Saturday 18th of January 2025

humans drive the present global warming....


Global warming demands some reality checks. Some “information” channels are often cool on the concept. “RT” and “NotGuardian” (GoofGuardian rather than OffGuardian sometimes) are example of bullshit spreading, with subtle differences...

Bullshit flies upwards because it’s lighter than reality. Crap flows up river in a stream of unconscious stupidity. Idiocy is impossible to stop but we can try.

The latest turds from the anti-Greta mobs are fascinating in their level of ignorantly woven tapestry that would decorate the dark cave of a Neanderthal family with pretty curtains that fade during the night of a daylight-saving period…

“If only Planet Venus would have listened to the scoldy truant teen,” conservative pundit Stephen Miller tweeted, in an apparent reference to Swedish climate campaigner Greta Thunberg, whose crusade against fossil fuels dominated headlines last year.

If only Planet Venus would have listened to the scoldy truant teen.

— Stephen L. Miller December 19, 2020

So...climate change isn’t caused by humans, but occurs naturally? Fascinating. 

— Amy Curtis December 19, 2020

The Venusians didn't pass a Green New Deal to prevent climate change, and now look at the planet.

— Aldous Huxley's Ghost™ December 19, 2020

While cataclysmic volcanic eruptions could possibly undo any carbon tax, vehicle ban, or ‘Green New Deal’ passed here on Earth, the WEF’s article did not discount the effects of man-made climate change – it simply didn’t mention it.
Very droll… Ahah...

But reality — I mean the scientific analysis of reality is a bit more brutal. Global warming is real and anthropogenic. What happened before, say 24 million years ago, or what will happen in 1,000,000 years has not a funk-bearing on what is happening now to the present climate change. 


Okay how can we prove it? If you are a politician, a Christian/Muslim/Yaweydoo or a flat-earth conspiracy theorist, you will believe anything else but reality — a reality that tells us global warming is happening and is anthropogenic

Let’s start with a few scientific observations:

The earth is not flat and god does not exist, unless god is maximum entropy that is to say god is nothing but disorder. 

If you are a politician I can’t help you understand anything.

Should you be interested in reality, pay attention to a few somethings called CO2, energy and change…

From hot chaos to cool absolute disorder with a few plateaux of stable serenity and some flux of joyful happenings, the universe is slowly vanishing. It’s called entropy, a theory fist mooted by German physicist Rudolph Clausius. The value of entropy was established by a sad bod who eventually hanged himself, Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann, who explained entropy as the measure of the number of possible microscopic arrangements or states of individual atoms and molecules of a system that comply with the macroscopic condition of the system. [Boltzmann] thus introduced the concept of statistical disorder into a new field of thermodynamics, called statistical mechanics, and found the link between the microscopic interactions, which fluctuate about an average configuration, to the macroscopically observable behavior, in form of a simple logarithmic law, with a proportionality constant, the Boltzmann constant, that has become one of the defining universal constants for the modern International System of Units (SI).

If you don’t understand any of this, don’t worry: your steam engines and your petrol guzzlers are still going to work, because they are based on entropy — that is to say based on the process of the universe extinguishing itself.

At this point in time, the energy of the sun, itself born from cooling space, 8 billion years after the big bang, is also slowly vanishing. Give it another 5 billion years or so and this presently middle-aged star will have exhausted its resources of Hydrogen and Deuterium and will be mostly hot Helium. It will become a red giant, as gravity won’t be able to hold its gaseous expansion. According to calculation based on observations of other red giants and quantum mechanics, planet earth will be on the edge of this dying expanding sun, and thereafter the solar system will collapse into vanishing chaos. We’re toasts.

We’re lucky. the atomic mix and the timing of the particle relationships in this region of space have been complex enough to give rise to planet earth and its lovely settings for a while now. At this point in time Earth is not Venus, nor Mars. The surface conditions are not the same. So when we say that GLOBAL WARMING IS HAPPENING AND IS ANTHROPOGENIC, it’s in relation to PLANET EARTH only. We’re observing its delicate balance of atmospheric gases, its surface of land and water, and the complex carbon equation in which life developed of which PHOTOSYNTHESIS is a major component. 

