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bolted...One has to laugh about Andrew Bolt’s columns about the waves of immigrants that are "changing the landscape of Australia’s population". Born in Adelaide, South Australia, he himself was the son of newly arrived Dutch migrants... In 1957, Mijndert Huibert Bolt, 24, and his fiancée, Margaretha Korenstra, 26, applied to migrate to Australia. Mijndert Bolt, from Utrecht in the Netherlands, had trained as a teacher, although he described himself as a clerk on his immigration application form. Korenstra was a shorthand typist and came from Aalsmeer, a town 13 kilometres south-west of Amsterdam famous for its flower market, the largest in the world, and for having had a Nazi mayor during World War II. The selection officer who interviewed Mijndert Bolt said the applicant had created a “favourable impression on appearance and attitude” and that he “should assimilate readily enough”. Both applicants were found to be in good health and to have no criminal record; they were confirmed not to have engaged in “political delinquency during occupation 1940–45”; and their “political reliability” was assessed as “good”. The couple married on 16 January 1958 and travelled from Holland in March with an assisted passage under the Netherlands Australia Migration Agreement. Once they arrived in Adelaide, they changed their names to Mike and Margaret. Mike set about getting his qualifications to teach in Australia while working in a brush factory and as a bus conductor. Andrew, the first of their four children, was born on 26 September 1959. Mike Bolt eventually became a school teacher/principal. Another annoying CONservative in the Adelaide region is of course Alexander Downer. After completing secondary school, Andrew Bolt worked overseas, then started an arts degree at the University of Adelaide. Andrew abandoned university to take up a cadetship at The Age. He soon became a sports pen-pusher, then joined The Herald. Strangely, he also worked for the Hawke Government on two election campaigns. The Herald was bought by Murdoch in 1987 and ceased publication on October 5, 1990, but a few days later, the name was merged with the Murdoch morning newspaper The Sun News-Pictorial to form the Herald-Sun, this paper where Bold still pontificates, as well as in other Murdoch papers — The Daily Telegraph (Sydney), The Advertiser in Adelaide, Northern Territory News and The Courier-Mail (Brisbane). As mentioned before on this site, in June 2003, Bolt published an article criticising Andrew Wilkie in which Bolt quoted from a top secret intelligence document written by Wilkie for the Office of National Assessments — about the possible degradation of the situation created by the (illegal) war in Iraq. It was "never proven that someone" in Foreign Minister Alexander Downer's office had leaked the document to Bolt. No-one else could have done it, seriously. A spokesperson for the Australian Federal Police said that they did not have any evidence to identify the culprit. How convenient. But Andrew Wilkie was proven right and Bolt totally wrong on this issue. Bolt has had frequent clashes with Robert Manne, a Professor of Politics at La Trobe University, about the Stolen Generation. Bolt claims there were no large-scale removals of children "for purely racist reasons". After Bolt challenged Manne to "name just 10" children stolen for racial reasons, Manne replied with fifty names, which Bolt in response said these included children rescued from sexual abuse and removed for other "humanitarian reasons". Manne argued that Bolt and others like him were engaged in historical denialism despite "a mountain of documentary evidence and eyewitness testimony”. In regard to “The Stolen Generation”, Andrew Bolt could be rightly deluded… The children were taken away and many were sent to slave labour activities… Lousy Little Sixpence is a 1983 Australian documentary film about Australian history that details the early years of the Stolen Generations and the struggle of Aboriginal Australians against the Aboriginal Protection Board in the 1930s. The film's title references the amount of pocket money that Aboriginal children were to be paid for their forced labour, although few ever received it. So once again, Bold Bolt, the son of migrants for TulipLand, has shown some major bias in regard to migration to Australia… Robert Manne, an emeritus professor of politics and vice-chancellor’s fellow at La Trobe University, gets fired up once more: According to Bolt, Australia was losing its identity. The principal cause was “a tidal wave of immigrants” who refused to assimilate and treated Australia not as a “home” but as a “hotel”. In his view “immigration was becoming colonisation”. The kind of evidence Bolt produced to demonstrate that Australia faced a foreign invasion was an entirely indiscriminate mish-mash of birthplace, language, religion and even small business activity. “In Sydney’s Fairfield, one-in-four residents were born in Vietnam, Cambodia or China.” “In Melbourne’s Clayton and Sydney’s Campsie” one-third of the residents “speak Chinese”(sic). In Lakemba, “nearly two-thirds of all residents are Muslim”. Dandenong had “33 Indian businesses”. ... Bolt appears to have arrived at this figure [about Chinese] by adding those who claimed to have Chinese ancestry in the 2016 census (35.4%) to those born in China (27.6%). Ancestry and country of birth, however, were not alternatives but entirely separate questions. Someone born in China would have ticked both relevant boxes. By Bolt’s method of calculation, an even more astonishing 111.8% of residents in the suburb where I live, Hurstbridge, are “Australian”. Judging by place of birth, ancestry and language, the census reveals that a little over one-third of the residents of Box Hill, not two-thirds, are ethnically Chinese. .. That a column like this could be published in the mainstream media, unthinkable 20 years ago, is a consequence of the steady and sinister and perilous drift of Australia’s national conversation towards a permissible racism. ----------------------------- Unthinkable 20 years ago? Well, similar sentiments to Andrew Bolt were published and supported by governments for quite a few years after Federation (see cartoon at top). As well, for Bolt, it appears that one Muslim or one Chinese is one of each too many. Like many white “Liberals” (CONservative), Andrew Bold seems to be doing his best to appear as a white supremacist. Bolt's book, published 2005, entitled Still Not Sorry: The Best of Andrew Bolt, has been appraised by someone called Bill Muehlenberg, an American-Australian Christian and homophobic/transphobic hate leader. Muehlenberg is Secretary of the "Family Council of Victoria", and