Saturday 1st of March 2025

it's the self-made can-do con-man...


Boris Johnson has been elected new Conservative leader in a ballot of party members and will become the next UK prime minister.

He beat Jeremy Hunt comfortably, winning 92,153 votes to his rival's 46,656. 

The former London mayor takes over from Theresa May on Wednesday. 

In his victory speech, Mr Johnson promised he would "deliver Brexit, unite the country and defeat Jeremy Corbyn".

Speaking at the Queen Elizabeth II centre in London, he said: "We are going to energise the country.

"We are going to get Brexit done on 31 October and take advantage of all the opportunities it will bring with a new spirit of can do. 

"We are once again going to believe in ourselves, and like some slumbering giant we are going to rise and ping off the guy ropes of self doubt and negativity." 

Mr Johnson thanked his predecessor, saying it had been "a privilege to serve in her cabinet". He was Mrs May's foreign secretary until resigning over Brexit.

The outgoing PM in turn congratulated her successor, promising him her "full support from the backbenches". 

US President Donald Trump also tweeted his congratulations to Mr Johnson, adding: "He will be great!"


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sending boris to the moon...

BRITAIN needs a "sense of mission" to pull off Brexit, Boris Johnson declared today in his final blast of the Tory leadership campaign.

The frontrunner for No10 vowed to harness the spirit of the moon landings when he embarks on talks with Brussels.

He called for more "can-do spirit" and dismissed claims the Northern Irish border will remain an impossible sticking point.

BoJo made his rallying call in his final Daily Telegraph column before he is expected to become Prime Minister.

The winner of the leadership contest is announced tomorrow and will take over from Theresa May on Wednesday.

Mr Johnson said: "If they could use hand-knitted computer code to make a frictionless re-entry to Earth's atmosphere in 1969, we can solve the problem of frictionless trade at the Northern Irish border.

"There is no task so simple that government cannot overcomplicate if it doesn't want to do it.

"And there are few tasks so complex that humanity cannot solve if we have a real sense of mission to pull them off.

"It is time this country recovered some of its can-do spirit. We can come out of the EU on October 31, and yes, we certainly have the technology to do so.

"What we need now is the will and the drive."

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Boris Johnson has been flooded with well-wishes from around the world after being named the next prime minister of the UK, even receiving congratulations from Ivanka Trump for becoming the leader of the “United Kingston.”

Donald Trump’s daughter took to Twitter on Tuesday to comment on Boris Johnson’s selection as the head of the Conservative Party, making him the UK’s next prime minister. Her note of congratulations, however, suffered from a small typo – some might even say a Freudian slip.

“Congratulations @BorisJohnson on becoming the next Prime Minister of the United Kingston,” Ivanka tweeted.

The geographically-challenged message was quickly deleted – but not before the inevitable pile-on by the Twitterati.


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an opportunistic liar...

The arrival of Boris Johnson in power in the UK is anything but a surprise. Nevertheless, it gives shivers to Europeans, as the new British Prime Minister seems ready to harden the tone to finally lead the Brexit he has been the herald since 2016. During the campaign in the tories, did he not promise to leave the European Union (EU) "no matter what" by October 31st, even to go to a "no deal" synonymous with a sudden break with the Twenty-Seven?

In spite of the clarity of the slogans sent by the interested party to the Tories to establish his victory, what Boris Johnson will do in power remains a mystery paradoxically likely to give some hope to the European leaders, since the Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Theresa May is known as versatile, pragmatic and opportunistic. "It's a politician who has embodied very different positions, values ​​and a very different view of society over the course of his career. He changed his tune several times and sometimes quickly, "Judge Alexandre Holroyd, MP (The Republic on the move) of the French established in the United Kingdom and northern Europe.


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It's about time for the Europeans to let the decadent Brits adrift, deal or no-deal, and the EU should keep a tab of what the UK owes to Europe. From then on, it will be as the French say: "pas de cadeaux"... (no free gift). This saga goes back a few years, even since the General de Gaulle said NON to the UK joining the European market.

promises promises...

Boris Johnson Will Start Breaking Promises Tomorrow

After winning the Tory leadership contest this week, Boris Johnson is to become Britain's next prime minister. He will have to show quickly that he can lead as well as he can seduce, and whether he will deliver Brexit or if it will be his undoing.

