Friday 7th of March 2025

the anti-particle of god... or why your wallet is empty...

try harder

God does not exist. But in order to bring Him (god is a male) to life, Theologians — these people who gives themselves the authority to bring the idea of god into your gullible brains — have had to come with a concept as to why god allows your life to be shithouse. 

In order to sound knowledgeable, they call this contradiction — of a loving good-god making you suffer — Theodicy. In short these morons indulge into a grand philosophical discourse explaining why god is an idiot. 


It makes as much sense as explaining the relationship between your cactus on the table by the window and your dead goldfish because you forgot to clean the tank. It’s circular nonsense. Actually there is more relationship between a cactus and a goldfish at the first hour of evolution, than between why god is good and why god allows evil. But the idea of evolution is annoyingly nefarious to those who believe in god.

In order not to be left behind in the categorisation of your toothache, some other hippy idiots thought of a secular idea to theodicy. They came up with cosmodicy, to justify the fundamental goodness of the universe — an anthropodicy attempts to justify the goodness of humanity. It’s loony. Drink your kale juice…

Here we can say that the universe exists — unless we live in a matrix of stars painted on the ceiling. But we'd live in fairyland by trying to give the universe a value of goodness. The universe is made of particles and bits of bits that have no purpose, in which the possible relative fundamental question is: why is there more matter than anti-matter in it? And does it matter?

On the question of “evil”, there is no such thing. No evil, no devil, no satan, no, djinn, no beelzebub  no lucifer, no prince of darkness… Just you feeling crap on your own, when you wake up some mornings… though there could be some relationship with your genetic make-up.

We know through scientific observation (mostly calculations so far) that there is dark matter, which in itself isn’t in opposition of good or bad to what we call matter. There is anti-matter though. Same with our calculations of dark energy. Dark energy isn’t vicious. It’s just there. It seems to accelerate the expansion of the Universe, which we can observe. Wow! And anti-matter simply negates the existence of matter. No goodo, nor devil in this.
So there. So why do you suffer? Why do I suffer? Usually it’s because I have indulged in too much red-ned, something which was pleasant at the time, the night before and, getting old, I don’t recover as fast as before. Does this mean that pleasure is counterbalanced by pain and suffering? No. Not in your nelly. Pleasure and pain are parameters of our efficiency in survival with bio-processes, and in our acceptance of and resistance to some poisons, including caffeine, but to some extend, they are only related by what we feel on the sum of our state of mind. Hungry, angry in a mix of content… We could have a sore head but we're elated our footy team won the game last night. Hard to focus the radars, though...

Anyway, this is relative. Meanwhile, the self-appointed authorities on the matter, the theologians, still try to make sense of nonsense to this day, everyday… 

As the Pentecostal theatres push the boundaries of godly delusion into song and dance (give generously to pay for the music and strobe lighting), others dudes are seriously tackling the problem of your ineptitude at being rich: economic suffering — which for years was a Catholic tenet of being good (happy are the poor because they will inherit the earth). They now try to explain why god and his minions — the rich sinners with their own private jets — can be malevolent, while being good. Professor of Economics and Theology at Alphacrucis College, Paul Oslington, tells you why your life is crapolocity:

Philosophers and theologians have written a great deal on the problem of suffering – or the problem of evil as it becomes when suffering flows from human moral choices. When a God who is supposed to be both powerful and good is involved, we have the problem of theodicy. This problem received its canonical formulation in David Hume’s Dialogues on Natural Religion: “Is he willing to prevent evil, but not able? then he is impotent. Is he able, but not willing? then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? whence then is evil?” Answering Hume and many sensitive religious and non-religious thinkers who have asked similar questions is the task of theodicy.

Here we go again, thrown into the arms of illogical-idiocity… The sooner we get rid of this pseudo-valuation of god and gold, which is totally wonky — that we all need a richer understanding of economic suffering and evil, through a renewal of the discussion of economic theodicy initiated by Malthus, Smith and other early economists — the better we can live, even if it’s only in our own head. Oh and please do not talk of “balance” like the minister of education did yesterday at the media club… Balance is good for police to judge if you have been drinking too much before driving, by making you walk in a straight line, foot before foot. Balance has nothing to do with god and evil fighting for supremacy of the planet. Only idiots and US presidents do this.