lectures in ethics and philosophy at various Melbourne theological colleges, where he lives with his wife and three sons. He was born in the United States and has a BA with honours in philosophy (Wheaton College, Chicago) and an MA with highest honours in theology (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Boston). On his blog "CultureWatch", Muehlenberg publishes rants such as "Top Twenty Myths Pushed by the Homosexual Activists". He strongly supports the death penalty, because the Bible says so. Not so, said the Pope recently, a more Christian bloke than Muehlenberg could ever be. Muehlenberg also believes that Darwin is to blame for Hitler. He writes for Creation Ministries International's website And he hates Muslims too. He strongly opposed Donald Trump's presidential candidacy because the American billionaire is an ungodly man, like the pagan kings of the Bible. Yet after a near 2000 word grand-standing lecture on that topic, Bill conceded that he may "grudgingly vote for" Trump, which goes to show how much Bill's verbose articles lack basic coherence. Bill and Andrew both hate the concept of "global warming". this ignorance is is based on pseudo-ignorance cultivated with blind faith in ignorance. Bill Muehlenberg thus raves about Bolt’s magic: Andrew Bolt is arguably the nation’s foremost conservative columnist. While there are others around, in many ways he stands out. He writes for the most widely read newspaper in the country – the Herald Sun – and is a courageous and dogged defender of most traditional values. Moreover, with a razor-sharp mind and an excellent writing style, he is well-suited to take on so much of the nonsense of the left, of political correctness, of cultural decrepitude, and of left/liberal social engineering. This book is a collection of some of his many opinion pieces that have appeared over the years in the Herald Sun. There are well over one hundred opinion pieces featured here, broken into twelve main subject headings, ranging from the trouble with Islam to the crisis in ethics. …… Meanwhile, Anne Summers tells us: On 9 September (2011?) The Power Index, a publication of Crikey, anointed Andrew Bolt as the nation’s most influential ‘megaphone’. “Print, TV, radio: there’s no medium this conservative can’t conquer” was the citation. They added: “Bolt bites … his willingness to bully, bait and ridicule is crucial to understanding his power.” Bolt’s response was to blog: “Gosh, world domination is easier than I thought … Basically I just type stuff at a keyboard in my study with an imprudent lack of concern for the consequences …” Eventually, Bill Muehlenberg reminds us : "What was that line by Irving Kristol?: A neoconservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality." This is bullshit of course. Great funny quip but totally lacking reality. It’s in line with the “if you’re not a socialist at twenty you have no heart and if you’re not a capitalist by forty, you have no brains”… These quips are subtle ways to prop up the ruthless system of governance that will send you to war on its behalf, and will value selfish sociopathy ahead of compassion. This is the place where Andrew Bold appears to “live in”. As far as we don’t know, Andrew could be the most generous guy in the world, yet his rancid rabid writings only show his sociopathic selfish side and his selective statistics to support his somewhat sad and dangerous political position prove he is a fraud... Further reading:
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superbly crafted...
A couple of hours later, Bolt posted on his blog an image of Marr with pursed lips, seemingly in mid-sentence, with the invitation to his many followers to click on it and watch the segment. Over the next few hours 133 comments were posted, some remarking on Marr’s apparent rudeness, others commenting on the picture itself.
“I saw an expression like that on an egg-bound chook once,” said ‘Jackie of Gaia!’.
“Poor fellow is chronically constipated,” responded Fay of Charlestown.
“I doubt that, Fay,” chimed in Alan Jansen. “Given what Marr proudly admits to, constipation is unlikely to be a problem.”
Marr was outraged when he was alerted to these remarks two days later. “We’d been talking about opera and then you go on and get this blinding thing,” he told me. He immediately rang Bolt, who had the offending comment ‘snipped’, formally apologised to Marr and posted the following statement on the blog: “David has alerted me to a comment which snuck through our moderation and which abuses him in homophobic terms. I am mortified it got through, and have instantly removed it. I apologise to David and have banned the person who put it up.”
Marr accepted Bolt’s apology and his assurance he had not seen the posts. What Bolt did not disclose was that the person who was moderating the blog and past whom these comments had “snuck” was his wife, Sally Morrell. “It was an official arrangement, for his wife to moderate his blog,” Phil Gardner, editor-in-chief of the Herald and Weekly Times, told me. That arrangement ended about a year ago, he said, and Bolt’s blog is now moderated in house at the Herald Sun.
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skynews was the limit...
Sky News Australia has announced The Adam Giles Show will be reviewed and placed “in recess” after it broadcast an interview with far-right extremist Blair Cottrell.
The channel’s chief executive, Angelos Frangopoulos, also announced that Cottrell, who has previously said he wanted a portrait of Hitler in every school classroom, would “not be back on the channel” after his invitation sparked outrage.
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yobbo politics...
Senator Fraser Anning's careless mixing of race and politics is just one example of how the defence of white male privilege is setting democracy on the road to tyranny, writes Carl Rhodes
WHEN DR TIM SOUTPHOMMASANE, Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner, gave his final speech ahead of stepping down on 20 August 2018, his message struck a sombre tone. Racial disharmony is on the rise, he lamented.
Soutphommasane accorded that Australia's success as a multicultural society is under threat. This threat is not from extreme factional groups or mask-wearing fascists, it is from the mainstream of Australian public life.
The real danger, he argued, comes from “dog-whistling politicians” and “race-baiting commentators” eager to harness populist attention through the careless “mixing of race and politics”. Just about a week later, Senator Fraser Anning proved how devastatingly true that was when he called for a “final solution” to “ethnocultural diversity” in Australia in his maiden speech.
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