Thursday 16th of January 2025

the PM, scott morrison, is trying to turn us into sky-news watching happy-clappy bogans...


Nothing is as discouraging as the government’s forced cuts to the ABC budget year after year after year (‘‘Mourning news: ABC reels from cuts’’, June 25). Why shouldn’t the bolsters to the economy in an effort to curb the recession apply to the ABC? Surely one of our most trusted news sources and broadcaster of Australian-produced-and-written TV shows is worthy of increased budgeting not funding cuts? The ABC is a worthy cause.

Larry Woldenberg, Forest Lodge


The ABC brings daily news, entertainment and joy to people across the country – in our cities and in our most remote places. At times of crisis the ABC, along with the emergency services, is essential to our safety and wellbeing. Yet, here we go again: more ABC budget cuts and job losses. Time for politicians around the country to properly represent their constituents who love their ABC. Stop the budget cuts. Stop the job losses.

Paul Parramore, Sawtell


Commentators say all media are cutting costs. The ABC is our national resource. The fact that other sources are being restricted is even more reason to increase funding for the ABC.

Fran Kirby, Castle Hill


What a strange federal government Australia has. It has claimed to be helping the economy in reducing unemployment during the recovery from the COVID crisis. Yet now it makes a further cut to the ABC’s funding forcing the ABC to sack 250 employees.

Harold Levien, Dover Heights


The existential threat to the ABC is now very real. While successive cuts by conservative governments since John Howard have been the main threat, the ABC’s response to those cuts have made things worse. All focus seems to have been on hoping the cuts will stop by placating the right.

It is why a lot of people like me have switched off. It’s time for everyone at the ABC to recognise that the end game has always been the destruction of our public broadcaster. So come on ABC, what do you have to lose now? Stop placating. Go down fighting. Millions will be with you.

Steve Forsyth, Wagga Wagga


Losing the 7.45am news on the radio will be like losing a good friend.

Robyn Lewis, Raglan


What a magnificently strategic move by ABC management. Axe the one still remotely reliable source of factual, objective news it still offers in the mornings. Arouse the outrage of its rusted-on listeners to create fodder for the endless talkback programs offered by Aunty for the rest of the day.

If ABC management aimed to build audiences rather than just arouse its listeners ire, perhaps it could offer more independent objective, factual reports from experts rather than the opinions of its journalists.

Margaret Shanahan, Seaforth

In answer to your correspondent’s question, these cuts will mean even more inane British panel shows repeated ad nauseam (Letters, June 25). They are cheaper than locally produced shows. Another blow to the arts in Australia.

Pauline Paton, Centennial Park

It matters not how much this government prunes the ABC, I am still not going to watch Sky.

Ron Kerr, Ballina


Letters, SMH 26/06/2020




back in 2014...

As the ABC budget was being cut in 2014 by the Abbott/Turnbull duo, this cartoon appeared...


abc cuts


Soon after, Malcolm — in his usual debonaire and somewhat sarcastic manner — said while wielding the knife:


"Contrary to media rumours, Peppa is one snout we are happy to have in the ABC trough..." Scumdog-from-lies-and-miracles-inc carries on this crappy tradition.


Cartoon by Dean Alston, The West Australian...




Meanwhile in the Philippines...


One of the Philippines' largest broadcasters, ABS-CBN, has been refused a new licence after being forced off air in May. 

On Friday, an overwhelming majority of a parliamentary committee rejected ABS-CBN's request for a 25-year extension of its franchise as "undeserving". 

Government critics say the broadcaster's troubles are due to its criticism of President Rodrigo Duterte. 

Their feud began after ABS-CBN refused to broadcast his campaign ads in 2016.

The broadcaster which operates dozens of radio and TV stations was first taken off air on 4 May its broadcast licence expired.

Ahead of the vote, pictures on social media showed supporters of the network outside Congress holding up posters saying Defend Press Freedom and Stop The Attacks


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Read from top.

paid more to do less bugger all than before...

JobKeeper and JobSeeker looks set to be extended to March with a bill introduced to Parliament on Wednesday likely to cruise through with Labor’s support.

“I look forward to us continuing to provide the single greatest ever income support that Australians have ever received,” Prime Minister Scott Morrison told reporters in Canberra.

“We are scanning and searching for every opportunity to keep people in jobs.”

Labor will vote for the bill despite its concerns around the issue of employers cutting working hours.

Firms remaining on JobKeeper will still have the power to change employees’ hours, duties or work location.

Others booted off JobKeeper will also retain the capacity to change conditions if they prove a 10 per cent reduction in turnover.

The Morrison government plans to cut the wage subsidy from $1500 to $1200 a fortnight at the end of September, and then to $1000 from December to March.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is responsible for setting the rate, meaning that change won’t need to be legislated.

Labor wants JobKeeper to remain at $1500 a fortnight for another six months with Victoria’s coronavirus lockdown smashing the national economy.

The moves comes as workers in Tasmania who have to self-isolate but don’t have sick leave entitlements will now be able to access a $1500 payment.

A similar arrangement is already in place in Victoria.

-with AAP





Good to see AAP is still in business...