Sunday 9th of March 2025

for many people, the fact we have not fried yet means that global warming is bunkum...


Some people are impatient, especially doctors, scientists and all of us... In regard to global warming, the disinformation is rife even coming from the brains of intelligent people. We want to fry to make sure global warming is really happening... Consider this tirade from doctor Vernon Coleman who may be a good doctor but knows zip about global warming sciences. His goal is to denigrate Bill Gates and his wife's foundation, and Vernon adds more sauce until he says:




Next, Gates has been funding scientists at Harvard who are trying to block out the sun’s rays in an attempt to stop global warming. 


If you haven’t heard of this before just stop and think for a moment. 

The scientists want to spray millions of tons of dust into the stratosphere to stop the sun’s rays reaching the earth. 

One plan is that every day more than 800 large aircraft would lift millions of tons of chalk dust to a height of 12 miles above the Earth and then sprinkle the dust to stop the sun’s rays getting through. Another plan is to send up hot air balloons to release powder into the atmosphere. 

There are, you won’t be surprised to hear, a couple of problems with this. 

Obviously, the first is that no one has yet proved that global warming is taking place and is anything more than a natural phenomenon. Moreover, there are a lot of scientists who believe that we are heading into a phase where the planet is actually cooling. Is it really a coincidence that the Americans and the Chinese are busy building ice breakers? Would they do that if they thought the ice was all melting because the earth was getting hotter? 

And there are those who think that the Gates money and the scientists throwing powder into the sky could help create droughts, hurricanes and mass deaths. It seems fairly well agreed that altering the atmosphere to cool the planet could have unpredictable effects. In 1815 a volcanic eruption created crop shortages and disease outbreaks. 

Some might say, of course, that all this could be considered a bonus by a man who wants to reduce the world population. 

No one seems to have told him, by the way, that 800 large aircraft taking off every day and flying to 12 miles up, would require a good deal of aviation fuel. And what sort of dust are they planning to have sprayed? Well, some say calcium. But I have also heard talk that barium, alumina and strontium might be used. Whatever it is won’t improve the quality of the air we breathe. Bottom line is that this seems to me to be a way to reduce the world’s population rather than protect it – all in the guise of dealing with the climate change hoax.




So, no one has proven that "global warming is taking place and is anything more than a natural phenomenon".


Okay. First, is global warming a natural phenomenon or is it not happening? Please make up your mind, Vernon... You cannot have both.


"Moreover, there are a lot of scientists who believe that we are heading into a phase where the planet is actually cooling."


Second, we've been through this before. According to the Milankovitch cycles, the planet should be cooling. According to ALL THE OBSERVATIONS made since 1900, especially since the 1950s, the planet has shown to be warming (fast in geological terms — including warming of the oceans, etc)


"Is it really a coincidence that the Americans and the Chinese are busy building ice breakers? Would they do that if they thought the ice was all melting because the earth was getting hotter?"


Funny this... Has Vernon ever studied the present melting of the north pole, including the recent 38 degrees Celsius record above the arctic circle? Obviously, Vernon thinks that building ice-breakers is proof that the earth is not warming. This is a stupid deduction. WHAT IS HAPPENING IS THAT THE ICE IS MELTING AND THAT SUMMER ICE AT THE NORTH POLE MAY HAVE DISAPPEARED BY 2100, but winter ice would still be there in lesser quantity and thickness. The RUSSIANS have already opened shipping lanes using ice breakers, summer and winter, in their territorial waters. These ice breakers are still necessary to let big ships through, saving about 2 to 3 weeks of transport from eastern Russia to Japan and China. Before global warming, the ice was too thick for even the most powerful ice breakers. China and the USA want to also open trading (and military) routes via the north pole, but they still need icebreakers. see:


In winter, the Russian still send military expeditions with heavy trucks (80 tons plus) across several hundreds miles of sea ice — as long as the thickness of the ice is enough "not to crack" under the heavy weight of the convoys. The Russians know that the thickness of the ice is getting less and less... We have explored all of this in various articles on this site...


