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changing the landscape from work to slavery?...
The American giant is in full commercial operation: it has just opened a sixth distribution center in France, Brétigny-sur-Orge, and says it has "created" 9,300 jobs as well as hiring 9,000 temps during the Christmas period at the end of the year. Not enough to be happy so far, according to the deputy of Paris. "These employment figures are impressive. yet they are very common in the field of distribution. All the firms have to meet the demand for the holiday season," he says. According to Mounir Mahjoubi, these job creations even have a negative impact on local commerce. "The American firm, however, is more discreet about the nature of these jobs and, especially, the erosion of local businesses that endure full competition" he said. The member of parliament supports his analysis on several numbers and statistics.
Amazon, which achieved 5.5 billion euros of turnover excluding tax in France in 2018, employed 4,737 people at the same time in its logistics warehouses in France. According to the MP, the US company can also be credited with 7,600 full-time equivalent jobs at third-party sellers in France. But at the same time, Amazon helped the elimination of 20,239 jobs in direct floor shop trade, says Mounir Mahjoubi. A figure which corresponds to the number of jobs which would have been generated in the shop trade if the 5.5 billion euros of sales of Amazon in France had been realized in the traditional stores, the calculation being based on the figures of the labor productivity according to INSEE. "For one job creation" at Amazon in France, there is "1.9 job lost in traditional shops," he concludes.
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Translation by Jules Letambour
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destroying more jobs than china... has been crowing about its plans to create 100,000 American jobs in the next year, but as with other recent job-creation announcements, that figure is meaningless without context.
What Amazon AMZN, +0.49% won’t tell us is that every job created at Amazon destroys one or two or three others. What Jeff Bezos doesn’t want you to know is that Amazon is going to destroy more American jobs than China ever did.
Amazon has revolutionized the way Americans consume. Those who want to shop for everything from books to diapers increasingly go online instead of to the malls. And for about half of those online purchases, the transaction goes through Amazon.
For the consumer, Amazon has brought lower prices and unimaginable convenience. I can buy almost any consumer product I want just by clicking on my phone or computer — or even easier, by just saying: “Alexa: buy me one” — and it will be shipped to my door within days or even hours for free. I can buy books for my Kindle, or music for my phone instantly. I can watch movies or TV shows on demand.
But for retail workers, Amazon is a grave threat. Just ask the 10,100 workers who are losing their jobs at Macy’s. M, +4.81% Or the 4,000 at The Limited. Or the thousands of workers at Sears US:SHLD and Kmart, which just announced 150 stores will be closing. Or the 125,000 retail workers who’ve been laid off over the past two years.
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tax evasion in the amazon?...
According to a report by three organizations, Amazon France has concealed 57% of its turnover in 2017 on the territory. The social policy and the environmental impact of the multinational are also questioned. Has Amazon been able to become the world leader in online sales, freeing itself from the rules and laws that small businesses are obliged to respect? This is stated in a report by Attac France, Friends of the Earth and the Solidaires trade union published on November 24th.
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the amazon virgins...
New Delhi (Sputnik): While many social media users laughed after coming across the product, offering an "alternative" to woman's virginity, several were disgusted and slammed Amazon India for its “misogynist”, “irresponsible” and “patriarchal” approach.
American e-tailer giant Amazon left many Indian Twitter users outraged after listing a product called ‘Blood for the First Night’, sold by ‘i-Virgin’.
The product is a small capsule that contains “blood-powder” to be inserted in the vagina before a couple’s “planned night”, stated its description on Amazon India. It added the “high-quality blood powder contained therein then completely dissolves”.
The company was soon hit by Twitter activists, finding itself amid a social media storm after netizens spotted the product being sold on the platform, Amazon was under fire for supporting regressive mindsets and age-old taboos.
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