So, there he is, standing in front of the big black door that has already daunted so many of his predecessors. A total of 92,153 conservative party members -- less than 2 percent of the British population -- have voted to send him there. And if Boris Johnson obtains the Queen's official blessing on Wednesday afternoon, he will finally become the official occupant of 10 Downing Street. He's been dreaming of this for decades.

But once he enters into his new life as prime minister, he will have to stand in front of the door and explain to his compatriots what he actually plans to do. Johnson is set to do that on Wednesday afternoon. And at that moment, he will begin breaking his promises. 

In the past two weeks, as one of only two candidates to succeed Theresa May, his uncanny and one-of-a-kind talent for talking a lot without really saying anything was on perfect display. He has pledged all kinds of things to just about everyone, promising billions in gifts and tax cuts -- managing to bring even deeply hostile Tory deputies on board with his argument that all is well, and nobody need worry. But they only boarded Boris' ship because it's the only one still afloat, and because its captain has so far kept them in the dark about his intended course.

This is what enabled Johnson to land in Britain's highest political office. To keep that position, he'll finally have to make choices. In that sense, it's not especially important whether he will make a strong push for better schools or offer solutions to Britain's housing crisis. As with May, his predecessor, Johnson will be measured solely on whether he succeeds with Brexit. Or whether Brexit consumes him. 

Difficult Choices

Johnson has stated that he is determined to leave the European Union on Oct. 31, come what may. He wants to reopen the agreement Theresa May negotiated with Brussels and strip sections that the remaining 27 EU member states have declared non-negotiable. But he has also said that the chances of an unregulated departure, the so-called "no deal," are a "million-to-one" against. All of this together cannot be true, and is not possible in the short window of time available.

Johnson knows this, too.

The question is who he is going to have the courage to spar with? The Brexiteers, who already showed May just how merciless they can be when she stopped doing what they wanted? Or more EU-friendly Tories, who have made good use of the recent weeks by putting together a powerful no-no-deal brigade? Johnson actually needs the support of both if he wants to remain in power. The minority government he will be leading has a razor-thin majority in parliament. If just three Tories were to bolt and join the EU-haters in the Brexit Party or if three members euphoric about the EU were to join the Liberal Democrats, that majority would vanish instantly. 

That's why Johnson's next steps will be so crucial. Is he really going to convene a cabinet containing only proponents of a no-deal Brexit, as he has announced? Or will he also include his rival, Jeremy Hunt? Will Johnson travel to Brussels soon? Or not at all? Will he risk new elections to break the stalemate in parliament? Or even a second Brexit referendum? He has ruled that out, but does that really mean anything? And does Boris Johnson himself even know what he wants other than remaining prime minister for as long as possible?

His charisma has gotten him far. But he will now have to show that he has powers of leadership, not just of seduction. 

Boris Johnson's first 100 days as prime minister will begin on Wednesday. If things don't go well, they could also be his last.


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the buffoon will spew a dog's brexit...

The UK has just made another fatal mistake, has just put another nail in its coffin and has just signed its death warrant. Boris Johnson is another Trump

Don't get me wrong - I have nothing personal against Boris Trump, sorry Johnson. Well after all he was born in New York, wasn't he? And like the occupant of the White House, Donald Johnson, sorry Boris, has also allegedly said some pretty wacky things. True, he has also managed to cobble together a pretty interesting resumé, having worked as a journalist in a number of publications writing about a variety of topics from politics to cars, has served as a Member of Parliament, Mayor of London and Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom before becoming leader of the Conservative Party and tomorrow, Prime Minister.

Buffoonery and bumbling - Boris

This does not mean he is a nobody and it certainly doesn't mean Boris Johnson is not intelligent. But here's the rub - when will Peter's Principle come into play? Peter's Principle is the point at which a person's utter incompetence catches up with them and unless Boris Johnson can tame himself, get real, gain some gravitas and look Prime Ministerial, all he brings to the political scene is buffoonery and the figure of a bumbling, upper-class Great British eccentric, who at the drop of a hat might call Africans piccaninnies and class gays as bum boys, if he has not already.

