Friday 17th of January 2025

the sixth mass extinction...


a bit of a shove and a push...

swine 2


What is amazing, it seems, is that humanity has to deal with ONLY ONE PANDEMIC AT A TIME... This smells fishy. Imagine having to deal with COVID-19, COVID-21, Pox-23 and Variola-22 all at the same time... The fact that Covid-19 is "mutating" is giving us a bit of what could be our lot... A few years ago, there was a bad flu that lingered more than 6 months in patients... Lucky it was not declared "a pandemic" but those affected were in trouble, young and old... 


Meanwhile, while 1,771,884 people have died from Covid-19 at december 28 2020 — worldwide — more than 400,000 people have died from malaria, still a few have died from the flu, cancers, strokes, pox, VD and other diseases — while more than 90 million of us have been born. I hope there will be a few geniuses amongst them.

the ruskies are cactus...


Now that a majority of the country believes the election was fraudulent and the Supreme Court has completely abdicated its authority now the next obstacle in front of President Trump is here.

And, as always, it comes from his complicit Secretary of State who undermines Trump with his every move to turn the State, Defense and Intelligence apparatuses of the U.S. against Russia.

Pompeo goes on Mark Levin’s show, whose ratings are through the roof right now, to tell all the slavering normie-conservatives that it was definitely the Russians who hacked our government.

From Zerohedge:

Without offering any evidence or specifics, Pompeo said Russia was “pretty clearly” behind the cyberattack during an appearance on the conservative talk radio Mark Levin Show.

“I can’t say much more, as we’re still unpacking precisely what it is, and I’m sure some of it will remain classified. But suffice it to say there was a significant effort to use a piece of third-party software to essentially embed code inside of U.S. government systems and it now appears systems of private companies and companies and governments across the world as well,” Pompeo explained.

Notice how there is no evidence given, just the typical intelligence agency, “believe me” line, which is your first clue that whoever it was behind this attack the one group who was definitely NOT behind it was the Russians.

This cyber attack on the U.S. government was perfectly timed with the Electoral College submitting its votes to the Congress and Joe Biden claiming he’s president-elect.

The reason why the release of this ‘attack’ on our government was perfectly timed is because it is a distraction from the growing unrest over the Democrats’ having stolen the election and cowering the courts into irrelevance.

This is classic CIA-level misdirection from what was more likely a Chinese or, dare I say it, homegrown operation for the very purpose of blaming the Russians to tamp down the anger and confuse the MAGA crowd.

And it resurrects the ghost of RussiaGate for the libs by putting Trump in a Catch-22. If he doesn’t respond to this it keeps alive the smoldering embers of the TDS crowd watching Rachel Maddow that Trump really does have deep, covert ties to Russia.

If he does react, what possible reaction could he take to escalate the tensions with Russia that are already one step below open warfare?

Oh, and he has to respond to this while also fighting an uphill battle against the courts and his own bureaucracy to invoke his executive order involving outside interference into the election. And in classic Trump fashion he did:

The Cyber Hack is far greater in the Fake News Media than in actuality. I have been fully briefed and everything is well under control. Russia, Russia, Russia is the priority chant when anything happens because Lamestream is, for mostly financial reasons, petrified of….

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 19, 2020


Provoking the exact reaction you’d expect from the BlueChecked Sneetches among the Twitterati. RussiaGate was an embarrassment that should have died years ago but it persists precisely because Trump refuses to formally concede and continues to give his people the opportunity to fight the Swamp.

The only way Putin and the Russians were behind this attack on the U.S. government was as a 5-d chess move where Trump invited them to do it on his behalf to ‘prove’ external interference in the election and allow Trump to cross the Rubicon, invoke the Insurrection Act and his 2018 EO on election interference.

Yeah, by the way, John Le Carre died this week, life ain’t a movie and Trump isn’t that savvy a player. Ye gods, I wish he was. That we are in this mess proves he isn’t.

This pronouncement by Pompeo was just gold ol’ fashioned swamp double talk who continues his job of maintaining continuity of U.S. foreign policy on behalf of the Neoconservatives whose raison d’etre is the destruction of Russia to the exclusion of nearly every other consideration of any other human on the planet.

Don’t be confused by this nonsense. Whoever was behind this attack wasn’t the Russians. The motive for this operation lies squarely with China, The Davos Crowd, the Democrats and our own intelligence agencies trying to move the Overton Window away from the real problem, a stolen election.

Outing Solarwinds and tying it directly to Dominion Voting Systems is your smoking gun.

But the courts, as I said at the open, have left the building. Martin Armstrong pointed out the Supreme Court denied the ‘shouting behind closed doors’ because they met via Zoom call.

But they didn’t deny the substance of the charge against them, that they bowed to political pressure thanks to the Democrats’ open blackmail campaign of terror this past summer.

So, at this point there really is little hope of overturning the election. From what I’ve heard on the ground in Georgia the same Dominion Voting machines are in place there for the Senate runoffs. Those who voted didn’t even get a receipt this time.

So the fix is in there too, folks.

There will be no victories in this fight. Every possible avenue of hope must be crushed if the Great Reset of The Davos Crowd is to occur.  Pompeo plays his part just like everyone else in this pantomime, one day giving Trump supporters hope by saying he’s preparing for a 2nd term, the next using that cache to undermine him with a far bigger betrayal.