While the sun fiddles with fusion of H and D, the bugger is hot. It emits a lot of light and other electromagnetic energy such as heat and ultraviolet rays. Here on planet Earth, plus or minus 147.17 million kilometres away from the sun (it’s not that far…), we can observe trees, plants and animals, some dumb ones and some intelligent ones like humans. But for many years, since falling from their tree, humans were dumb despite developing a quest for knowing — a stylistic quest that came about from their brains becoming too big for their boots. The absence of knowledge had become uncertainty which humans could not stand, thus filled it with some goo: god. About 2500 years ago, some humans had enough of being ignorant and with their brains being filled with the goo of godly delusion. Here came the Greek and Roman philosophers… But it took another 2250 years or so for the next lot of information-seekers to replace slaves with steam engines, and replace god with observations. Sciences were born in earnest and now we know a few things. 

for example, from Science  28 Aug 2020 — Vol. 369, Issue 6507, pp. 1089-1094:

A main product of plant photosynthesis is glucose, which is a precursor of many naturally occurring carbohydrates and a building block for cell wall materials in most photosynthetic organisms (1). Cellulose, produced by cellulose synthase (CesA), is a linear β-1,4–linked glucose polymer and a fundamental cell wall component in land plants (2). With an estimated production exceeding 10 billion metric tons annually (3), it represents the most abundant biopolymer on Earth as well as a vast carbon dioxide sink and energy resource. CesA is a membrane-embedded family-2 glycosyltransferase (GT) related to chitin, alginate, and hyaluronan synthases (4, 5). The enzyme catalyzes glucose transfer from uridine diphosphate–glucose (UDP-Glc, the donor) to the terminal C4 hydroxyl of the nascent cellulose polymer (the acceptor) (fig. S1A).

Thus we know about “wood” and photosynthesis in which LIGHT INDUCES SOME MIGHTY CHEMICAL PROCESSES that help us survive. Without photosynthesis, we’d be... not… No question of "to be or not to be”.

And we also know about GLOBAL WARMING. You, the mob of giggling ignoramus out there, can be as sarcastic as you wish about the issue of GW and Greta — take this in your empty cabooche: Greta is correct. She is pointing out to the scientifically obvious if you look and measure. It has been observed that CO2 is a warming gas and the more of it in the atmosphere, the warmer the atmosphere is going to get… Understood? 

How can CO2 be warming? In the same way as photosynthesis in plants captures radiation from the sun, CO2 captures sun radiation at specific wavelengths. This capture warms it up. Look if you don’t understand this, just buy yourself a microwave oven. In it, place a cup of water and press START. About 1 minute and 39 seconds later, time depending on the amount of water, the water is boiling hot. WHAT HAPPENED? The machine is designed to transfer energy at a specific wavelength which excite the molecules of water. Excitement creates heat, that is why you end up all sweaty and gooey on the dance floor, though these days you can’t test this because of Covid-19. The wavelength to excite water molecules is specific and is in the MICROwave range. The wavelength that excite CO2 is in the red spectrum. This energy is provided by sunlight. Under this specific wavelength, CO2 will warm up. Simple...

Now comes the crunch. Is there enough CO2 in the atmosphere to create GLOBAL WARMING? What are the facts and figures? Hey you effing morons PAY ATTENTION! And I mean you at "RT" and at “NotGuardian”! YOU who believe that global warming is a conspiracy by some bozo to prevent you from having brain farts while driving your petrol guzzler! Yes I know you don’t believe in Covid-19 either. Obviously you’ve never had fever before. Catch malaria and you’d know what I mean, when you body temperature reaches 42 degrees Celsius and you’re near death. But this is another Gus’s story.

At this stage there is a lot of reconciliatory gymnastics to be made between observations and the theory of GLOBAL WARMING. Studying a large system in flux with many feedback mechanisms isn’t for the faint hearted, nor for the wooly-headed wombat that believes in a god that is full of its own self-importance. 

No, at this point in time, GLOBAL WARMING can be observed and measured with a certain degree of precision, giving us a formula from which we can “predict” a range of certainty for the future. 

Even Svante Arrhenius, the “father” of the science of GLOBAL WARMING, calculated that by 1899, there was enough EXTRA (anthropogenic) CO2 to raise the atmospheric temperature by 2 degrees Celsius and that “this could be be beneficial to crops in Europe”… Was he wrong? He was right on the increase of temperature and wrong on the benefits because he did not have all the observable data in hand. 

Prof. A. G. Högbom, who died on January 19, 1940 at the age of eighty-three years, had been a leader in geological work and ideas in Sweden for more than half a century. In 1894, he wrote:

A simple calculation shows that the temperature in the arctic regions would rise about 8 to 9 degrees Celsius of the carbonic acid [CO2] increased 2.5 or three times its present value… The world’s present production of coal reaches in round number 500 millions in tonnes per annum, or 1 ton per square kilometre of the earth surface.