Economic hocus-pocus through the eyes of god is grand imbecilicodicy… But in order to cling-on to the god value of delusion, we’re also pestered by the likes of religious Rod Dreher, who in his latest febrile instalment, devilishly aligns himself with the secular Mephistopheles of modern decadent shitty philosophy, Houellebecq — the French master of ‘materialistic horror’…

Regular readers know that I’m enamored, in a bittersweet way, with the novels of Michel Houellebecq. Bittersweet, because Houellebecq’s novels are extraordinarily bleak, but they are also extraordinarily insightful about the way we live now. I’d call them prophetic.

Houellebecq (pronounced “well-beck”) is not a religious believer — he has described himself as atheist, but more recently as agnostic — but according to Louis Betty, a scholar of French literature and a specialist on Houellebecq’s work, the misanthropic French novelist is “a deeply and unavoidably religious writer.”

Here we go again. Your red-ned should start to feel like old vinegar. Through this, Rod introduced more hate-your-guts misunderstandings because real scientific concepts are too hard to comprehend. 

This goofy godly/agnostic stuff is circular sophisticacamediocrity… It’s crap. In fact a lot of these neo-philosophering theodicists resent you, because you enjoy your meaningless materialism. Good for you.

In a perverse way, they want you to suffer their own angst of having asked questions which could have answers, but not the one they want. They want “god” ticked in all the boxes — ...

Philosophers like Houellebecq are misery guts. They don’t like you having a good time, enjoying your materialistic goodies. Most modern French philosophers  including the deconstructionists have tried to impose their neurosis onto the world, because of their inability to make sense of reality by “decorticating” — or peeling the layers of an onion, while they cry. They don’t want you to accept the relativity of feeling good, independently. 

Meanwhile the MegaHouses of Pentecostalism are selling salvation by encouraging you to become rich. The richer you become the more you can “give” back to the growing gigachurchismic movement. It makes you feel upright, even if you becoming rich is because you are riding on other people’s back. It’s these poor people own problem not to join in the fun of becoming rich. This is where economists are at the end of the line, with flags of various statistical values. 

But on the other side of the world of understanding, some scientists are devising experiments to discover the sterile neutrino. This could be seen at the forefront of masochistic materialism, but it’s massive fun — and far more accurate than a godly fiddle like dropping bombs on Bagdhad. 

Though hydrogen is the most abundant matter in the universe by a ratio of nearly 40,000 to one, the most abundant particle in this universe is the photon. Second to photons come the neutrinos. We can see photon, but we cannot see neutrinos. Bugger. Billions of neutrinos go through our body every second. Billions! And they do nothing much. Scientists call them neutrinos because they are basically uselessly neutral. While photons will give you electromagnetism and light, including all sorts of radio-transmissions like 5G, neutrinos are… neutral. So how do we know they are there? This is the tricky part. This keep many scientists awake at night. This is far more real than the illusion of sin, for which a human/god was crucified to protect us from sin, like zinc protect us from UVs.

Neutrinos are elementary subatomic particles with no electric charge, very little mass, and 1/2 unit of spin. Neutrinos belong to the family of leptons, which are not subject to the strong force. Neutrinos are subject to the weak force that underlies certain processes of radioactive decay. There are three types of neutrino, each associated with a charged lepton—i.e., the electron, the muon, and the tau—and therefore given the corresponding names electron-neutrino, muon-neutrino, and tau-neutrino. Each type of neutrino also has an antimatter component, called an antineutrino; the term neutrino is sometimes used in a general sense to refer to both the neutrino and its antiparticle.

Certain characteristics of neutrinos and antineutrinos make scientists wonder: Are they one and the same? Are neutrinos their own antiparticles? Gluons and even Higgs bosons are thought to be their own antiparticles. But if scientists discover neutrinos are their own antiparticles, it could be a clue as to where they get their tiny masses—and whether they played a part in the existence of our matter-dominated universe. 

One of the fourth possible one being searched for, is the "sterile neutrino”… It’s complicated. It's a transition theorised particle that can change the flavour (electron/muon/tau) of neutrinos to another flavour while travelling at near the speed of light, but not quite — because at the speed of light, no change of flavour is possible... because at this speed, time does not exist. One has to create extraordinary situations, such as huge chambers with 40,000 tonnes (or is it litres?) of liquid argon, to gauge the “existence" and mutations of these by abstraction, away from from a neutrino transmitter some 500 miles away. If this does not blow your godly socks off, then you’re dumber than you think...

