Monday 13th of January 2025

the essential barking dogs have been gutted...


On Thursday October 11, 2018 Facebook initiated another large wave of censorship. This follows the previous wave that took place in mid August 2018. This time around Facebook removed over 800 accounts, including those shown in the screenshots provided below, that are US based publishers who publish political content that is often in contrast to accepted mainstream media narratives.

For this current censorship purge Facebook is using the excuse of 'spamming' to conduct the censorship of the politically oriented content. Previously Clarity of Signal has presented extensive evidence that Facebook is colluding with the Atlantic Council, FireEye Intelligence and other government/NATO related organizations to determine what is allowed to be presented as factual information on the Facebook social media site. 


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One of the founding principles of the United States is freedom of expression. As technology has allowed new ways for people to express themselves, protecting that freedom has meant protecting not just what’s in books and newspapers, on radio and television but also what is on the internet.

Because of the First Amendment to the Constitution — which says no law may be passed to abridge freedom of speech — federal, state and local governments are barred from censoring material on the internet.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable. Although the internet doesn’t fall neatly into any of these categories, the FCC has in the past exerted influence on the internet by encouraging deployment of advanced telecommunications capability in the U.S.

Brendan Carr is one of the five commissioners of the FCC. Commissioners are appointed by the president for five-year terms. “Our view, consistent with the First Amendment,” said Carr, “is that getting more information out there is always the best and better course.”

“Government should not move toward censoring, scrubbing or prohibiting lawful speech on the internet.”

~ FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr

This is a different approach from other countries, where citizens’ access to content is in some cases regulated by government. Some countries suppress graphic content, speech the government determines is hateful and other content deemed offensive. In North Korea, most people are denied access to the global internet altogether.

“It’s very difficult to make subjective judgments about the content of speech,” said Carr. “Oftentimes government actors that would go after so-called hate speech or other types of speech can have a very different view of what that type of speech is than citizens or other governments.”

In the United States, the First Amendment seeks to protect political dissent.


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youtube goes down the tube...

Popular video-sharing website YouTube went down on Wednesday for many users around the world with users experiencing problems accessing its services.

The Google-owned world's largest online video website has failed to load for many users around the world on Wednesday. People on Twitter reported troubles accessing YouTube, YouTube TV and YouTube Music services.

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Here is part of the problem:

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation.

If you see them, send them this information as text (screenshots frighten them):

