Friday 10th of January 2025

saving democracy .....

No matter how "badly" our water is managed, water HAS TO BE and stay a public utility... Any fool can privatise anything, but water HAS TO STAY in the hands of the public. It does not matter if the Poms have decided to sell their waters to some AUSSIE banks here and there, the crux of the matter is that water SHOULD BE FREE and regulated against pollution like the air we breathe... and protected for over-usage... OTHERWISE some some clever bastard will come and sell you your life... YOU already buy it in many forms from education to heath, but WATER? No way!...
Save our democracy... Protest at the privatisation of water... even if private enterprise can deliver it "better"...It is a public democratic and animalistic right.

recycled water .....

for those in QLD ..... 

‘On 30 November 2006, Queensland's Deputy Premier, Treasurer and Minister for Infrastructure, Anna Bligh, announced that on 17 March 2007 South East Queensland residents will vote on the permanent introduction of recycled water into existing water supplies.

The plebiscite will take in 19 shires in South East Queensland from the Tweed River to and including Cooloola Shire in the north and to and including Toowoomba in the west.

At present, the major reservoirs servicing South East Queensland are at less than 24 per cent of capacity and at present minimum rainfall levels are expected to hold enough water to supply the region for two more years.

The Western Corridor Recycled Water pipelines are not expected to be completed until late 2008, and other water supply infrastructure will come online after this date.

Based on this, the use of recycled water for domestic consumption may become necessary and an informed debate on the issue must take place. This is your chance to let Bruce Flegg and the Queensland Liberals know where you stand.

Water Options