Monday 3rd of February 2025

"the big guy"...

so far, the MMMMM has not picked up the story...

The MSM media is up in arm about "U.S. government concludes Iran was behind threatening emails sent to Democrats" with no proofs. 


Meanwhile the proof of the pudding is there: Biden and Son were a bit more than Steptoe and Son, collecting cash from China, Ukraine and other places...



... and the conservative press is going balistic:


A whistleblower CEO and Biden insider, Tony Bobulinski, released a public statement on Wednesday evening backing up the reporting of the New York Post from last week and claiming that he personally witnessed Democrat presidential nominee former Vice President Joe Biden discussing business deals with his son, Hunter Biden.

Sources familiar with the matter told Breitbart News that Bobulinski is the person whose allegations and inside information are the centerpiece of a forthcoming investigation by the Wall Street Journal. That Wall Street Journal story has not published yet, several days after the newspaper staff indicated to some the piece would come out—it is unclear why the Journal has not yet published—but President Donald Trump hinted on a conference call earlier this week that such a story was coming from the newspaper.


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Fox News published exclusive documents Wednesday revealing Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop and hard drive was connected to the bureau’s probe in a money laundering investigation in late 2019.

Those documents obtained exclusively by Fox News, were verified by multiple federal law enforcement officials who reviewed them prior to publication, according to the report.


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So, the US presidential election is between a mad man and a lying thief. Good luck. And Obama is starting to look like a mad man himself trying to salvage Joe Biden who is winning on points, but...

journalistic malpractice...

Biden Inc. Is More Corrupt Than Cronyism

By Brian Anderson

The Biden family has always capitalized on Joe's influence. A pause during campaign season is par for the course, and it doesn't mean anything has changed.

It was almost exactly one year ago that Joe Biden stood on the primary debate stage and was confronted for the first time about Hunter Biden’s decision to accept a lucrative position at a Ukrainian energy company while his father oversaw foreign policy in the region.

“My son made a judgment. I’m proud of the judgment he made.”

The answer came only hours after his son admitted to ABC News that his judgment was, in fact, off. “In retrospect, I wish that my judgment…” Hunter Biden said on ‘Good Morning America’ before trailing off. “Did I make a mistake? Well, maybe in the grand scheme of things, yeah.”

Today, Biden, Inc., is back in the news, as the New York Post and others continue to publish a series of articles revealing that the former vice president was much more intimately involved in the younger Biden’s business dealings than previously known.

The strategic response from the Democrat’s allies has been an intentional blackout. Twitter prohibited users from sharing a link to the Post’s investigation and locked the newspaper out of its own account. George Stephanopoulos conducted a two-hour ‘town hall’ with Biden, during which the anchor failed to ask a single question about the corruption allegations. And, when the nominee finally ventured outside to get ice cream, the toughest question that the media in attendance asked was: “Mr. Biden! Mr. Biden! What flavor did you get?”

A CBS News reporter attempted to solicit a response on the tarmac, but Biden blew him off. “I know you’d ask it,” the candidate said. “I have no response. It’s another smear campaign. Right up your alley.” The campaign’s response devolved from there—surrogates insist that anyone even the least bit curious about the vice president’s role in Hunter Biden’s unusual business relationships is part of a foreign intelligence effort—and it’s just going to get worse.


Unfortunately, this is a play we’ve seen before. The Bidens have been doing this shady work, and ‘exiting’ from it when convenient, for a very long time.

In 2001, fresh off a plum job in the Clinton administration, Hunter Biden was named founding partner at Oldaker, Biden & Belair LLP. The lobbying firm—on whose website Biden touted his status “a presidential appointee” of Bill Clinton—quickly took on a scattershot of clients ranging from hospitals to universities and, according to Delaware’s News Journal, was known for “specializing in the sort of earmarks doled out by Sen. [Joe] Biden.”

Hunter Biden would go on to personally shape appropriations bills on behalf of clients, and in a short period donate more than $35,000 to federal candidates, including $10,000 to his father’s colleagues who were members of the appropriations committees at the time he was lobbying them.

And it was no secret why Hunter Biden’s first client chose him: Napster, the file-sharing service, was facing a barrage of attacks from Congress—a fight in which his father was expected to play a major role. Joe Biden was chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, two powerful entities with unique interests in copyright laws that Napster was under fire for flouting.

The company tapped Manus Cooney and Karen Robb to lead its lobbying efforts… alongside, strangely, Hunter Biden.

Whereas Cooney and Robb had extensive experience—serving as the judiciary committee’s most recent chief counsel (including during Napster’s appearance before it two months earlier) and as a staff director, respectively—the younger Biden’s only qualification appeared to be his biological tie to the committee’s former chairman. Just one month after Hunter Biden registered to lobby for Napster on the issue of “compulsory licensing,” the service’s chief executive officer appeared before the judiciary committee, of which Joe Biden was a member, and called on members “to provide a compulsory license for the transmission of music over the Internet.”