Gus Leonisky
You local drunk.

does this mean that we still can say religion is shit?...



Attorney-General Christian Porter has released draft laws aimed at protecting people of faith from discrimination.

Mr Porter released an “exposure draft” of the religious discrimination legislation during a speech at The Great Synagogue in Sydney on Thursday.

The laws are designed to protect people from being discriminated against, but will not give them a licence to discriminate against others.

It will be similar to other existing anti-discrimination laws, such as those covering age, race and disability.

Mr Porter said properly understanding the role faith played for many Australians was the critical starting point for legislation dealing with religious expression.

“We should take great effort not to underestimate how important religion is to individual Australian lives,” he told religious leaders in Sydney.

“It should not be underestimated how important religion is to the composition and life of the Australian nation.”

Some faith-based groups boycotted the speech after claiming they were blindsided by the release of the draft legislation.

The laws could be passed by the end of the year, but they will not deal with how schools deal with gay staff and students.

The Australian Law Reform Commission is separately looking at religious exemptions to discrimination laws, with a report due early next year.

It wants to protect the right of religious institutions to conduct their affairs in a way consistent with their religious ethos.

Labor says it will support modest changes to anti-discrimination laws to protect people of faith, but not broad-ranging reforms.


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playing with the universe...


In the early middle ages, the only "theatre" that was allowed by most of the Kingdoms in Europe — following the death of theatre under the rise of Constantinian Christianity (in the fourth century) — was the Liturgical Dramas, started in France in the tenth century (note: It took another 5 centuries for secular theatre to come back to life — and another 4 centuries for this theatre to be "free" of government controls). The earliest versions of Liturgical Dramas were to enact the story of Easter in the churches, with songs of piety. They became popular in England and soon the story of Christmas was added to the spectacles.

By the thirteenth century, such religious theatre has become so popular that the plays had to be performed outside the churches. New stories about saints being tortured — sometimes too real, making actors bleed — were added. The plays evolved into several tableaux, with actors brought on carts for each scene, in front of the crowd gathered in public places — usually the town square. These were a change from pillory and public hanging…

The plays became major productions and actors were paid by the Church. God was apparently worth 8d, but Noah was paid more, 10d, possibly because he had to get drunk and pay for his own booze… 

Hell was created on the stages of wagons with machinery that spewed flames, exploding gunpowder and fireworks that bristled. Because of the danger, the actor playing the devil, still known then as Belial (, needed a strong disposition:

He that schal pleye Belyal loke that he have gunne-powder brennynge in pypys in his handis & in his eris & in his ars whanne he gothe to battel.

                                   From The castle of Perseverance, 15th century.

Trans: "Who ever plays the devil, is facing having gunpowder loaded in pipes, placed in his hands, his ears and his arse, when he goes into battle…"

Despite its electronic imageries and microphones, the best of the Pentecostal spectacle of Hillsong looks inane, “fabricated" and completely artificial in comparison — but all of this is still silly theatre telling imaginary sets of fake stories. 

The bible is a book of legendarised pseudo-historical visions that make as much sense as a pack of submarines hunting in a fishbowl. The story of Christ is told, but not followed. He preached poverty, they embrace rich pickings. Christ wore simple sandals, they wear bourgeois Louis Vitto Manhattan Richelieu or Prada shoes… He preached turning the other cheek, they practice delicate vengeance and war… "He" performed “miracles", they create illusions, not even as good as those of Penn and Teller. And yes the guy who never says a word on stage can actually talk — especially when he explains his tricks to students who want to learn "magic"… Always “close your hand” is the main trick… Meanwhile sciences and medicine save your life from an early death. They know the cycle of b amyloid that gives you Alzheimer's disease and have a fix on your degenerated genes that make you walk funny. And you think like a lab monkey.

God created the world in six days, but the Pentecostalies don’t know what the world is. They don’t want to know. It’s more comfortable to be ignorant in singing togetherness — ignorant of the god-destroying scientific realities of atoms and photons, that only understanding a quantum theory can explain, while using those for the spectacular godly deceptions under a laser beam: Just be a good plumber … and your gold will be warmly tapped as an entry fee to the grand spectacular...

