Tuesday 14th of January 2025

scummo goes on the front foot in high heels...

high heels

Every year around the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (25 November), politicians with white ribbons pinned to their suits deliver passionate speeches about protecting women from domestic violence. But when it comes to implementing life saving measures, their lack of action speaks louder than words.

Keeping Australians safe was one part of the government's five key points in the budget plan. Safety concerns are mentioned multiple times in Treasurer Scott Morrison's speech and touch on securing borders, improving roads, city safety and preventing elder abuse. Yet there was no mention of safety for those escaping violence, let alone money for frontline services and safe housing.

Funding for women's refuges is currently allocated under the homelessness agenda, which raises issues because of the specialist services required by victims of domestic violence — appropriate cultural and linguistic support including translation services, trauma counselling, access to legal advice and representation, and schooling for children.

The 2015 Australian of the year Rosie Batty's heartbreaking story and campaigning helped shine a spotlight on domestic violence. The minister for women at the time, Michaelia Cash, said an impactful campaign similar to those against smoking or drink driving was needed to bridge a gap in Australians' understanding about domestic violence.

The 2015-16 budget reflected that public pressure to address the scourge of domestic violence — announcements included a $30 million state-federal awareness campaign on reducing violence against women and their children.

This was followed in September by an additional $100 million Women's Safety Package including a big advertising campaign to address the root causes of family violence — later added to with a further $100 million thanks in part to the campaigning efforts of groups like Fair Agenda.


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If I remember well, it was the Liberal (CONservative) government that cut funding for women's refuges in the first place... It was a way to throw out all these "Labor do-gooders" running the refuges now to be possibly replaced by "right-wing approved" charities... I could be wrong.

born into the refuge system...

Sanctuary without secrecy: a new women’s refuge

BY Zoë Morrison

A new approach to making those experiencing family violence feel safe

“The last visitors had to be blindfolded,” the duty manager at the Annie North Women’s Refuge and Domestic Violence Service in Bendigo said, with an apologetic smile. We were about to visit their traditional high-security communal refuge, where safety is also assured by the security code at the door, the screens on the windows and the anonymous suburban house location. All the women and children come from outside the area and are asked to keep their new location confidential.

Inside, two women were making an early start on lunch. On the kitchen table a baby in a bassinet observed us calmly. He was born into the refuge system, and his family spent months in a motel room before making it here. His brown eyes are enormous, versions of his mother’s, who came towards us, smiling, wiping her hands on her apron.

This style of refuge was developed decades ago when support...


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dubious advertising...

On buses and on TV, the Scummo government boasts increasing funding for schools... Fair enough, the figure is not mentioned BUT THE FUNDING INCREASE IS CALCULATED ON PUBLIC AND CATHOLIC SCHOOLS. This is a trickster way to hide what's really going on. DON'T FALL FOR THE TRAP. THROW THE SCUMMO MORRISSION AND HIS MERRY CRONIES OUT. OUT! And don't forget NOT TO VOTE for the "traitors"...

taking a shave...

Australia has just recorded its second straight quarter where the economy shrank on a per capita basis.

Key points:
  • Australia's economy slowed from 4pc annualised growth at the start of 2018, to around 1pc in the second half
  • Growth of 2.3pc over 2018 is well below RBA forecasts and places more pressure on the bank to cut rates
  • Australia's economic output shrank 0.2pc per person in the fourth quarter, after a 0.1pc decline in the third


Removing the impact of population growth from fourth quarter GDP figures, the economy declined by 0.2 per cent in the three months to the end of the year, following a 0.1 per cent decline in the three months to September.

Including population growth does not make the picture much rosier, with the economy growing at just 0.2 per cent over the fourth quarter.

The weak result dragged down Australia's economic growth last year to 2.3 per cent, well below the Reserve Bank's optimistic call of 2.8 per cent and beneath even the more pessimistic analyst forecasts.

It also shows a dramatic slowdown over the course of last year, with annualised growth over the second half of the year coming in at 1 per cent, compared with the brisk 4 per cent in the opening months.

"Growth in the economy was subdued, reflecting soft household spending and a decline in dwelling investment," ABS chief economist Bruce Hockman said.


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don't be fooled by his yellow vest...

Scummo is no revolutionary yellow vest. He's more of a blancmange bogan with a revolting sausage fake positivism. The head gear is mostly to protect him (and the CONservative women) from deserved political brickbats... The tie shows he is no worker, despite his dirty hand (out of frame).




Vac pack on their back

Council workers hunt in a pack.

They push the leaves onto the street
For a machine to collect with a sweep.

They make a nasty racket until smoko,
When work has to be stopped, and jolly-oh,
Cell phones are thumbed to the latest news
And the latest image of a Kardashian butt-crack
As ciggies come out of their cancer pack. 
Vanilla becomes the word of the day — abuse.