It was clear what was going on, and Team Obama, running on an anti-corruption platform, wasn’t happy about it. The Illinois senator chose Biden as his running mate on Aug. 23., 2008. Two days later, Hunter Biden wrote a letter to Congress stating that “I no longer expect to act as a federal lobbyist.”

There was no moral epiphany. His conflict of interest simply was no longer politically tenable while running for the White House. But after the election, as ‘senator’ became ‘vice president,’ Biden, Inc., opened back up for business, and Hunter Biden pivoted from congressional lobbying to international consulting, violating the spirit of his pledge as soon as Election Day passed.

That violation would continue for years.

In December 2013, Hunter Biden accompanied the vice president on an Air Force Two flight to Beijing and, upon arrival, arranged for him to shake hands with businessman Jonathan Li. Bohai Capital, Li’s firm, would go on to partner with Rosemont Seneca Partners—co-founded by Biden six months after his father took office—to form a foreign investment fund called BHR Partners. Corporate records for BHR Partners were completed 12 days after the Bidens’ trip to Beijing.

Even a former senior aide in the Obama White House later said that the younger Biden appeared to be “leveraging access for his benefit.”

In May 2014, Hunter Biden joined the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy firm, one month after his father traveled to Kiev to urge parliament to “fight the cancer of corruption.” In fact, Burisma was being investigated for corruption by Ukraine’s prosecutor general, who was fired at the insistence of Vice President Biden under the threat of withholding U.S. loan guarantees.

Burisma paid Hunter Biden $50,000 per month, the purpose of which, as the Eurasia Group’s Ian Bremmer said, was “clearly to be selling influence, because otherwise no one would ever pay him that kind of money.” He would retain the board seat until April 2019, the same month his father announced his candidacy for president.

This is barely the tip of the iceberg.

Just as it was in 2008, Biden, Inc., may be on a temporary hiatus, but it will be back. Joe Biden has long embraced the business of selling access until it becomes politically untenable—and recent reports from the New York Post and other institutional newsrooms suggest that the Biden family’s overlap of business and public office became something much more serious than simple cronyism.

It is not inappropriate or insensitive for the American people to question how (time and time again) someone with Hunter Biden’s troublesome background became, at a moment’s notice, an expert in copyright enforcement, Ukrainian geopolitics, and other complex policy issues at precisely the same moment that his father began to oversee them in government.

The media’s refusal to demand an answer before Election Day is journalistic malpractice, and the Democrat’s failure to have done so already is disqualifying in and of itself.


Brian Anderson is founder of the Saguaro Group, an Arizona-based research firm



Read more:



See also:

nothing to see in a country of people raised on big bird, marvel comics and the simpsons...


the art of deception...


"if the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money"...

whitewashing hunter at the BBC...

President Trump and his allies have accused Joe Biden of wrongdoing because he pushed, while vice-president, for the Ukrainian government to fire its top prosecutor, who was investigating the company for which Hunter worked.

In 2016, Joe Biden called for the dismissal of the Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin, whose office had Burisma and other companies under investigation.

However, other Western leaders and major bodies that give financial support to Ukraine also wanted the prosecutor dismissed because they believed he was not active enough in tackling corruption.


Read more BeeBBoobs:



BULLSHIT. Okay... Viktor Shokin was the best "prosecutor" in the game. He was replaced by another guy who brushed the corruption of the Poroshenko government discreetly under the carpet until 2017, at the request of the USA. "Other Western leaders" were also following the songline given to them on a sheet music by the USA. It's time for the booby Beeb to do some proper reaseach and interview the characters involved, before they cark off from natural or other causes...


See also:


To the interim director of the National Bureau of Investigation

COMPLAINT [against Joe Biden]

On the commission of a criminal offense

(under article 214 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine)

I have read and understood Article 63 of the Constitution of Ukraine and the liability provided for in Article 383 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine « Slanderous denunciation of an offense ».

Shokin V.M. (signature).

During the period 2014-2016, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine was conducting a preliminary investigation into a series of serious crimes committed by the former Minister of Ecology of Ukraine Mykola Zlotchevsky and by the managers of the company « Burisma Holding Limited « (Cyprus), the board of directors of which included, among others, Hunter Biden, son of Joseph Biden, then vice-president of the United States of America. 

The investigation into the above-mentioned crimes was carried out in strict accordance with Criminal Law and was under my personal control as the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

Owing to my firm position on the above-mentioned cases regarding their prompt and objective investigation, which should have resulted in the arrest and the indictment of the guilty parties, Joseph Biden developed a firmly hostile attitude towards me which led him to express in private conversations with senior Ukrainian officials, as well as in his public speeches, a categorical request for my immediate dismissal from the post of Attorney General of Ukraine in exchange for the sum of US $ 1 billion in as a financial guarantee from the United States for the benefit of Ukraine.