The second half of Högbom’s proposition is a bit obscure but the whole thing explains a change in the carbon equation (a change coming from human activities) between the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth.

Since then, our measuring devices have become more accurate. If you live by the Byron Bay seashore, you may not have noticed because the ebb and flows of the tides mask the slow rise, but since1900, the sea level has risen by 20 centimetres. THIS IS DUE TO GLOBAL WARMING. About ten years ago, the sea level rise was measured at 3 mm per year. A few years ago, this rise was 4 mm. Now it is 4.7 mm per year. by 2100 it’s likely to be 15 mm per year or more. We know that in times of warmer climatic conditions, sea level can be 75 metres above present level... Oh and the beach at Byron Bay has disappeared...

With Covid-19, there has been three major aspects to consider: the disease itself, our observations of it and our reaction to it. With GLOBAL WARMING, we have to similarly consider the process, our observations and our reaction to it.

Laughing is not a solution. 

With Covid-19, we’ve had barely a year to study and react to it. Mistakes and bombastic management have been made galore. We fiddled in the dark on the hop.

With GLOBAL WARMING we’ve had 120 years of observations and let’s say 50 years of dedicated understanding with a more precise outlook. Science is correct: GLOBAL WARMING is induced by human activities.

The main difference is that Covid-19 is mostly a human problem, while GLOBAL WARMING is a planetary problem — cause by OBSERVABLE human activities. And though the solution to Covid-19 appears to be drastic, the solution to GLOBAL WARMING is mighty more difficult. 

DO NOTHING!  the wooly-headed wombat solution: live under ground during the day and feed at night… See I told you the wombat is a clever animal for believing in god… With average temperature heading for an extra 6 degrees Celsius by 2121, even the bods, born today, won’t be there to turn on the air conditioning...

We need to reduce emissions of CO2 to nil, now. Please note that it won’t make any difference to Uncle Gus. He has about 10 to 20 years max before feeding worms 6 feet under. Well it could make a difference to Uncle Gus if a) there is a dramatic weather pattern change by 2032, b) he is caught in a cyclone somewhere and c) his insurance premiums go through the roof...

So keep laughing… But don’t laugh at the GLOBAL WARMING “theorists”. Laugh at yourselves for being idiots.

Uncle Gus
Seriously laughing ...

Read from top.

editor greta...

Climate activist Greta Thunberg took over as editor-in-chief of Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter for just one day on Sunday. The paper, Sweden's biggest morning daily, sells about 350,000 copies daily and reaches some 1 million people online. 

The teen activist and leader of the Fridays for Future youth movement used her one-day tenure at the paper to highlight climate-related articles and some of her own writing.   

Thunberg has often criticized mainstream media outlets for failing to give the necessary attention to the climate change crisis. But earlier this year she met with the staff of Dagens Nyheter and engagedwith them on the topic. 

After the meeting and responding to feedback from its own readers, editor-in-chief Peter Wolodarskidecided to give Thunberg the editorial space for one day to highlight the topic.

"Handing over responsibility for Sweden's largest daily newspaper to a minor, an uneducated activist is completely incomprehensible. It's crazy. If it were not for the absurd fact that we are in an existential crisis that is still ignored by our society," Thunberg wrote in an editorial. 

Humanity's most challenging problem  

Wolodarski and Thunberg distributed the cover of the issue via Twitter, which had the headline "These are facts, not opinions," along with a large photo of a crater in Siberia, where the permafrost is melting. 

Thunberg's edition will feature articles such as that of a village in Russia's Arctic at the shores of the Barents Sea, where the ice has disappeared.

In the arts and culture section, Thunberg engages in a conversation with Sir David Attenborough, a famous British naturalist, on raising awareness about climate change. The section also features a commentary by acclaimed author Margaret Atwood. 

Thunberg used her editorial capacity in a limited way, she said on Twitter. But she did register her thoughts on the matter in Sunday's edition, stating that the climate crisis is the most difficult and the most challenging problem that humanity has ever confronted.  

She said she hoped that democracy and education could be the mechanisms with which to engage and solve the crisis.

Thunberg's takeover is not her first. A year ago, she was invited to be guest editor for a day at Britishbroadcaster BBC's Radio 4. 

But not all media outlets are open to such an endeavor. Anna Careborg, editor-in-chief of DagensNyheter's Stockholm rival, Svenska Dagbladet, criticized the initiative, saying that it risked blurring the line between news and opinion journalism.


