Thursday 6th of March 2025

selfish promotion of a bloated narcissist evangelical...


'Disappointing': RFS boss says he heard of defence deployment from media, not Scott Morrison



By David Marr

As the bushfire crisis became even more grave, the PM’s office released his promises of ships and troops to music. Yes, a jingle


We wait in the smoke for hours for a place on the boat, for a sandwich, to get past the next roadblock. Queues for Woolworths and Caltex are so orderly. We don’t need to be told, as the prime minister told us again today: “Stay patient.” We do.

Disappointment came early with the sight of David Elliott, the widely disliked New South Wales emergency services minister, back from his European holidays and back on the job. For a time at his premier’s press conference all that could be seen of him was an unhappy face over a gut hanging out of his trousers. Then he had his moment: “I came to step up not step down.”


 Australian politics has to change for ever when your own citizens cannot sleep or breatheCynthia Banham  Read more


When Gladys Berejiklian looks pained, you feel it in your guts. That she can’t sack this man tells us a lot about the state of NSW politics. Elliott is a boss of the far-right faction of the Liberal party, the men and women who stand for Christ, coal and the cops. Were she to touch Elliott, they could bring her down.

It was a morning of warnings. Fire chiefs repeated news of wind and fires and windows for escape about to close down. Big towns were urged to empty. Ovals up and down the coast filled with cars, people and pets.

This isn’t only a bush story. These fires are burning in the holidays. Resorts and beaches under attack have been full of city folk. Facing fire fronts for the first time and scrambling for their lives up the highway will give their views on climate change a particular edge.

Back home their relatives are on the phones. “Are they all right?” is the most asked question of the week. We swap the stories of our family and friends with fear, pride and relief. The footprint of these fires is, more or less, Australia.

As the south-east held its breath, Kangaroo Island blazed. Two more deaths were added to the toll. We were still waiting for the day to unfold as a transformed Scott Morrison faced the press in the courtyard of Parliament House.


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At last he had something to say. For the first time in weeks, he looked like a prime minister taking charge and promising an “all-out response” to a catastrophe he’s now acknowledging is a very big deal indeed.

Why has it taken him so long? Tough journalists put that question to him again and again. He refused to say. He’s baffling. How much pain he might have saved himself by promising what he promised today a month ago. Would he have been mocked as he was in the ruins of Cobargo, mockery reported around the world? Probably not.

He’s still putting it down to weariness and raw emotions. That’s not what Cobargo people are saying. They thought the efforts of governments to protect them were appalling. They told him so.

Out of the blue, a forgotten figure was mentioned at the podium: the governor general of Australia, David Hurley. He’s been doing some necessary constitutional formalities, signing documents to send the military to the front.

But whatever happened to the convention that the GG represents the nation at times like these? Maybe Hurley is about. Haven’t seen him anywhere. The politicians are grabbing all the attention of the cameras.

Bad as conditions were early in the day, it seemed we had dodged the worst of the predictions. But by the time Morrison finished speaking in the early afternoon, high winds were blasting the south-east coast. It was on again.


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"authorised by s. morrison, liberal party, canberra"

Kevin Rudd says Scott Morrison is unfit to occupy Australia's highest office after the Prime Minister released a promotional Liberal Party video spruiking his response to the bushfire crisis, which has been the subject of fierce criticism.

The Prime Minister released the video on social media on Saturday evening as catastrophic conditions again hit New South Wales and Victoria and the mercury neared 50 degrees celsius in Penrith, western Sydney. Earlier in the day, Mr Morrison and Defence Minister Linda Reynolds had announced an unprecedented deployment of the military across the fire grounds.

The video is set to an upbeat musical backing track and features shots of the Prime Minister visiting fire-ravaged areas. The images are in stark contrast to the visit in which Mr Morrison was heckled by locals in Cobargo, on the NSW South Coast.

The 50 second-clip has been watched more than 1.3 million times on Twitter alone but many viewers have taken exception to the video, which ends with the Liberal party's disclaimer "authorised by S Morrison, Liberal Party, Canberra".


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This primal monkey of a PM should resign in shame and in disgust of his self. Please read: of fairy tales and freud... in science is brutal... and of the birth of fake news and of the seasons...


See also:


winters like summer and summers like hell... where the bloody hell are you?



and see all other articles on this site, on global warming and on Scott's ONLY ACTING (and we mean acting — like an actor) because his arse is on fire and his Narcissus image is sinking to the bottom of the pool....

asking questions, the PM tries hard to understand...

asking questions


NSW's fire boss has criticised the Prime Minister, saying he was blindsided by yesterday's announcement 3,000 army reservists would be sent to help recovery efforts.