The make-up of the universe is beyond any spectacular — or any "intelligent designer" or god. The universe is only a mad accidental event of random chaos in which some particles could create such a loony thing, with incredible distances and contradictions at high and low temperatures, weird accelerating behaviour — and precise lucky circumstances in which a planet like ours can evolve in. Even the solar system is a chaos in evolution, with measurable changes which tell us of its history and its future. But this is why we need to look in order to know. If we decide to know before looking, we’re stuffed inside a god puppet sock. 

Sciences are far more accurate than the religious mobs would wish with their idolised crucifixes and stupid stories of sins. The universe does not sin, nor does it contain any moralisation of what we should to. But we should understand, not believe, for our own scientific survival in humanistic secularity.

And suddenly, we observe a “fast radio burst localised to a massive galaxy at cosmological distance". The single pulse FRB 180924 to a position 4 kiloparsecs from the centre of the said galaxy at red shift 0.3214. Massive. Amazing scientific observation that Galileo could not have predicted, that the inquisition would not comprehend, because one needs instruments of materialistic high precision to achieve such feat. And this event is far beyond what we can imagine, even with an infinite beauty sign in front of paradise. The idea of god could not make sense here nor anywhere else. This radio burst actually happened millions, possibly billions, of light-years ago. And we saw it for less than a second — yesterday (24 September last year, 2018)… 

Meanwhile, as the poor are entertained by crafted god versus evil delusions and as sciences are telling us the true state of the universe, the rich have their courts and castles from where they rule with disdain, superiority trickery and brutal force. All at once, like a good quantum entanglement.

We? We live happily at the centre of our bromeliads, like tadpoles on their way to become poison-frogs. Economics give us a guide for the price of a cup of coffee and for a litre of petrol. But this can change daily, hourly, minutely, because of someone else’s greed or our own lack of cash. The "markets” auction our survival statuses with complete disregard for the degradation of the planet. 

At some stage or another we will need to wake up from this unhealthy economic torpor in which we tempt the future-you, your kids, with Oochies...

Gus Leonisky

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today, rod dreher goes to cookooland...

Today, Rod Dreher goes one more step to join cookooland… Having landed in Switzerland, he gets reinvigorated by a dwindling lot of people who still believe the holes in swiss cheese are made by god — or his delegated angels. Far for me to tell him he is deluded, but then I will tell him he missed the bus.

So Rod concludes:


That quote from Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati are words to live by:

“To live without a faith, without a patrimony to defend, without a steady struggle for the Truth, is not living but existing.”

The people I am meeting in this little parish on the Rhine, and on the hillside overlooking Lake Constance, are what’s left of a civilization — Christendom — that is dying and nearly dead. But they are trying to find a way not merely to exist, but to defend their patrimony, to struggle steadily for the Truth, and to live. They could use you Christians standing with them in union of prayers. For me, simply to be with them and to hear their stories gives me strength. And to know from Kevin and his near-death encounter with a saint reminds me that miracles really do happen.


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Good for this young man, Kevin, to survive, but don’t expect a miraculous shift to Christendom from us, loony atheists… I know people who suffered similar fate and did not turn to god afterwards, nor saw angels in their nightmares. I know a bloke who was pronounced dead in an ambulance after a bad asthma attack. In the hospital 15 minutes later, they managed to get his heart started again with shots of adrenaline or such, and he was kept in an induced coma for more than a month, until his lungs cleared of fluids pumped out by thin tubes deep inside the organs. Without medical intervention, without all the tubing in the world and no artful surgical repair (as shown in the picture in Rod's article — basically defeating his argument), both this bloke and Kevin would have died. End of story. 

“To live without a faith, without a patrimony to defend, without a steady struggle for the Truth, is not living but existing.”

The truth is that god does not exist, but some people need Him (god is a male) as a crutch for their inability to formulate their own patrimony. So for us, atheists, the saying is:

To live without passion, without a reality to defend, without a steady struggle for the scientific truth, is not living, but deluding (in lalaland).”

the dems go for "science and evidence"...

Rod Dreher is unimpressed by this decision:

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) passed a resolution Saturday praising the values of “religiously unaffiliated” Americans as the “largest religious group within the Democratic Party.”

