Friday 7th of March 2025

spew like a dumb dog's breakfast...


Allen Weisselberg, the chief financial officer for the Trump Organization, was granted immunity by federal prosecutors in Manhattan as part of their investigation into Michael Cohen, US President Donald Trump's former lawyer, it was revealed Friday by The Wall Street Journal.

Weisselberg is reportedly listed by prosecutors in criminal papers regarding the Cohen case as "Executive 1," NBC News reported, citing a person familiar with the case.

Cohen pleaded guilty on Tuesday to eight charges, which included tax fraud, making false statements to a financial institution and campaign finance violations. The once-loyal Trump lawyer noted in court that at the direction of the "candidate for federal office," he had arranged payments "for the principal purpose of influencing an election."

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Obviously, the laws are different in Orstraya, as Malcolm gave more than a million bux to "his party" so it could win the elections...

still not a single russian hiding in the pot-plants...

And that's still not all. Late Thursday, it was also revealed that prosecutors were considering filing criminal charges against the Trump Organization and two of its top officials for their roles in handling Cohen's monthly payments. Officials are also looking into how the company reported Cohen's reimbursement on business filings. According to the Washington Examiner, if investigators find that company officials intentionally lied on documents, they could see charges ranging between misdemeanors and low-level felonies.

Cohen is presently free pending his sentencing, which is scheduled for December 12.


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Yes. But where's "the Trump did it"? Where are the Ruskies? Where are Hillarious money trails? So what?

un accordo con il diavolo...

Trump's offer to Giuseppe Conte:

«On the debt you will have our help»

From Washington comes a proposal to support the purchase of government bonds to replace investors fleeing the auctions of the BTP


The closer the budget approaches, the more uncertainty about the deficit targets rises, the more the financial tension increases, the more the government seeks an escape route among some members of the government: a financier of last resort, to which the Italian State can be relied on to replace private investors who are increasingly reluctant to increase exposure to Rome's government bonds.


One of the recent signs of this market protection anxiety arrived a few days ago with an output by Paolo Savona. The Minister for European Affairs has gone so far as to imagine a "guarantee" of Russia over the Italian public debt, if the support of the European Central Bank fails.


It is not clear what it means to say Savona and how that could work in practice: for all the companies of assessment of the sustainability of the debt, the Moscow government has a note (the so-called rating) lower than Italy and Standard and Poor's, the most important agency, it even judges it as "non-investment" or "trash".


Among other things, the Russian economy is smaller than the Italian one by about 30% and has even lower tax revenues in proportion. The Savona deal therefore seems difficult to explain on a purely logical level.


More serious questions are raising another option in the government. Giuseppe Conte spoke about this when he returned from his visit to the White House three weeks ago. Donald Trump, according to the Prime Minister, would offer Italy help from the United States to finance the public debt in the next year (in 2019 the Treasury of Rome has to place on the market securities for about 400 billion euros, of which 260 medium-long term).


This indication of the President of the United States to Conte, is reported by three Italian institutions at the highest level.


Conte, however, has not explained exactly what the American offer consists of and whether it has any chance of materializing. The Washington administration does not have its own sovereign wealth fund and does not have the power to coordinate funds or private sector banks. When at the end of June the White House brought together a number of big investors, in the presence of the Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, according to one of the participants, Italy was not even mentioned. It was not a topic at stake at the time for Trump or his team.


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Italy, please remember GREECE!... THE USA WILL indebt YOU in a bit to damage... Europe...