The facts I have described above are confirmed, among other things, by the official interview of Joseph Biden published in the media (, where he declares that Ukraine will not receive money if I remain in my post as Attorney General.

Throughout the last months of 2015 and the first months of 2016 Joseph Biden, taking advantage of his position, came several times on official visits to Ukraine in order to negotiate with the leaders of the country my eviction and, consequently, the closing of the objective investigation into the offenses committed by persons associated with the company « Burisma Holding Limited » (Cyprus), including the son of the aforementioned US official.

Due to continued pressure from the Vice President of the United States Joseph Biden to oust me from the job by blackmailing the allocation of financial assistance, I, as the man who places the State interests above my personal interests, I agreed to abandon the post of Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

After my resignation caused by illegal pressure, no active investigation into the offenses concerning the company « Burisma Holding Limited » (Cyprus) was carried out and, therefore, the persons implicated in these offenses were not identified, nor arrested or charged.

According to the conclusions of the International Law Association of 18.04.2017, made by the doctor of law, Professor O.O. Merezhko, at the time vice-president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, the request of the Vice-President of the United States Joseph Biden concerning my ousting from the post of the Attorney General of Ukraine as a condition for the granting of financial (economic) assistance is qualified as pressure, which represents interference in the internal affairs of Ukraine on the part of a foreign power in violation of one of the principles of international law.

Moreover, the facts of pressure on me as Prosecutor General of Ukraine from Joseph Biden in the circumstances described above are confirmed by an independent journalistic investigation under the name « UkraineGate » conducted and published by the French online media « » available at this link

Thus, the unlawful influence exerted on me as the head of a judicial structure in the country by Joseph Biden, who abused his power as the Vice-President of the United States in order to prevent me from carrying out my duties as the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, thus preventing me from solving serious crimes and arresting the persons who committed those crimes, has the characteristics of the crime stipulated in Article 343 part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

In accordance with article 214 part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine the investigator is obliged without delay but not later than 24 hours from the moment of filing a complaint, reporting a crime, or from the independent discovery of facts testifying to a crime, to bring the information to the Unified Registry of Preliminary Investigations and open the investigation.

I also inform that the agreement on legal assistance No. 00299 was signed on 12.10.2019 between me and the law firm « Leshchenko, Doroshenko and associates » which will represent me, among others, in this case.

The mandate provided for in Article 50 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on behalf of my representatives, lawyers Teleshetsky Oleksandr Yvanovych et Leshchenko Oleksandr Viktorovych, is attached to this complaint.

On the basis of all the above and pursuant to Articles 55, 56, 214 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine,


  1. To submit to the Unified Registry of Preliminary Investigations, the information on the fact that the citizen of the United States of America Joseph Biden has committed on the territory of Ukraine and beyond its borders a crime against me, including interference in the carrying out of the duties of a representative of a judicial structure, which falls within the scope of article 343 part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
  2. To immediately open the preliminary investigation and give written orders to the investigators of the National Bureau of Investigation.
  3. To be associated, I, V.M. Shokin, with the criminal investigation as a victim, to be delivered a memento on the rights and duties of a victim and to be questioned as a victim.


– mandate for providing legal assistance series KV No. 823666 of 28.01.2020 on 1 sheet,
– certified copy of the right to practise as a lawyer TchTs No. 00173 of 07.28.2017 on 1 sheet,
– mandate for providing legal assistance series KV No. 823665 of 28.01.2020 on 1 sheet,
– certified copy of the right to practise as a lawyer No. 25023 of 01.11.2013 on 1 sheet,
– copy of the conclusions of the International Law Association of 04.18.2017

January 28th, 2020,

Shokin Viktor Mikhailovych



even the ABC is whitewashing hunter biden...

We expect better than this shit from Matt Bevan at the ABC:


Since 2018, Mr Giuliani and Mr Trump have been making the case that Mr Biden acted corruptly during his time as vice-president, accusing him of advocating for the dismissal of a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, which employed his son, Hunter Biden.

The inherent issue with this isn't whether Mr Biden called for the sacking of the prosecutor — he did, and boasted about it in a public forum in 2018.

The problem is, the prosecutor was not investigating the gas company his son worked for.


BULLSHIT, BULLSHIT, ALL this reporting IS BULLSHIT... Read the COMPLAINT [against Joe Biden] above.

whitewashing hunter at the BBC...


Note: I will apologise to the BBC and the ABC if they can prove the document is a forgery...

after the horse has bolted...

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter boss Jack Dorsey have agreed to face questioning by US senators over their handling of a New York Post story in the run-up to the presidential election.

The heads of Facebook and Twitter will voluntarily testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on November 17, two weeks after the election.