Lucky the sky is high and blue:
Sweating like a pig, no-one needs a loo.

Vac pack on their back
Council workers hunt in a pack
And they wear a bright yellow vest
which in Australia is orange, at best.


Martino Vigneroni

fighting australians in syria????

Scummo should have his head checked by a service station attendant for having inhaled too much toluene. Tonight on SBS and ABC news he told us that any Australians (they can't be Aussies to do this shit —Gus aside comment) joining ISIS forces in Syria, should face THE FULL FORCE OF THE LAW (and this is fair enough) but then he killed his argument by saying these "terrorists who are fighting Australia"...


Bullshit! Australians had nothing to do in Syria (or Iraq for that matter) except providing a rotten rubber stamp of approval for the US rubbish in the Middle East. Australians were not asked (invited) by the LEGITIMATE Syrian government (whether you think Assad should resign or not) to fight in Syria — and when the Australians "fought" with their planes, they hit Syrian troops "by accident" instead of ISIS. Idiots! Hypocrites!


Scummo has been sniffing petrol fumes for too long and his brains have gone to US blancmange code blue, clouding his understanding of the situation — and he wants us to be as dumb as he is... Go away. Throw Scummo and his cabinet dogs out the window.


Read from top.

scummo pushes a barrow of murderers, rapists and sugar...


Prime Minister Scott Morrison has categorically denied telling senior colleagues to exploit concerns about Islam for political gain, insisting he sought to confront Islamophobia.

Key points:
  • Scott Morrison said he never told senior colleagues to exploit community concerns about Muslim migration
  • The Prime Minister accused Waleed Aly of being "very emotional" and "over the top"
  • Mr Morrison refused to say whether his party should preference One Nation and Fraser Anning last.


In a tense interview with Waleed Aly on The Project, Mr Morrison accused the host of being "very emotional" during an editorial on Saturday, and suggested he said things that were "over the top". 

In those comments on Saturday, Aly cited media reports of a senior Liberal in a Shadow Cabinet meeting in 2010 suggesting the party use community concerns about Muslims failing to integrate as a political strategy to gain votes. 

"That person is now the most senior politician we have," Aly said.

The Prime Minister's office strongly criticised that report and claimed aspects of it were defamatory, despite the original journalists sticking by the story. 

"You implied that Muslims couldn't feel safe because they had a Prime Minister who somehow had been prejudiced against them and I don't believe that's true, and I don't think you believe that's true either," Mr Morrison said.

Aly said his comments about exploiting concerns were based on reports by multiple reporters, based on multiple sources, with one willing to go on the record. 

"No, that is not true," Mr Morrison responded. 

"What is suggested is that I said that we should exploit concerns about Islam in the community to our advantage. 

"I was concerned that we needed to address them, which is what I have been doing inside and outside of the Parliament for the last 10 years of my life.

"I was acknowledging that there were these fears in the community and that we had to address them, not exploit them."

Morrison can't say how many rapists, murderers on Nauru

The Prime Minister also admitted he did not know how many convicted "rapists and murderers" were currently on Manus Island.

Senior Coalition figures have argued the medical evacuation bill will allow these people into Australia, although the Immigration Minister has the discretion to block their transfer if they have been convicted or pose a national security threat.

Aly asked whether describing a small section of asylum seekers as rapists and murderers created a prejudice.

"You've got to be honest with people," Mr Morrison said, before suggesting Aly was "sugar-coating" the threat of the bill.

Aly repeatedly asked Mr Morrison to state exactly how many convicted rapists and murderers were on the island.

"There only needs to be one, that's my answer," Mr Morrison said.

"There are a number… I don't have the number to hand but this is getting into a semantic discussion, what I am saying to you Waleed is this though, don't sugar-coat this stuff.

"I'm afraid, mate, that sometimes you can be accused of that.


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Scummo was in advertising. Advertising is the art of spin. Scummo, despite being a lousy advertising guru for where-the-bloody-hel-are-you tourism failure, knows how to spinelessly spin reverse-garbage with his own sugar-coated rescue of what he blabbed before. Throw him out at the next elections. Throw the traitors out as well — and throw lying Abbott to the starving sharks off Manly Beach (I'm allowed to say this because Alan Jones wanted to throw Julia Gillard in a shaff bag in the middle of the sea — probably the Pacific)...

more women...

Today (9-4-19) Scummo was interviewed in regard to Dutton involved in chinese theatre. Of course Scummo was praising Dutton for having done whatever only only only once, but the point of my post is that behind Scummo, there were no less than three women. I counted four at one stage in the image. Not a bloke, nor a baseball-cap-playing-cricket to be seen, no meat pie either.

Of course the most prominent woman seen on the right (but standing on the left of Scummo) was Michaelia Cash, who should have resigned or be booted out for whatever...