Thursday 23rd of January 2025

having a go-a-gogo...


Friends, I want to share this with you. If you have a go, you get a go. I firmly believe that. I have always believed that.

How good is blind optimism, eh!?


Let me tell you, even at school, I lived my life by this motto. Fair dinkum!

For example, as a young fella, I would always try out for every school sports sport, whether it be rugby league, rugby union, soccer, tennis, badminton, hockey, underwater hockey, ice hockey, lacrosse, wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, judo, karate, table tennis, polo, polo-cross, show jumping, athletics, golf, cricket, orienteering, mountain climbing, pentathlon, arm wrestling, thumb wrestling, gymnastics, chess, Cluedo, Battleships, Scrabble, Dungeons and Dragons and the many, many other co-curricular activities actively embraced by the Sydney private school I happened to attend.

Oh, also slalom, swimming, synchronised swimming, diving, pole vault, rhythmic gymnastics, ski-jumping, kayaking, canoeing, skiing, bobsled, ski-jump, Canasta, go fish and snap.

And in keeping with my lifelong motto, eventually, after only a very mild intervention by Daddy, and later, Grandfather, along with a relatively small donation, I was begrudgingly admitted to the U/14D cricket team as second reserve scorer!

Which just goes to show, if you have a go, you get a go!

Almost forgot high jump, long jump, three-legged race, apple bobbing, carpet bowls, Quidditch and, of course, ball-tampering.

It was during one of those long afternoons in remote outer-suburban Sydney parklands, as I waited patiently for the extremely unlikely event both scorers would need to relieve themselves at exactly the same time, that I came up with my famous catchphrase, "Where the bloody hell are ya?!”

It was, indeed, what cricket master Strumpel shouted repeatedly as I slept peacefully behind the scoreboard during round 17, when Hanrahan and Poole decided, inexplicably, to bleed their respective lizards at precisely the same time. 

And it was possibly some of Strumpel’s stylish cut shots and back drives to my left temple and forehead with a nearby cricket stump,  as I lay behind that quaint little scoreboard – oh, how we laughed! – that may have led me to decide to study “economic geography” (whatever that is) at Sydney University. Possibly it is. Who knows? Those 11 or so years at Sydney Uni are now a total and complete blank. Thanks, Strumpel!

Nevertheless, I had a go, most likely. And so, after little more than a decade of tertiary education and just a few subsequent years of intense litigation, I got to go. Out into the world. Clutching my degree. Full of big dreams and lofty aspirations. Just another raw, hopeful, fresh-faced 37-year-old.

I love this country. Where else in the world can a young bloke with nothing else but a worthless degree, a thick wad of lobsters and some well-placed cronies expect, with just a bit of graft, to become prime minister?

How good is that?!


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still hiding behind the "national scoreboard"...

IN EARLY SEPTEMBER, Scott Morrison rejected calls from across the nation to resettle Priya, Nades and their two young daughters back in their hometown of Biloela. Dismissing the “public sentiment” surrounding the issue, the Prime Minister maintained that “If you make the wrong calls on these issues, then you invite tragedy and you invite chaos”.

The tragedy and chaos Mr Morrison is referring to is not the systematic persecution, oppression and threat of violence the family will suffer if they are returned to Sri Lanka. It is not the state-sponsored disappearances and arbitrary detention perpetrated against the Tamil minority by the Sri Lankan Government. It is not the removal of two Australian-born girls under the age of five from their beloved community to the country their parents desperately fled. What Mr Morrison is referring to is the unevidenced influx of boats that will breach Australian waters due to any display of compassion or humanity towards a person who has sought asylum by similar means.

This claim is based on the logic that if you punish, exploit and abuse people who have sought asylum by boat, the trade will stop. Notwithstanding the human rights abuses, the abandonmentof vulnerable and defenceless people or the countless lives ruined in the process, it is the most pragmatic approach to immigration policy our Government has to offer.

Priya and Nades were forced to flee for their lives in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Like all of those who have sought protection in Australia by boat, this method of arrival wasn’t a choice, but a reaction to the life-threatening situation they were faced with. Somehow, our leaders feel entitled to criticise the actions of people in such circumstances, which they have never – and will never – have to endure themselves. And now, in spite of the significant risk the family faces if they are deported, our leaders are determined to send them back — the cost of which they will not have to endure themselves either.

Immigration Minister David Coleman ultimately has the power to ensure this family are protected. His decision is not bound by legal criteria, nor does it have to be endorsed by his party and their policies. The only criteria his intervention must meet is that it is “in the national interest”.

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a fracking job...


PM Scott Morrison attacked environmental activists in a speech to miners, warning of a “new breed of radical activism” that smells like the old breed of activism but with more avocado and a whiff of superglue.

“How good is mining?” said the PM. The audience of miners applauded, but Morrison was simply asking, how good is mining?

Morrison threatened to make the boycotting of companies illegal, even though that in itself would illegal.

Scomo said all this marching and boycotting will “deny the liberties of Australians” (such as marching and boycotting).

When miners became confused at the PM’s claim that a miner offence was not a minor offence, Morrison backed down and said, “Major think though, didn’t it?”

Miners are confident the protesters will find it tricky to glue themselves to a gaping hole in the ground.

He told protesters go home and get a fracking job.


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How goodeezat?


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send the bill of the damage to scummo...

NSW fires destroy at least 150 homes, two people found dead

Two people are dead, five are unaccounted for and more than 150 homes have been destroyed as New South Wales's unprecedented bushfire emergency continues through a second day.

Two fires are still burning at emergency warning level in NSW — at the height of the chaos yesterday, 17 blazes were given that status.

Firefighters said they found one body in a vehicle near Kangawalla, about 10 kilometres east of Glen Innes, where one of the most intense blazes took hold in the state's north.


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poverty isn't solved by hard work....

If you just work harder you'll get ahead.

It's a seductive concept, and essentially the view of 50 per cent of Australia Talks respondents, who agreed with the statement: "In Australia, anyone who works hard enough can get out of poverty."

Forty per cent of respondents disagreed.

For those who haven't followed it, the ABC's Australia Talks National Survey questioned nearly 55,000 people across the community to get a nationally representative sample of what the nation thinks.

And a majority of people across the nation think "if you have a go, you'll get a go."

There's logic to this view — Australia is a developed country with solid public education and health systems that should, at least in theory, offer everyone in the community a baseline of opportunity from which talent and hard work can shine through.

But those who work on the frontlines of poverty reduction almost unanimously say the notion that hard work alone can lift someone out of poverty is just plain wrong.

"People are incredible, and people who really face lots of adversity can find a way to break through, with luck and hard work and good will," says Matthew Cox, who runs the Logan Together program, which aims to break the poverty traps in one of Australia's poorest areas.

It's hard to find someone more upbeat than Matthew. In our half hour interview he constantly returns to the positives of Logan — it's diversity, energy and opportunity — and the successes his program is already enjoying, ensuring more kids get a good start in life.

But even Matthew isn't so optimistic as to think that everyone living in poverty can haul themselves out by force of will and effort.


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