The resolution, which was unanimously passed at the DNC’s summer meeting on Aug. 24 in San Francisco, Calif., was championed by the Secular Coalition of America, an organization that lobbies on behalf of atheists, agnostics, and humanists on public policy. The group celebrated the DNC’s move as the first time a major party “embraced American nonbelievers.”

“Religiously unaffiliated Americans overwhelmingly share the Democratic Party’s values,” said the resolution, which adds they should advocate for “rational public policy based on sound science and universal humanistic values.”

Sarah Levin, director of governmental affairs for the Secular Coalition of America, praised it as a way “to ensure that policy is driven by science and evidence, not sectarian beliefs.”

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Of course, as 80 per cent of Americans are religious nuts, Rod Dreher — a Trump-voting Republican Benedict solution religious man — should approve of the Democrats basically shooting themselves in the foot (loosing millions of voters) by ensuring that policies are driven by "science and evidence", not sectarian beliefs. 

It is as if the Democrats are vying to loose the next presidential elections, though the candidates themselves might show some religious inclinations. But on the whole, eventually "science and evidence" will overcome silly religious beliefs...

See also:

Snopes Introduces New 'Factually Inaccurate But Morally Right' Fact Check Result...

a cosmic quirk...

Stars, galaxies, planets, pretty much everything that makes up our everyday lives owes its existence to a cosmic quirk.

The nature of this quirk, which allowed matter to dominate the Universe at the expense of antimatter, remains a mystery.

Now, results from an experiment in Japan could help researchers solve the puzzle - one of the biggest in science.

It hinges on a difference in the way matter and antimatter particles behave.

The world that's familiar to us - including all the everyday objects we can touch - is made up of matter. The fundamental building blocks of matter are sub-atomic particles, such as electrons, quarks and neutrinos.

But matter has a shadowy counterpart called antimatter. Each sub-atomic particle of ordinary matter has a corresponding "antiparticle".

Today, there is far more matter than antimatter in the Universe. But it wasn't always this way.

The Big Bang should have created matter and antimatter in equal amounts.

"When particle physicists make new particles in accelerators, they always find that they produce particle-antiparticle pairs: for every negative electron, a positively charged positron (the electron's antimatter counterpart)," said Prof Lee Thompson from the University of Sheffield, a member of the 350-strong T2K collaboration, which includes a relatively large number of scientists from UK universities.

"So why isn't the universe 50% antimatter? This is a long-standing problem in cosmology - what happened to the antimatter?"

However, when a matter particle meets its antiparticle, they "annihilate" - disappear in a flash of energy.

During the first fractions of a second of the Big Bang, the hot, dense Universe was fizzing with particle-antiparticle pairs popping in and out of existence. Without some other, unknown mechanism at play, the Universe should contain nothing but leftover energy.

"It would be pretty boring and we wouldn't be here," Prof Stefan Söldner-Rembold, head of the particle physics group at the University of Manchester, told BBC News.

So what happened to tip the balance?

That's where the T2K experiment comes in. T2K is based at the Super-Kamiokande neutrino observatory, based underground in the Kamioka area of Hida, Japan.

Researchers used the facility's detector to observe neutrinos and their antimatter counterparts, antineutrinos, generated 295km away at the Japanese Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-Parc) in Tokai. T2K stands for Tokai to Kamioka. 

As they travel through the Earth, the particles and antiparticles oscillate between different physical properties known as flavours. 

Physicists think that finding a difference - or asymmetry - in the physical properties of neutrinos and antineutrinos might help us understand why matter is so prevalent compared with antimatter. This asymmetry is known as charge-conjugation and parity reversal (CP) violation.

It is one of three necessary conditions, proposed by the Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov in 1967, that must be satisfied to produce matter and antimatter at different rates.

After analysing nine years' worth of data, the researchers found a mismatch in the way neutrinos and antineutrinos oscillate by recording the numbers that reached Super Kamiokande with a flavour different from the one they had been created with.

The result has also reached a level of statistical significance - called three-sigma - that's high enough to indicate that CP violation occurs in these particles.

The results have been published in the journal Nature.

"While CP violation involving quarks is experimentally well established, CP violation has never been observed for neutrinos," said Stefan Söldner-Rembold.



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