Now in regard to: "The scientists want to spray millions of tons of dust into the stratosphere to stop the sun’s rays reaching the earth.


We have also explored this in various articles, especially at:


See also:



And yes, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation has invested in Monsanto and in providing loos for third world countries, especially India which tends to spend more on nuclear weapons than sanitation... The B&M foundation has also invested cash in media such as the BBC and the Guardian, to make docos making them looking good, I suppose...

of loos and GM patented seeds...

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is sponsoring the Guardian's Global development site is being heavily criticised in Africa and the US for getting into bed not just with notorious GM company Monsanto, but also with agribusiness commodity giant Cargill.

Trouble began when a US financial website published the foundation's annual investment portfolio, which showed it had bought 500,000 Monsanto shares worth around $23m. This was a substantial increase in the last six months and while it is just small change for Bill and Melinda, it has been enough to let loose their fiercest critics.

Seattle-based Agra Watch - a project of the Community Alliance for Global Justice - was outraged. "Monsanto has a history of blatant disregard for the interests and well being of small farmers around the world… [This] casts serious doubt on the foundation's heavy funding of agricultural development in Africa," it thundered.

But it got worse. South Africa-based watchdog the African Centre for Biosafety then found that the foundation was teaming up with Cargill in a $10m project to "develop the soya value chain" in Mozambique and elsewhere. Who knows what this corporate-speak really means, but in all probability it heralds the big time introduction of GM soya in southern Africa.


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BBC Media Action

Date: November 2015 
Purpose: to document case stories of communities which have successfully eradicated or reduced open defecation in India so that stakeholders can better learn about what works and why, with the aim of replicating these successes elsewhere 
Amount: $510,474 
Term: 14 
Topic: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene 
Regions Served: GLOBAL|ASIA 
Program: Global Growth and Opportunity 
Grantee Location: London 
Grantee Website: 


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how bill gates became the major controller of your health...

still warming up...

Global heating could pass key mark in 5 years: UN

The next five years could see the world passing a key temperature marker for global heating, the UN says. And the side effects of the coronavirus pandemic are not likely to prevent it.

Average annual global temperatures could soon cross the 1.5-degree Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit) mark for the first time, the UN weather agency said on Thursday.

There is a one-in-five chance that the world will experience average temperatures 1.5 C higher than the pre-industrial average in at least one year between now and 2024, the Geneva-based World Meteorological Organization said. It said the chance that this threshold would be exceeded in a single month in those years was 70%.

The average temperatures around the world are very likely to be at least 1 degree above the 1850-1900 average in each of the five years, according to the WMO.

Read more: Italy's melting glaciers face new threat: Pink ice

Targeted limit

The 1.5 C mark is the ideal cap for global heating targeted by countries in the Paris Agreement of December 2015 to minimize the effects of climate change.

Even if cooler years followed one in which the threshold was surpassed, experts say, exceeding it would still be an indication that current efforts to reduce global heating are not working.

The forecasts are contained in an annual climate outlook put together under the leadership of the UK's Met Office.

Read more: Nigeria's Bayo Akomolafe: We aren't 'in control' of climate crisis  

'Sustained and coordinated climate action' needed

WMO chief Petteri Taalas said the forecasts highlighted the "enormous challenges" faced by countries who signed the accord.

He said that although the computer models used for the forecasts did not factor in the impact the coronavirus pandemic might have on emissions of greenhouse gases, the pandemic-induced slowdown was not likely to lead to any significant reduction of CO2 atmospheric concentrations.

"The industrial and economic slowdown from COVID-19 is not a substitute for sustained and coordinated climate action," Taalas said.


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failure is not an option...

Imagine this: it’s 2030 and a country has just missed its target for cutting carbon emissions, that was set back in 2020. People are frustrated, but several governments have come and gone since the goal was set. “Don’t blame us,” the current government says. “We didn’t take the decisions that led us here.”