Key points: 
  • The Rural Fire Service Commissioner said logistics around the extra resources would be complicated
  • The RFS says "hundreds" more homes have been destroyed by blazes yesterday
  • Four firefighters were taken to hospital, and a 47-year-old man died after suffering a heart attack


Rural Fire Service (RFS) Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons said Scott Morrison's office had not told him about the extra resources, which he found out about via media reports. 

Mr Fitzsimons said while he was thankful for the support, logistics would be complicated.

"I was disappointed and frustrated in the middle of one of our worst days with massive dislocation and movement of people," he said.

"I had my conversations with the Prime Minister's office."

Mr Morrison announced on Saturday afternoon that 3,000 ADF reservists would be brought in to help with bushfire recovery efforts as well as $20 million for leasing four firefighting aircraft.

Federal Defence Minister Linda Reynolds defended the move to leave the RFS out of the decision to deploy personnel, saying the information had been passed to the Premier.

Speaking on Sunday morning, Mr Morrison admitted there had been a "breakdown in communications" but any issues arising from that had been addressed.

Asked whether Australians could have faith in his leadership following a series of negative events, Mr Morrison said he was aware there has been "plenty of criticism".

"But I can't be distracted by that and the public, I know, are not distracted by that. What they need us to focus on, all of us actually, [is] focussing on the needs in the communities and getting the support where it needs to go," he said. 

He added that there had been a "lot of blame being thrown around". 

"Now is a time to focus on the response that is being made. Plenty of people have blamed me, people have blamed the Greens [thank you the guys at the Murdoch media].


"Blame doesn't help anybody at this time and over-analysis of those things is not a productive issue.


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Go ahead. Blame the PM !!!!!!!!...

in breach of standards, scomo should resign...

Abused by Cobargo’s survivors, his handshake rejected by a volunteer firefighter and then criticised for a leadership deficit by a fellow Liberal and NSW minister, Prime Minister Scott Morrison is now being slammed for putting his name to an ad spruiking his Coalition government’s efforts to address the national bushfire crisis.

In a scathing Twitter post, the Australian Defence Association accused the PM of “milking” escalating ADF support of firefighting efforts for partisan political purposes.

“Party-political advertising milking ASF support to civil agencies fighting bushfires is a clear breach of the reciprocal non-partisanship convention applying to both ASF and Ministers/MP,” the ADA said.

The PM attempted to defend himself on Saturday night, tweeting that it was a legal requirement in Australia to include an authorisation on all video messages used by MPs on social media.

“The video message simply communicates the Government’s policy decisions and the actions the Government is undertaking to the public,” he posted.

“The same practice is rightly employed by the Leader of the Opposition and the Labor Party. This is required and standard practice in Australia.”

But the dam walls had already opened.

Incensed by the ad, the ADA also ridiculed the video plug, issued not by the government but the Liberal Party, for its “cliche-ridden” text and faulty grammar.


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Like I saw on MANY signs held by youths awaiting a show at the theatre:


The youths are the one you snubbed with your polIcies and disdain for their plight...




please donate to... the liberal party... ?????

When it comes to political clumsiness, the Prime Minister's Hawaiian holiday was hard to top. 

But the Liberal Party advertisement released late yesterday, as dozens of communities faced horror bushfire conditions, came close.

The ad shows Scott Morrison in the field, taking charge (angry locals refusing to shake his hand are nowhere to be seen). Firefighters battle the flames with abundant support from Defence Force personnel and aerial assets. The Federal Government's contributions are proudly listed in on-screen text. Uplifting background music instils confidence that this is a man with a plan.

There will no doubt be debate as to whether this is indeed a party political advertisement capitalising on the disaster, or simply an effort to disseminate information.

But when it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck …

The social media post carried a link to the Liberal Party website, which displayed a big DONATE button at the top. 

Donate to the Liberal Party, that is, not any of the worthy bushfire relief efforts. A grab for cash as well as political capital. Classy stuff. At least this appeal for donations was quickly taken down.

'Required practice'

Late on Saturday night, the Prime Minister responded to the unsurprising backlash, insisting he only authorised the message on behalf of the Liberal Party because this was the "required practice" for any MP posting a video on social media. 