True, as Mayor of London he cut crime and true, as Mayor of London he overspent. True to form, for someone who may have an ability to show touches of brilliance and panache but who lacks the ability to sit down, concentrate and grasp detail. Politics needs a mixture of groundbreakers but also an army of those boring little grey people who turn up on time, correct you when you say it is nine o'clock informing you that actually it's eight fifty-eight, people who have never been drunk in their lives, who always knock on the office door, always twice, at precisely the same time, who say the sensible thing, marry someone who glares when one looks at the bottle of gin and bother to study the dossiers. The Prime Minister has to be a mixture of both.

And we are speaking about the best of times. Because of people like Boris Johnson, with his lies about the European Union, the United Kingdom today finds itself in a terrible place, about to embark on a career of self-destruction the likes of which have not been seen since Crassus' disastrous foray into Parthia, to be annihilated at the Battle of Carrhae and it is said, die a horrible death with liquid gold poured down his gullet.

Johnson was one of the main exponents of the Brexit campaign based on nonsensical statements about huge sums of money becoming available for the National Health Service if the UK left the EU and he, alongside Nigel Farage (now of the Brexit Party) whipped up the hype against the EU, swallowed hook, line and sinker by a gullible and chronically misinformed public.

And now Johnson makes noises about a no-deal Brexit, which would be astoundingly harmful to the UK economy and would see the British exports increase in price, making them less attractive, meaning factories would close, jobs would be lost; SMEs, the backbone of the British economy, with profit margins squeezed, would see their doors closing, meaning more unemployment; imports would necessarily be more expensive, so prices would rise. The growing uncertainty would push the pound under, seeing billions and billions wiped off the board in the Stock Exchange, just for starters. Huge social benefits payments would ensue, less money would be available for public services, hospitals and schools would get worse. The United Kingdom, in fifty years' time, if it remains outside the European Union, will go back to being what it always was - a rainy, miserable, grey place shivering in the cold on the outskirts of civilization, the poor man of Europe, and this time around without friends, without a say in the business it will now have to pay to do which today it enjoys for free. Nuts? Ask Boris Johnson, that's what he supports.

How anyone in a position anywhere near ministerial level can seriously postulate a no-deal Brexit and expect the other 27 members of the Euto change their tune after they have already signed a deal and then expect to be taken seriously is mind-boggling, is a demonstration of shit-headed arrogance, pigfaced insolence, and in short, buffoonery, bluster,bumbling, bimboesque clownery of the worst category.

I wish Boris Johnson well but I have that gut feeling that the Conservative Party of the United Kingdom has just made a fatal mistake. The only option now is for Boris to go for his no deal, get blocked by Parliament, call an early election and lose it. Then can the next Prime Minister please get real, man up, get sensible and realise that most people in the UK do not want any form of Brexit?

Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey

Twitter: @TimothyBHinchey

[email protected]

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your wife will have bigger breasts...

In 1999, Boris Johnson told his boss, indeed promised, Conrad Black, the owner of the Daily Telegraph newspaper and the Spectator magazine, that he would forgo a political career and instead take the helm as editor of the political weekly.

If only. Conveniently breaking his pledge, Johnson stood as Conservative MP for Henley in Oxford and won the election in 2001.

And thus began Boris' scorched earth odyssey which has brought him to the threshold of No. 10, Downing Street.

The list of egregious lies and calamities, which come so naturally to him, is so long it beggars belief. Just to remind ourselves: This is the man who was forced to apologize for an editorial published in the Spectator under his leadership that wrongly blamed drunk Liverpool supporters for the Hillsborough tragedy in 1989, in which 96 football fans were crushed to death.

In 2003, the leader of the Conservatives, Michael Howard, for reasons probably known only to him, gave Boris two shadow Cabinet positions, party vice-chairman and shadow arts minister. A year later he was sacked after allegations of an affair with a Spectator columnist, which he had described as an "inverted pyramid of piffle," proved to be true.

This is the man who described women wearing burqas as looking like "letter boxes" or "bank robbers." Or telling the electorate that voting for the Tories "will cause your wife to have bigger breasts and increase your chances of owning a BMW M3."

Comments like these have his supporters guffawing with laughter and bolster their belief that he is the antithesis of his boring Westminister colleagues and rivals.


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Boris is Kraptonite on planet Crapton...