Read more:

Read from top, especially:

whitewashing hunter at the BBC...

the chinese connection...

Apart from "an unfortunate business venture in Ukraine" (which was as bent as an old mattress rusty spring, read above), a lot of "Chinese connection" mentions have been made about Hunter Biden, but few (none?) main-stream-media (MSM) have dared to actually investigate — or if they have, they have not told you what these were about, or they have just mentioned them as if ordinary business deals... Unfortunately, the only place to see these is in the rightwing media that for what it's worth, are telling you what the liberal media does not want to tell you.


So this saga is worth two bobs considering the tiff between Malcolm Turnbull and Kevin Rudd, a former PM who was used into the Hunter Biden framework, by being a foreign dignitary... 






So, unfortunately, here comes the rightwing media with the truth... while the liberal media play dumb...




Code Name ‘Project Hanson’: Insider Documents Reveal How Hunter Biden Associates Helped Chinese Military Contractor Acquire Michigan Dual-Use Manufacturer

In September 2015, the Obama-Biden administration approved the sale of a strategically sensitive Michigan manufacturer, Henniges Automotive, to a firm connected to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and a Chinese military contractor that was on an American watch list because of its close ties to the People’s Liberation Army. Hunter Biden’s equity fund, backed by the Communist Chinese government, and the Chinese contractor, Aviation Industry Corporation (AVIC), needed special approval for the deal from the Committee of Foreign Investment in the U.S. (CIFIUS) because Henniges produced technology with potential military use.

AVIC entities have been sanctioned by the United States on five separate occasions since 1993 and the addition to the watch list–a major red flag—occurred less than a year-and-a-half before they co-purchased Henniges with the Biden-led Chinese joint venture known as Bohai Harvest RST (BHR). The fact that CFIUS approved the deal is alarming given that Henniges owns numerous facilities in the United States that are now controlled by a Chinese military front company.

Internal BHR documents show exactly how the Chinese military contractor was able to disguise its ownership via shell corporations and formed a joint-venture with the son of the vice president to facilitate the Chinese takeover of an American dual-use technology supplier. Additional documents suggest that Hunter Biden’s Chinese-backed venture funneled money to an entity controlled by Vanessa Kerry, the daughter of then-Secretary of State John Kerry, just one month before CFIUS approved the takeover. At the time, Secretary Kerry played a lead role on the Obama-Biden CFIUS committee.

When news of the AVIC takeover of Michigan-based manufacturer Henniges Automotive hit the wire, Biden’s associates celebrated, calling the transaction a “proof of concept” for future Chinese acquisitions. “Congratulations!!!! Proof of concept again,” read the subject line of Devon Archer’s email on September 15, 2015. “This is great. Let’s get a letter out to Ambassador Baucus ASAP Archie (an apparent Archer nickname),” Bevan Cooney replied. Cooney is a former Biden associate who is now incarcerated for a separate venture—the tribal bond scheme—involving Biden’s business partners. Cooney has provided investigative journalists Peter Schweizer and Matthew Tyrmand with access to his emails with written authorization.

Read more:


A failed Hunter Biden business venture — which an ex-partner said involved Joe Biden — targeted “key domestic contacts” including Gov. Cuomo for potential projects across the country, documents reveal.

A May 15, 2017, memo naming potential contacts was sent by Joe Biden’s brother Jim to his nephew and three other men who all formed a limited liability company to partner with another firm on “global and/or domestic” projects involving “infrastructure, energy, financial services and other strategic sectors,” the documents show.

The other company was backed by a since-vanished Chinese energy tycoon and was to “be primarily responsible for arranging financing and execution” of the projects, according to the documents released by Tony Bobulinksi, who was CEO of the joint venture.

The memo, titled “Key domestic contacts for phase one target projects,” noted that Cuomo “is moving forward with major infrastructure projects such as the long-stalled Tappan Zee Bridge replacement and the much-needed redevelopment of LaGuardia Airport.”

“His administration has invested nearly $4 billion through the Regional Council and Upstate Revitalization initiatives to jumpstart the economy and support local priorities for development,” it added.

Cuomo was also referenced in an earlier e-mail that Bobulinski released in which another partner, James Gilliar of the consulting firm J2cR, discussed various strategies tied to their business plan.

“Meet Gov of NYS ? , if so times ? Meet anyone else ?, are we meeting in NYC or elsewhere ?,” Gilliar wrote on April 27, 2017.

The memo included no elaboration about Mayor de Blasio but said the then-president of the city’s Economic Development Corp., Maria Torres-Springer, “drives the physical transformation of New York City, completes major infrastructure upgrades, and encourages the creation of new residential and commercial districts.”

Sen. Chuck Schumer was described as having “made improving New York’s economy a top priority, bringing affordable air service to Upstate New York and working to successfully retain New York jobs at risk of leaving and attract many new firms to New York.”

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Read from top.