The only other option would have been to use taxpayers' money for the promotion, which would have created its own problems.

Either way, the ad looked like crass self-promotion and was very poorly timed. State premiers, who we're told carry the bulk of the responsibility, haven't felt the need for such social media grandstanding.

Morrison, the "miracle" man of 2019, has begun 2020 with his political judgement in question.

Within the Government there is widespread acknowledgement that the PM's Midas touch has gone missing during the bushfire crisis. 

This has not been his finest moment, to put it mildly. 

But there are few signs of anger, hostility or panic within the ranks. At least not yet. Some reckon the social media pile-on is only coming from the usual suspects and those looking for someone to blame for this disaster.


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Yes, this useless narcissist PM will ride the tide of summer discontent, helped by the praises at the merde'och media. Not even a genuine mea culpa could save his singed soul. He will find his feet of clay hardened by the hubris and the protection of his deluded mates:


Nor is there much sign among Coalition MPs of any clamour to dramatically shift position on climate change, despite the reality of its devastating impact.

It's one thing to express "deep regret" if anyone was offended by the Hawaiian holiday. 

It's entirely another to concede the Coalition has badly mishandled the whole climate debate for the past decade. There's no sign the Prime Minister is about to do that.


So nothing will change, apart from YOUR houses and sheds having burnt down — and three million acres of beautiful land having been scorched, and many harbours having been turned into rescue centres, with smoke filling their blackened skies. Nothing will change, except climbing temperature records, More droughts, more floods, more killer flames, but may not be for another year, though too soon nonetheless. Nothing can change in the mind set of an imbecile set to act like Nero and instead of playing the harp (or violin), the bugger played lift muzak. while going down... 

Scott Morrison should go. He has done enough damage to the reputation of this fair country, here and overseas, especially bringing total shame on Australia at the COP25, in Madrid...


Scumongeringson is an idiot, a clever deluded stooge, but an idiot nonetheless... He should resign. But we all know he wont. 


bring in the anti-complacency concrete trucks...

Any inquiry into the response and cause of the devastating bushfire crisis hitting Australia needs to investigate climate change and other factors, Prime Minister Scott Morrison says.

Key points:
  • Scott Morrison raised the issue of a national inquiry with Coalition members and senators on Thursday afternoon
  • He argued any inquiry will need to be wide ranging, and include matters such as climate change
  • The Prime Minister denied public comments from senior ministers showed the Government had denied the impact of climate change on bushfires


Mr Morrison has not ruled out establishing a federal royal commission into the disaster, which has so far claimed more than 20 lives and destroyed more than 2,000 homes across the country.

He mentioned the potential for such an inquiry during a phone hook-up with Coalition members and senators on Thursday afternoon, in which Mr Morrison addressed the Government's response to the ongoing emergency.

"There'll be a time, I think, to ensure that we work with the states and territories to get the proper inquiry in place," the Prime Minister told the ABC's 7.30 program.

"It needs to be comprehensive; it needs to deal with contributing factors, which is everything from hazard reduction to climate change, through to the response issues, the national coordination matters and, of course, resilience and planning for the future.

"But right now, the states and territories and ourselves are very focused on responding to these fires and the immediate recovery operations."

Mr Morrison denied his government had been complacent about climate change and its impact on bushfires.



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Will the PM, Scott Morrison, ask the Climate Council for advice?

Will the PM, Scott Morrison, read our very intelligent articles on the subject of global warming?

Will the PM, Scott Morrison, blame the Greenies for the country's councils (mostly in the hands of the Nationals and Libs) not doing enough back-burning in the "getting shorter" cold winter months?

Will the PM blame the communists for Australia having had a record last year of being 1.5+ degrees Celsius warmer than the new average?

Will the PM, Scott Morrison ask god for forgiveness for his primal sin which might have brought him the wrath from heaven?

Will the PM, Scott Morrison, blame arsonists, for having lit 0.15 of all the fires while ignoring the lightnings and the ambers in the winds?

Will the PM, Scott Morrison, blame the drought on the lefties not allowing rivers to be pumped dry to supply the cotton fields in Queensland?

Will the PM, Scott Morrison, blame the anti-Adani mine for trying to stop the destruction of the aquifer, a destruction needed to water the coal dust?

Will the PM, Scott Morrison, blame the arty-farty ecologists and scientists for telling him where to go?

Will the PM, Scott Morrison, blame the wildlife, especially koalas, for preventing concrete trucks entering national parks?...


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