the others’ botched work? This manual is for you!


give peace a chance...


his wife is more popular (#2)...

The First Lady stood apart from her husband, who questioned the NBA superstar's intelligence in a fiery Twitter tirade. Another basketball legend, Michael Jordan, also sided with James, praising his "amazing job for his community."

The day after US President Donald Trump launched a late-night stinging Twitter attackon NBA superstar LeBron James, First Lady Melania Trump said she would be open to visiting James's I Promise public school for at risk-students in Akron, Ohio.

"It looks like LeBron James is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation and just as she always has, the First Lady encourages everyone to have an open dialogue about issues facing children today," Melania said in a statement released by her spokeswoman.


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potus has gone completely potty...

The Iran sanctions have officially been cast. These are the most biting sanctions ever imposed, and in November they ratchet up to yet another level. Anyone doing business with Iran will NOT be doing business with the United States. I am asking for WORLD PEACE, nothing less!


With this twittering blast, Potus has gone madder than himself. WORLD PEACE? he never understood the idea of the world being something else than just the USA. Who does he think he is? Jesus Trump? Give him a lollipop to calm him down, please!... or a dummy to suck on...


Read from top.

turds float...

Hastings laid into Trump during that election, too, calling him a "sentient pile of excrement," the Miami Herald reported.

Several past presidents have availed themselves of the opportunity to dip in the Potomac, including John Quincy Adams and Theodore Roosevelt, both of whom reportedly swam in it naked in winter, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Of course, even if he knew the doggie paddle, Trump might get President Lyndon B. Johnson's treatment. Johnson once quipped, "If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read: 'President Can't Swim.'"


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mcgahn did not incriminate trump...

Attorney: McGahn did not incriminate Trump in special counsel interviews
Bill Burck told White House lawyers that Donald McGahn did not assert that President Trump engaged in any wrongdoing when he spoke to Robert S. Mueller III’s investigators, according to people with knowledge of the discussions.

  • 1 hour ago