This is how the Deep State works to protect itself and we have to be smart enough to see it for what it is: preparing the ground for the next phase of the greatest intelligence show on earth.

Same spook time, same spook channel.


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Opinion: President-elect Joe Biden set to crank up pressure on Russia

Once in office, Joe Biden could make life much tougher for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The president-elect, however, also needs to learn from his past mistakes, writes Miodrag Soric.

As 2020 draws to a close, Russia finds itself more isolated than ever since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Russia is at odds with most of its European neighbors — except Belarus, headed by dictator Alexander Lukashenko.

While the concerns of Russia's European neighbors stem from historical experience, Russia's current foreign policy does little to assuage them. Joe Biden's nominee for US secretary of state, Antony Blinken, views Russia's conduct as aggressive and erratic. He wants to hold Russia accountable for dangerous actions like sending troops to Ukraine and supporting Syrian dictator Bashar Assad.

Thus far, Moscow has been unfazed by Blinken's statements. But that will change if the US imposes stricter sanctions on Russia, which could well happen next year. Washington has not yet, for instance, imposed sanctions over the poisoning of Russian dissident Alexei Navalny. It may also exert more pressure to thwart the completion of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.

Veteran staffers

Most members of Biden's Cabinet are political veterans, many of whom previously served in Barack Obama's administration. They, like Biden, have experience in dealing with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Washington refuses to accept a world divided into spheres of influence, as it did during the Cold War. The US, therefore, wants Russia to steer clear of Belarusian politics — even if most people there want to see Lukashenko gone. Washington, similarly, wants Russia to accept the country of Georgia as a possible NATO member. Wherever it can, the US will push against Moscow's influence.  And there is little Russia can do about this.



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shooting fish in a barrel...


By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey


Mother Nature gave us a spectacularly memorable lesson this year, one that reached us all, whatever our nationality, color, race or creed. 2020 was a leveler.

Whatever our nationality (that state dictated by which side of an invisible line we were born and which, incredibly, dictates our rights), race, color, creed, sexuality, level of education, socio-economic status, however high or low, whatever the comforts of our accommodation, 2020 gave a lesson which reached us all. It was a lesson prepared by Planet Earth, already feeling the foul taste of bile provoked by the worst parasite to have ever inhabited it, which has polluted our beautiful home from the bottom of the oceans, across the plains, rivers and mountains, right up into space.

If you mess with Mother Nature

And the basic message of this lesson was that if you mess with Mother Nature, there is a pay-back time. The message is, for sportspeople, that no player is bigger than the club. For the rest of us, the analogy is there for us to understand. Karma is a bitch.

The lesson used a simple prop, namely Covid-19 and its various strains which are beginning to show their heads and which might or might not carry a heavier mortality rate. This was because we did not take heed of the previous lesson, delivered in 2012, when a close cousin of Covid, named Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) with a 34% mortality rate, not 3 point 4, but thirty-four, over a third, appeared, only to have been relegated to an occasional paragaph if anything in the inner pages of our newspapers. Shrug. Yeah, whatever.

Luckily, MERS did not break out of its reservoir in the Saudi Peninsula. But we (collectively) continue destroying habitat, we continue to trade in and eat wild animals and we continue to rear animals in deplorable and unnatural conditions on factory farms, pumping them full of antibiotics, growth hormones, steroids and Christ alone knows what, keeping them cheek-by-jowl in conditions that do not allow them to move, let alone stretch. Welcome to Planet Earth 2020. And look where it got us.


Karma is a bitch

Just imagine what is lurking in the Amazon,waiting to get out. And the forests of central Africa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Indonesia, where orang-utangs fall burning to death so that someone can plant trees for palm oil. Our habits are killing the forests and their inhabitants and later, will kill us. Mother Nature does not sleep, karma is a bitch.

So either we learn the lesson from 2020 or Covid-19 will look like a walk in the park. The key issues are destruction of habitat, factory farming and the trade in wild animals.

One look at the newspapers this week and what do we see? 16 "hunters" who paid thousands of Euro each to participate in a barbartic act of mass slaughter, herding 540 deer and wild boar together in a space from which they could not escape, then opening fire, murdering all of them, then standing posing with stupid expressions on their faces on social media platforms. This horrific act of butchery took place in Quinta da Torre Bela, in Azambuja, Portugal, organized by a Spanish firm and involving apparently Spanish "hunters".

An atypical act of butchery

This type of activity is by no means accepted in Portugal, nor indeed in Spain, and in both countries most of the population is appalled and shocked; nevertheless these sixteen Spanish "hunters" have managed to shame Portugal in the international community, since the story has reached far and wide and people believe that such deplorable activities are condoned. They are not, not in Portugal, whose population is as animal-loving as anywhere else, maybe even more so. The farm has had its licence removed and the incident has been reported to the prosecution service to deliberate on whether to start criminal proceedings. 

This is a perfect example of how sixteen people (?) can denigrate the image of a whole country and how sixteen people (?) who take delight in slaughtering defenceless animals, can provide a telling example of how low humankind can sink.

So collectively, we have much to do in 2021 to address our planet's most pressing needs. If we do nothing, then we only have ourselves to blame. Merry Christmas. And remember, Karma is a bitch.

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