APkpgMVEAipjE05-DrHfdnROw6yvTNYVl_RIs3Uj6ncgCw520zjXLRCC pM3DpXg2g5lTMgjpeyUPTR17EnzY1nsXQaQkKSC1xYmnkHUEw7D06HOG qwZMeeXNz0zLP-w5-aKwPPmVf6mnFExpOni5vR-46axiNJbKm1sXFH02 38s0Fzx3U3OgttK6Qys9_Rhr14y5LpYNI-JRAGfaajJ9ULTjUc-kQ4Mh 5dqb-qkEeAKiFhIAgvwDCODZ76QJgtWGs3h_nE3HFnuxZSJ7eqv1KXdE fiN5tj2G95Fla1z1gkKgDc4j0wnWTvQmKv7bEc4v6DLfBoCbA0ULVCjl l3z7UX9FlHAjp2oRiaELkd2T975iJjdc25q9lMaD0WqhIMVdMf4jRQOv rFAsNZ0BthPVzSi143YPTQrhvPJoGZnXn6yTvCkdzCT5GT-LWB1qzgO7 Q6wFT_soac7fpikORVqCLviLA0BPy3ZPqDfn4CDmiyK0jigkJ1gwaEt1 QIgUUleOBtL0oYwuiehIOrKl9s2Z-WYlc__7ScS6nueNwhKKl5fkxvZO Qf-aS5c3skcm6N_RbYUecOshQUnrUnIjzrnTiAXMfBVDqSAQ5JSHS1Te BwovqwYLDriYYgZsaGlVjkPo-GGctE2M75IIsRblwAWHAc2aS6KHfAqr D_EPpzX6dXZzuJWqlXsDDHkz1TJ2ejJXnZmtPr3E37Dj3L3ThyM0eVJi iK6dpw9nkqCJZ3uYLZ80PgHAoK5kPlmYUh7fY8ihT5HqRHpboqzMMQqJ 47MhGw7JbmVwfAagK28du3Zmkf6_kmpn7Gx_0TxIl7nIrrPt8cPdcvdZ CuSWhjPOjgySPMg_K03ZxVehzo4yeb8iGsS3t3H4z-ZE3Yap8TXVLO-K No-pvkzfUOTvIJ78m5cKVduQXGrQW7UTGqDWwtJjE0hgAiWbYQKKWh7Q NayBCZttUcG1W9nvgccA3EtC_N0OTQlxhexeSbyxtaZUqKCBEQhyWd75 Go5d2gQzbQoYGfkx2Xoj8s_hBsayoYhSru7eYoeR8_FnWwfcUoOZGKIZ roZVJEwL4qn4HaN7z8VRqqlLQyCJIVhc-KEov0NImOOORAjYd0bT7Cas tfCyEcu-6gNIjP1GjTOERuZfDaAXt-ysGOzNtFGUItkh0G4SHTjXDXKE yNj5Vzh17MyKEmzXf3B2ogsARVao9PoUybtZ8y-LaNd1CfJY1HetnpgA hhfCZbtqBlkFhH71KNTNQAxLodwr4fCDIL5xc-Js1r-EaJsHtWHFjGnZ QCoK7SB538hzYARH9SrfzZGwXwxQWTmxBzFNdDt_G9hksgzpt9qPFgSq ErTOGY67qDQgWhTC07CmQ3S6E8tnJExVZcilf_p-O6rMCUK14JWXIIM6 aqrDm5MQ3ArP77tasQX_6MjEAH0SfEP2y-Mv_SfhN1JcEsrsG4_lBFX7 0hDn890BYkxrrj0FUtcRh5u2XyPvVewV7AuO5wehimjqqwZfI4CRgvYR dxobb73zl4VGuq_00W7dzplyl7TbSR2PhrCvOO4OwiqtBrn9ONZy6Awt yq0W_x6mIq5_VhF5BW2Udg9nubIHALFBhedK3wTsXDH00EUKUQo1cQ_E sWIZCYZx0xqFa9hFh7qHoAAKebygYYWupZEArY0e1arNS5FL6bq2cgP2 y0cX4EPhzBWH8WRKOUrcakJcgPDbn_JNFBL7Zs-PE3A-LirhSU80V5RI ISDZTuZ1bVGYipsL2WhaScWD7L7od6cspFCW2KIR3vfv2MxRRCSqtZCp qBcyZR2hY8B-hgDcD0Wbgi5gd7kvRlJ7BJclwk3ZEzPSkS50ayegjGam UjVOSowjoSP2DohKno-a-sOrqlAKfVyShGkqZmjfewrjmqYUFYBYLrCT 0Mo5hljA4B-NAEqaVpQ74x3_qJ7jYe5WP545_MqenBY9vMhY9wG4k2Ki Gd5z4CSmxRPpVp8ZMn7aMCyhQjxDcjRUsFseZiFcB-waqfhTk0Z6uEJU KuLa9JTRk94zAZrPs5ZymB9jcqncJU0aiaS74xlpd8eEt4eYCpDOXzME Aj8w2TrhaZ8bOAP9JJ9NKnV91drjMoXtKfJUXCQxclmjZnzwPXjz0W2s zN9CQDfPCzU7F6nG6p9z4TkB_xa9UlwprYu2x3x1GcSjmZwPgOFtJ83H EnoGoJQeFag4tI0jHW1YdprXjwWQwa4J5yDkXfcir37CqIb9yqHKdQCo SdAiOIjMVPiaunXimIc_m1oHFt_Gykef9iiJxuAworVlDbi1SrResuMr HfLLefat0d-8vuKwBX9N1TEKDjjbC4u1RLzi3pSVkfjP6soSEJFJVfNb I97ro5K2mQRJ61XQk29q0fUTJAC7plV5qhhuHlkkaNxCnx0L_Z3RzRCm s9pcjYiE2nqCs064ca2ujaoaQTeUuEx9FgZ-WfYxmiI1e8g0BvtJKfKW iXuDEmNYnn9juhjmU2jlqyxWS27F7G8RjIaA2_9ijppcqRYplXrIwGAC _i5gm5F2cmSxv4XlFEKvPhJv9TW50yCVtTOZVXdoWct1L47qZK_tWfFp kiMSNN5N-KFN_DNca74ICRfQNe8dsTnOgXWEtzEKq32ws-6nhZH6U_uc wB-gnDexEkyQqoQzHMSAxYbqJWwLKzLH0-7Zh_0CYAiW1N4_jr2eBKXG MMtsaAOtT4z-XvtteRy79zGmLHZTCe65Co3SxMXfdHWQiZXbfNZefw


