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no lock is 100 per cent proof if they decide to destroy your front door...As Understanding of Russian Hacking Grows, So Does Alarm Those behind the widespread intrusion into government and corporate networks exploited seams in U.S. defenses and gave away nothing to American monitoring of their systems. On Election Day, General Paul M. Nakasone, the nation’s top cyberwarrior, reported that the battle against Russian interference in the presidential campaign had posted major successes and exposed the other side’s online weapons, tools and tradecraft. “We’ve broadened our operations and feel very good where we’re at right now,” he told journalists. Eight weeks later, General Nakasone and other American officials responsible for cybersecurity are now consumed by what they missed for at least nine months: a hacking, now believed to have affected upward of 250 federal agencies and businesses, that Russia aimed not at the election system but at the rest of the United States government and many large American corporations. Three weeks after the intrusion came to light, American officials are still trying to understand whether what the Russians pulled off was simply an espionage operation inside the systems of the American bureaucracy or something more sinister, inserting “backdoor” access into government agencies, major corporations, the electric grid and laboratories developing and transporting new generations of nuclear weapons. ------------------------------------ As an amateur locksmith, I repair my home old locks that after 25 years of usage start to become recalcitrant. One needs to jiggle the keys more and more to open and shut. Soon they will be stuck. These are very simple locks, yet they are “impossible to open” even with a degree in safe-cracking, unless you have the key. And that’s the key. Contrary to barrel-locks where one lines up the slits in pins, these simple small locks have five fine levers with triple action inside. Unless the three criterias of alignment are met, you cannot open the lock which has a locking bar with high grade steel roller bearings to prevent being cut-off. Despite looking simple, the mechanism is accurate to less than 1/10th of a millimetre everywhere and one of the levers has a hooknose that is difficult to bypass. Try to open the lock with the wrong key and it will jam or even destroy the soft brass levers. You can fiddle all you like with hooks and wires, the heavy loaded springs that keep the levers in place will give you no indication if you have perfect alignment of all three criteria on five levers or not — and your tools will bend before the lock gives up… I won’t give you the brand, nor the origin, of these lock, but simple to say you cannot buy them at Bunnings… Not even at your local locksmith. Cyber-hacking is much simpler. The US NSA and CIA are expert in cracking other countries cyber-security. It took a lot of effort to break the enigma code. Since then, code breaking is an industry on all sides of the earth… So it is surprising to learn that: Pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell has been slapped with a $1.3 billion lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems over her “wild accusations” that the company rigged the presidential election.
Dominion, whose vote-counting equipment was used in several states, filed the federal complaint Friday to “set the record straight.”
“During a Washington, D.C. press conference, a Georgia political rally, and a media blitz, Powell falsely claimed that Dominion had rigged the election, that Dominion was created in Venezuela to rig elections for Hugo Chávez, and that Dominion bribed Georgia officials for a no-bid contract,” the company said.
Powell had been pursuing cases related to President Trump’s claims of rampant voter fraud in the 2020 election, filing numerous unsuccessful lawsuits in an effort to overturn election results.
She claimed votes were illegally “injected’ into Dominion-brand counting machines and that a software algorithm changed votes for Trump into votes for Democratic opponent Joe Biden.
Powell also represented Trump’s former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
Dominion has denied Powell’s accusations, saying that “there are mountains of direct evidence that conclusively disprove Powell’s vote manipulation claims against Dominion — namely, the millions of paper ballots that were audited and recounted by bipartisan officials and volunteers in Georgia and other swing states, which confirmed that Dominion accurately counted votes on paper ballots.” