Monday 13th of January 2025

desperation in wentworth... bringing big liar rattus out of his retirement village...


Senior NSW Liberals say it will take a "miracle" to win the Wentworth byelection, labelling a damaging email smearing independent Dr Kerryn Phelps as "the final nail" in the campaign.

Sources close to the campaign said the email that falsely claimed Dr Phelps had HIV and was pulling out of the race was "hugely damaging", and had cruelled their chances of holding the seat.

Liberal candidate Dave Sharma called the email "vile" and supported Dr Phelps' demands for its origin to be investigated by the Australian Electoral Commission.

But party sources said the email, alongside the leak of the Ruddock report into religious freedom, would have the desired effect of causing "maximum damage" to the Liberals and portraying the party as "homophobes".

The email also urged voters to only support Mr Sharma and remove Dr Phelps' campaign posters.

In a last ditch appeal, former prime minister John Howard pleaded with disillusioned Liberal voters on Thursday not to "romance" the idea of a protest vote in Wentworth, warning the federal government stood to lose its majority.


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get rid of scomo-the-disbeliever...


As if the Liberals aren't having enough trouble with the transaction costs of regime change to discourage any party from the coup road, now the Nationals are displaying angst over their leadership.

There's unhappiness that Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack isn't cutting through publicly, or throwing around enough weight within the Government. Those who'd like a change back to Barnaby Joyce are stirring.

Mr Joyce, having put his personal crisis behind him, is obviously feeling his oats. Being envoy on drought might be a minor job, but it has lifted his profile, given him a platform, and no doubt stoked his perennial enthusiasm for being out on the campaign trail.

In Parliament this week, it was obvious Mr McCormack was reacting to the pressure he's under from the muttering and criticism.

The Nationals' desire for a special agricultural visa might be a niche issue, but Scott Morrison's pushback on it has been used against Mr McCormack. 

Asked in question time on Tuesday for his response to a report that "a very well-known Nationals stakeholder has been ringing around for about three weeks in the face of ineffective representation on the ag visa", Mr McCormack launched into an extraordinary, and revealing, tirade about anonymous backgrounding.


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ScoMo is a disbeliever. He is a disbeliever of climate change and blind to what needs to be done by "his" government. He also appears very erratic like a fly in a jar — making silly decisions, like the Jerusalem move, to win votes rather than present fair and considered judgement. It's opportunism with deviousness as the core of his Noah's Ark happy-clappy disillusions...

It's not the way to run a country. See also:

by-election in wentworth — the liberal (CRASS CONservative) candidate rejects ruddoch's findings...


and: the CRASS crazies...

Poor "Rattus" ...

Great to see the little rodent scurrying around the place ... it would be great if he witnessd the destruction of his legacy first-hand ... the most dangerous & damaging idealogue to ever infect our national consciousness.

Squeal you rotten little bastard!!

sponsored by a large israeli arms manufacturer?

By now on this Saturday morning citizens would be queueing at polling stations throughout William Charles Wentworth’s electorate.

The question on many lips is what happened to Dave Sharma’s association with the accountancy firm Kelly+Partners? In January 2018 there was fanfare when he came on board to lead the firm’s lobbying and government relations team. Yet click on K+P’s online announcement and you’ll get a firm “Page not found”.

However, Sharma remains non-executive chairman of Shekel Brainweigh Ltd, an Israeli company that makes “4D recognition technology” – software for weighing things in supermarkets. Its headquarters are in Lower Galilee.

The other trinket of information is to be found in former Middle East correspondent John Lyons’ book Balcony Over Jerusalem, where it is reported that when ambassador to Israel, Dave attended a banquet at the King David Hotel with a clutch of junketing Australian politicians and associated Israeli bigwigs.

The feast was sponsored by Elbit Systems, a large arms manufacturer and supplier to the Israeli Defense Forces.

Gadfly previously reported that the Royal Flying Doctor Service withdrew from an arrangement for Elbit to build a flight training simulator in Dubbo. It felt that trying to save lives in distant areas of the country didn’t sit comfortably with an outfit dedicated to blowing people up with “unprecedented tactical mobility, lethality and accuracy”.


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resurrecting the moribunds...

Another imponderable is why the Nasty Party insists on parading fossils such as Little Winston Howard and Fabulous Phil Ruddock around the ring at election time. They would be better kept out of the line of sight of undecided electors and small children. But there was Fabulous Phil on Q&A, the father of the “Pacific Solution”, with an Amnesty International badge glinting on his lapel in the studio lights. You simply can’t make this stuff up.

Maybe the New Zealand Solution is the logical extension of the Pacific Solution. Much alarm surrounds whether refugees and their children accepted by New Zealand after being banged up on Nauru for five years should be allowed to visit Australia, even to see a dying relative or if, in due course, one of their number rose to the heights of NZ PM. 

No. Absolutely not. They wouldn’t be allowed to put one tiny foot on our hallowed and blessed soil.  

A more probable likelihood is that they wouldn’t want to come to Australia under any circumstances. After all, this is the country that has made their lives hell, sent them half mad, destroyed their prospects for a better future and made a political virtue out of their human misery. 

For these refugees the lure of Australia has long ago turned to merde.


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