We can say that the monkeys worked to perfection and the service got restored pronto...

censorship in tassie...

New rules that ban journalists at Tasmania's Parliament from lingering in corridors and talking to MPs have been described as heavy handed and a threat to democracy.

Rules for media include:
  • Journalists "may not linger" in selected corridors and "may not seek to engage members in conversation"
  • Media "should make an appointment by telephone" if they wish to speak to a politician
  • Reporters are allowed to "transit around the building unescorted to areas the media are permitted"
  • Areas where journalists can walk unimpeded include "the media room" and "bistro"
  • Photos of "unparliamentary behaviour" by parliamentarians are banned
  • Images "cannot be digitally enhanced, touched up or altered in any form"
  • Photos "are only permitted during the first 10 minutes of Question Time"


The guidelines were issued by Speaker Sue Hickey and affect members of the House of Assembly, but Ms Hickey has not responded to questions about whether she oversaw them.

Under the guidelines, the media is prohibited form "lingering in the corridors in the vicinity" of the House of Assembly Chamber, Committee Rooms, the Atrium, Ministerial Offices, party rooms or individual rooms of Members of the House of Assembly.

"In these areas, the media may not seek to engage members in conversation," the document states. 

"As a general rule, members of the media wishing to speak with a member should make an appointment by telephone."

The rule effectively means journalists are banned from talking to MPs in most areas of the Tasmanian Parliament. The guidelines also prohibit the media filming anywhere in the building, without the permission of the Speaker. 

What can be filmed inside the House of Assembly even when permitted is also limited.

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bypassing the muzzle-heads...

If the establishment media were truly balanced, the purge of alternative news outlets from de-facto social media monopolies would be a front-page splash everywhere. 

Instead, the manner in which the move was either ignored and under-reported proves that those who shout loudest about “free speech” may be its greatest enemies.

Sadly, RT saw something like this coming. And for that reason, we have developed a new site to promote the free exchange of information and views. The fact it launches a few days after US social media giants Facebook and Twitter clamped down on dissent is merely a coincidence.

New Samizdat is a news aggregator with a difference. The website will attempt to bring you the most important and interesting stories across the English-speaking web, which are either undervalued or ignored by legacy outlets.


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Read from top.


Please note that the above encryption information contained in: youtube goes down the tube... is GENUINE. It should actually help any programming boffin in understanding how the system works (Gus uses the YouTube channel to post videos).

of lingo and phatic function of polliticians...

Roman Jakobson defined six functions of language (or communication functions), according to which an effective act of verbal communication can be described.[2] Each of the functions has an associated factor. For this work, Jakobson was influenced by Karl Bühler's organon model, to which he added the poetic, phatic and metalingual functions.