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Klimatförändringarna är vår tids stora ödesfråga. Den ökade koldioxidhalten i atmosfären håller på att ändra livsbetingelserna på jorden. Här samlas DN:s artiklar om ämnet. På vår specialsida Klimatet just nu kan du också få fakta om klimatkrisen – och följa utvecklingen dag för dag.

temperature rises


When was global warming an "opinon"...?

boiling froggy...



Pseudo-denialism by RICH LOWRY...

(Rich is Rupert's special specialist on denialism of global warming for the New York Post...)


Former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel’s famous axiom is that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste. It’s an even a worse thing to manufacture.

Although Joe Biden obviously disagrees. Creating an unwarranted sense of drama and urgency around climate change is central to his approach — to catalyze action unsupported by the facts or common sense.

In announcing his climate and energy team the other day, the president-elect declared climate change a crisis requiring a “unified national response.” Going even further, he called it “an existential threat of our time,” a frankly preposterous claim if taken literally, or even seriously.

To maintain that increasing global temperatures are a threat to human existence itself entails ­believing that human beings — an endlessly adaptive species that has drastically increased its own life span over the last century — will be snuffed out if the planet gets a few degrees hotter.

If the worst comes, and sea levels rise significantly, we won’t move away from the coasts and find better ways to control flooding. If summers get much hotter in places unaccustomed to it, we won’t invest more in air conditioning. If droughts markedly ­increase, we won’t husband our water resources more intelligently. If some areas become uninhabitable, we won’t leave for more hospitable climes.

No, a humanity that is wealthier and more technologically proficient than ever will be content to expose itself to the worst depredations of nature that it has done so much to master over the last millennium.

This is a laughable account of how the world works. The globe has been getting warmer for decades now, with no adverse effects on human population or longevity. Heck, even polar bears, once held out as the pitiable victims of global warming, aren’t being driven to extinction.

In a climate speech during the campaign a few months ago, Biden relied on the tried-and-true alarmist tack of attributing every adverse weather event to global warming.

The flooding in the Midwest was an artifact of climate change, he suggested. Never mind that, as Bjorn Lomborg points out, the United Nations isn’t sure that whether flooding overall is getting more or less frequent.

Somewhat counterintuitively, Biden also blamed drought in the Midwest on climate change, even though, according to Lomborg, the federal government’s National Climate Assessment says “drought has decreased over much of the continental United States in association with long-term increases in precipitation.”


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Froggy now:


Picture by Gus Leonisky

Hey you, Rich idiot! YOU ARE VERY GLIB when you say: "To maintain that increasing global temperatures are a threat to human existence itself entails ­believing that human beings — an endlessly adaptive species that has drastically increased its own life span over the last century — will be snuffed out if the planet gets a few degrees hotter."

A) HUMANS ARE ADAPTIVE TO A POINT, NOT ENDLESSLY.  I suppose escaping planet Earth and living on Mars might be adaptive...

B) MOST OF NATURE DOES NOT HAVE THIS LUXURY OF "ENDLESS ADAPTATION". Mass Extinctions have happened in the past.

C) THE RATE OF PRESENT GLOBAL WARMING IS VERY FAST IN GEOLOGICAL TERMS. At the present rate New York, from where the NYPost invents its miserable Lowry opinions, will have Manhattan below sea level by 2123. The average temperature during the day will be 36 degrees Celsius in summer and 10 degrees Celsius in winter, with up to 49 degrees Celsius in summer... And this would be only a taste of things to come. By 2200, these could reach 8 to 9 degrees Celsius above present (say around 53 degrees Celsius). By then the sea level, still rising will be at least 4 "meters" (US spelling for 13.1234 feet) above present level.

D) Weather patterns will be up shit-creek. NEW YORK WILL EXPERIENCE HURRICANES (OF 4 TO 5 ON THE SCALE) at least three times a year if New York is lucky, or plenty more with bad luck.

E) and most of this only with the EXTRA CO2 added since the industrial revolution till now.


Read from top. 


PS: Bjorn Lomborg is a trickster and should be thrown out with the trash...

praise the insurance industry...


Praise the Insurance Industry…

There I have said it. To a point...

The insurance industry has often been described as a villain, a blood sucker and yet it deserves some thanks. Insurers are gamblers with a great insight of the odds. They never loose on the sum total of their bets.

I have been astonished as insurance companies are not gouging the public in the face of rising global warming. See, insurance payouts could be increasing each year due to global warming and as great mathematician risk assessors, they know that global warming is going to cost them money.

