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a surplus so near, yet so far...Finance Minister Mathias Cormann told 7:30 the Treasurer sounded "perfectly fine" when he spoke to him on Tuesday evening and that he had not been in contact with him. "We have been meeting by tele-presence and meeting from different rooms electronically so he certainly hasn't been in close proximity to me," he said. ... Mr Frydenberg said he believed it was just a dry cough but was getting tested out of caution. "After Question Time I sought the advice of the Deputy Chief Medical officer [who] advised me that … it was prudent I get tested for COVID-19," he said. "Following the receipt of his advice I immediately left Parliament House to be tested and will await the result in isolation." Mr Frydenberg said he expected the result of the test tomorrow.
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going tits up...
relaunching the "economy" with a recessional whip...
The Government's $130-billion JobKeeper scheme is helping to keep more than 835,000 businesses afloat and around 5.5 million workers in a job.
Key points:
The lucky 13 remaining staff at Sydney eatery The General are amongst those benefitting. Co-owner Dave Moran says there's no way his businesses would still be running without the Government assistance.
"It's vital, without it we wouldn't be able to survive, that's for sure."
Through its increased JobSeeker unemployment benefits, the Government is also bankrolling 14 former casuals from The General who hadn't worked there long enough to qualify for JobKeeper.
Despite being able to ramp up takeaway food and coffee sales, Dave Moran says turnover is down about 35 per cent from losing the lucrative dine-in trade, especially on busy weekends when his wait staff used to serve more than 200 meals a day.
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factoring the damage...
frydenberg betrays the CONservative ideals...
What a cartoon! Thank You Alan...