The six functions of language[edit]
  • The referential function: corresponds to the factor of Context and describes a situation, object or mental state. The descriptive statements of the referential function can consist of both definite descriptions and deictic words, e.g. "The autumn leaves have all fallen now." Similarly, the referential function is associated with an element whose true value is under questioning especially when the truth value is identical in both the real and assumptive universe.[3]
  • The poetic function: focuses on "the message for its own sake"[4] (the code itself, and how it is used) and is the operative function in poetry as well as slogans.
  • The emotive[5] function: relates to the Addresser (sender) and is best exemplified by interjections and other sound changes that do not alter the denotative meaning of an utterance but do add information about the Addresser's (speaker's) internal state, e.g. "Wow, what a view!"
  • The conative function: engages the Addressee (receiver) directly and is best illustrated by vocatives and imperatives, e.g. "Tom! Come inside and eat!"
  • The phatic function: is language for the sake of interaction and is therefore associated with the Contact/Channel factor. The Phatic Function can be observed in greetings and casual discussions of the weather, particularly with strangers. It also provides the keys to open, maintain, verify or close the communication channel: "Hello?", "Ok?", "Hummm", "Bye"...
  • The metalingual (alternatively called "metalinguistic" or "reflexive") function: is the use of language (what Jakobson calls "Code") to discuss or describe itself.

To all this we have to add censorship (supression of various communications — intelligent or not), bullshit (fake news, lies, porkies), dumbness and encryption (code becoming more complicated for the average recipient to uncramble)...

the religious traditions of banning yoga...

The Sydney Anglican Church is set to vote on sweeping powers that will ensure that no same-sex marriage services or receptions, meditative yoga or traditional Indigenous smoking ceremonies will be held on any of their extensive properties, including schools, rental properties and church halls.

The 900 church trust properties owned by the Anglican Diocese of Sydney will be included, along with commercial assets leased from the church by secular organisations or businesses — as well as any body corporate, organisation, school or Anglican association such as Anglicare and Youthworks. 

It is understood this would include, for example, shops owned by the church in the Sydney Town Hall arcade, Sydney Square and St Andrew's House, as well as properties such as those rented as the barrister's chambers of St James.

LGBT Anglicans and Indigenous leaders expressed outrage and concern as lawyers scrambled to understand the full implications of what they say is largely untested law.

"This is an alarming stifling of voices," said former Anglican pastor and co-chair of Equal Voices, Joel Hollier. 

"There are so many LGBT Anglican people within our churches that long to have a place within the church. We are faithful, deeply engaged and seeking to be a part of our church communities.


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How ScoMo's happy-clappy church of evangelical loonies who believe in Noah's Ark rather than global warming is going to deal with exemptions? Yoga? Is yoga freeing the mind from the religious mind control? What about smoking ceremonies? Isn't this ban a bit petty towards the most oppressed people on the planet? 


Read from top.

smoke it in the first nations...

The Sydney Anglican Diocese has backed down on a controversial policy banning smoking ceremonies on any property owned by the church following outrage from indigenous leaders, school principals and priests who work closely with First Nations communities. 

ABC reports of the proposal, due to be debated tonight at the annual gathering of the Diocesan synod in Sydney's CBD, were greeted with anger by indigenous leaders who likened the decision to assimilation. 

The reports have also shocked principals who have regularly held smoking ceremonies on school grounds and infuriated local ministers who told ABC News that there had been no consultation and that it would be deeply embarrassing and offensive to indigenous friends and parishioners.

The Synod will still debate this evening the banning of the uses of church property for meditative yoga, as well as the controversial policy to not allow any use of schools, church halls or commercial premises leased by the church for same sex marriage ceremonies, receptions or "advocacy" of any form of sexuality that is not a man and woman in marriage or single abstinence.


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priceless dog...

Turkmenistan's president has bestowed his favourite dog breed with the highest honour - a giant golden statue. 

Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov unveiled the 19ft (6m) statue of the Alabay dog in the capital Ashgabat on Tuesday. 

The Alabay is a home-bred Turkmen variety of the Central Asian shepherd dog and is listed under the country's national heritage.

It isn't the first time the breed has been honoured by the president - last year he devoted a book to the Alabay. 

Despite the grandeur of the statue, much of Turkmenistan's population is impoverished. The country is ranked one of the least free in the world by press freedom organisation RSF, just one place above North Korea

The statue is located in a residential area designed for civil servants, according to Eurasianet. 

It features an LED screen with video footage of the breed in various situations. It's unclear how much the statue cost to construct.




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See Gus's picture of dog (mongrel breed) in Newtown, Sydney, Australia, at top.