The short-term cycles of government can be a real problem for climate change. Even if climate goals are laid down in law, there can often be few concrete measures to stop a succession of governments from taking decisions that collectively end up with them being missed.

But a new and ambitious climate law recently passed in Denmark tries to find a way around this problem, and some of the other common pitfalls of climate laws. It makes Denmark one of a small number of countries beginning to provide new blueprints of how government can genuinely tackle climate change. Its law could turn out to be one of the closest things yet to a law that would make climate change – or at least the lack of effort to stop it – genuinely illegal.   



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when freakish becomes the norm for the future...

A freak heatwave that has baked northern Siberia in recent months – including an Arctic temperature record of 38 degrees – would have been virtually impossible without human-induced global warming, a study reveals.

International scientists involved in the study say climate change as a result of human activity made the freak heatwave in Siberia 600 times more likely.

They found the greenhouse effect multiplied the chance of the region’s prolonged heat by at least 600 times – and maybe tens of thousands of times.

In the study, which has not yet gone through peer review, the team looked at Siberia from January to June, including one day that hit 38 degrees for a new Arctic record.

Scientists from Britain, Russia, France, Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland used 70 climate models running thousands of complex simulations comparing current conditions to a world without man-made warming from the burning of coal, oil and gas.

They found that without climate change the type of prolonged heat that hit Siberia would happen once in 80,000 years, “effectively impossible without human influence”, said study lead author Andrew Ciavarella, a scientist at Britain’s Met Office.

This study, co-ordinated by World Weather Attribution, was done in two weeks and hasn’t yet been put through the microscope of peer review and published in a major scientific journal.

But the researchers who specialise in these real-time studies to search for fingerprints of climate change in extreme events usually do get their work later published in a peer-reviewed journal and use methods that outside scientists say are standard and proven.

World Weather Attribution’s past work has found some weather extremes were not triggered by climate change.

But 2020’s Siberian heatwave stood out among the many studied, said attribution team co-lead Friederike Otto, acting director of Oxford University’s Environmental Change Institute.

“Definitely from everything we have done it’s the strongest signal that we have seen,” Dr Otto said.

The team looked at both the average temperature in Siberia in the first six months of 2020, when temperatures averaged five degrees above normal and the heat spike of 38 degrees occurred in the Russian town of Verkhoyansk on June 20. Both just really couldn’t happen in a world without the additional heat-trapping gases from burning fossil fuel, Mr Ciavarella said.

The scientists said the heat added to problems with widespread wildfires, pest outbreaks and the thawing of permafrost, which led to a massive pipeline oil spill.

Thawing permafrost also has the potential to release huge amounts of greenhouse gases trapped under the frozen ground, which could then worsen the warming, scientists said.

“This event is really worrying,” study co-author Olga Zolina, a climate scientist at the PP Shirshov Institute of Oceanology in Moscow, said.

At least 10 outside scientists contacted by The Associated Press said this study was scientifically sound, using established and proper techniques.

“They have, in an impressively short time, marshalled a lot of different datasets together, which really give credence to their results,” said Danish Meteorological Institute climate scientist Ruth Mottram, who wasn’t part of the research.

These types of studies allow people and world leaders to “connect the dots” between extreme weather events and climate change and prepare for them, said French climate scientist Valerie Masson-Delmotte, who wasn’t part of the research.

“The climate of the future is very different as this paper shows,” said Pennsylvania State University meteorology professor David Titley, who wasn’t part of the research.

“We can either adapt or suffer.”

-with AAP


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Good to see AAP is still on the saddle...

war is bad for the climate...

The temperature in some Iraqi cities, usually around 45 ° C in the shade, in summer, is significantly higher this year. Several cities have recorded averages above 50 ° C in the shade for more than 30 days. The temperature does not drop below 30 ° C at night.

Parts of Iran and Kuwait are also affected, but to a lesser extent.

According to the Iraqi meteorological services, this rise in temperatures is not attributable to global warming of the planet, but is particular to the region because of the war that has raged there. This disturbance could increase further with possible temperatures of up to 70 ° C in the next ten years.

