Wednesday 12th of March 2025

shameless .....

8 November 2006



Do you think there is a case though for lifting the level of foreign aid?


I think there is a case for increasing it, which we have done. We have increased it a lot and the increases have yet to be paid, so let's just, at this stage, leave it on that basis.

Once again, our little serial prime porker continues to dissemble & deceive …..

As was pointed out a little over a year ago on this site, our prime meanster publicly boasts of Australia’s generosity, whilst ensuring the opposite is true.

Back then our little johnnee proudly announced that Australia intended to increase its overseas aid allocation to about A$4 billion a year by 2010. Such an increase would represent a doubling of Australia's overseas aid from 2004 levels.

Australia’s foreign aid in 2004 amounted to 0.18% of GDP & with the great benefactor’s self-congratulatory announcement, is set to double to around 0.36% - if that commitment is actually met.

But this is faux generosity by a government that boasts of its unparalleled success in generating record levels of wealth for aussie battlers bent on pursuing johnnee’s never ever  “aspirational prosperity”.

In 2000, the Australian government endorsed the UN Millennium Declaration, committing the world community to creating a fairer, safer world for all humanity.

To give meaning to the Millennium Declaration, a number of Millennium Development Goals, containing specific targets to reflect the achievement of a 50% reduction in global poverty by 2015, were agreed & endorsed by the heads of state from 189 countries, including Australia.

Today, the gap between rich & poor has never been wider, with malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, conflict & illiteracy a daily reality for millions.

The UN Millennium Report (2005) led by internationally renowned economist, Jeffery Sachs, highlighted that 2005 was the year for new action, if the Millennium Declaration goal of reducing global poverty by 50% by 2015 is to be realized.

To meet the commitment made by John Howard to the Millennium Development Goals in 2000, Australia’s rate of contribution must be at least 0.5% of GDP, even though the Australian government had previously promised a contribution of 0.7% of GDP.

Our prime porker continues to fake his government’s credentials in the fight against global poverty. As always, johnnee remains concerned only with appearance & cares nothing for substance.

Just another empty “core promise” ….. shameless.