So how do they manage to minimise payouts? If your house has been burnt down in the recent bushfires in Australia, you may have had a battle with your insurer. “An Act of God” can prevent insurance companies from forking out some dosh. But this may not be sufficient. 

As early as 2003 (17 years ago — how time flies) Swiss Re, the second largest re-insurance in the world, was considering denying coverage, starting with directors and officers’ liability policies, to companies it decided were not doing enough to reduce their output of greenhouses gases… Wow.

Emission reductions are going to be required…” said a director of Swiss Re.

So what about governments? At this stage, Scomo's coal and gas train is travelling on thin ice. Any major Australian disasters that can be linked to “global warming” (which most disasters can be to a percentage thereof), will be penalised by private insurers as “Act of God” (no, the Scomo is not a god, just an ignorant blabbing idiot). The implications has to be that the more coal and gas burned or exported from Australia, the less money the insurance companies pay out. It’s part of a double act where the insurance premiums stay low, payouts are scrutinised under a microscope and the government has to print moneys (in the form of promises — that are never fulfilled mind you) to cover the cost of damages which the government doesn’t accept liability for. 

What does this mean? If your house burned down in December last year, you still live in a temporary shack, survive with donations from charitable organisations that get some cash from the government, but it has to look as if the government gave you nothing so far. You haven’t begged enough — or you don’t live in a swinging electorate where Sports Rorts could land any minute in your public swimming pool. Yes this money won’t go directly to you but support the “community”. Either way you’re personally stuffed. 

So the insurance industry is playing its part, while the ombudsmen are kept busy, because you can’t afford a lawyer… You can blame god if you wish.


the cost of cold...


"If scientists were predicting the imminent return of the ice age I’m certain our response would have been more robust. “Global warming” creates an illusion of a comfortable, warm future that is deeply appealing, for we are an essentially tropical species that has spread into all corners of the globe, and cold has long been our greatest enemy."

So says Tim Flannery in his book, published 2005, The Weather Makers

I can understand where Tim is coming from, yet I would express another feeling. 

It is harder to create cool than to generate heat in our relative system of near-stable entropy. To create cold we have had to invent pumps and evaporative systems (fridges), while to create heat, we just burn something. Should we be about to experience an incoming ice age, all we’d have to do is crank up the burning of fossil fuels and be warm as toasts. Our industrial chiefs would be over the moon. 

On the other side, keeping cool while the planet warms up demands difficult solutions. We don’t want the planet to warm so much it becomes uncomfortable and we don’t want to use cooling energies that are going to warm up the planet even more, by burning fossil fuels. 

A few years ago, I wrote:
Yes, in 1959, the notion of global warming had not penetrated our brains and science was still going as if the "natural" rhythms of the climate was in charge. As I have mentioned before on this site, science believed rightly that the earth's climate was going towards another ice age. This had been part of the calculations investigating past recent geological times and the estimates were correct but for one thing. The EXTRA CO2 factor added by the industrialisation of humanity burning fossil fuels. Thus now we're going to warmer climes at a rate of knots. 

Read more:prediction 1959: self-driving cars and fishy walls by 1984...

We need to be very clever, now...

Read from top.

is the indian government lying?

“Shit shit shit … Can you not tweet the toolkit … Our names are on it.” That was the message that Delhi police say 21-year-old Bangalore-based activist Disha Ravi texted to Greta Thunberg on February 2, begging her to take down a tweet she had posted with a link to a Google Docs file. Thunberg quickly took down the tweet and later posted a link to an “updated” document with incriminating details removed.

If there is a secret document that Greta Thunberg doesn’t want people to read, then naturally one is curious about its contents. The so-called “toolkit” may strike American readers as mundane, but that’s only because we have grown accustomed to the astroturf methods of international NGOs. The Indians are taking it very seriously as an intrusion on their sovereignty.



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This isn't a simple battle: Indian farmers versus the Indian government. Below the surface, there are many contrary dynamics. some well-intended NGOs helped by "Greta" versus the Indian government helped by the mulitnationals like Monsanto. The Indian government is also helped by a compliant media that favours the multinationals (advertising, etc), hence disrupting the understanding of the real problem by the Indian people. Greta has been caught in a green wave of "traditional farmers, who have lost more than 100,000 farmers due to suicide, and the might of the American/international interests that are trying to enforce new cultivation techniques in the sub-continent. There are dirty tactics, including the information channels that do not like Greta, because...


In the end, should the multinationals win, the Indian people will loose out, even if they pay less for produce... MONEY ISN'T EVERYTHING. Lifestyle and nature are more important.