Scientists recall that the "meteorological war" had devastated the Indochinese peninsula during the Vietnam war, leading to the signing between the USA and the USSR of a "Convention on the prohibition of the use of modification techniques of the environment for military or any other hostile purposes" in 1976.

However, in 2013, the US air force illegally dispersed chemicals on the Syrian-Iraqi border in order to sterilize the soil over a very large area. It was done to deprive the Syrian and Iraqi peasants of their jobs so that they would join Daesh in 2014, when it appeared (Wright Plan). Many areas are still unsuitable for agriculture, changing the regional climate. A massive sandstorm had already been observed from Israel to Iraq in September 2015, with the fallow land no longer holding the sand.


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climate change and the UK...

More extreme heat, less frost and snow, and trees coming into leaf earlier are among the signs seen in 2019 that the climate crisis is exerting an increasing impact on the UK, the Met Office’s annual climate report shows.

The year was 1.1C above the 1961-1990 average and the all-time high temperature record was broken in July when Cambridge hit 38.7C. The record-high for winter was also broken, with 21.2C in February at Kew Gardens in London.

Weather conditions are the result of the warming trend driven by global heating and natural variability. Last year was the 12th warmest year on records dating back to 1884 and one of the least snowy years on record. It was also the sixth consecutive year with fewer frosts than average. The last decade has seen 16% fewer days of air and ground frost compared with 1961–1990.

“Our report shows climate change is exerting an increasing impact on the UK’s climate,” said Mike Kendon, lead author of the Met Office report. “Since 2002 we have seen the warmest 10 years in the series. By contrast, to find a year in the coldest 10 we have to go back to 1963 – over 50 years ago.”

The Central England Temperature Series is the longest instrumental record in the world, stretching back to 1659. It shows the average temperature this century so far is 10.3C, which is 1.6C higher than the period 1659-1700.

“Seeing these temperature records go down like sweaty skittles is a stark reminder that climate change is still tightening its grip on all our futures,” said Prof Dave Reay, at the University of Edinburgh. “No corner of the UK is immune to the impacts of climate change.”


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hot in death valley...

What could be the highest temperature ever reliably recorded on Earth - 130F (54.4C) - may have been reached in Death Valley National Park, California.

The recording is being verified by the US National Weather Service.

It comes amid a heatwave on the US's west coast, where temperatures are forecast to rise further this week.

The scorching conditions have led to two days of blackouts in California, after a power plant malfunctioned on Saturday.

"It's an oppressive heat and it's in your face," Brandi Stewart, who works at Death Valley National Park, told the BBC. 

Ms Stewart has lived and worked at the national park on and off for five years. She spends a lot of her time indoors in August because it's simply too uncomfortable to be outside.

"When you walk outside it's like being hit in the face with a bunch of hairdryers," she said. "You feel the heat and it's like walking into an oven and the heat is just all around you."

What were the previous records?

Sunday's reading was recorded in Furnace Creek in Death Valley.

Before this, the highest temperature reliably recorded on Earth was 129.2F (54C) - also in Death Valley in 2013.

A higher reading of 134F, or 56.6C a century earlier, also in Death Valley, is disputed. It is believed by some modern weather experts to have been erroneous, along with several other searing temperatures recorded that summer. 

According to a 2016 analysis from weather historian Christopher Burt, other temperatures in the region recorded in 1913 do not corroborate the Death Valley reading.

Another record temperature for the planet - 131F, or 55C - was recorded in Tunisia in 1931, but Mr Burt said this reading, as well as others recorded in Africa during the colonial era, had "serious credibility issues". 

What about the heatwave?

The current heatwave stretches from Arizona in the south-west, up the coast to Washington state in the north-west. 

It is expected to hit its peak on Monday and Tuesday, before temperatures start to drop later in the week. However, the sweltering heat will continue for at least another 10 days.

As temperatures soared in California, a large "firenado" was observed on Saturday in Lassen County.


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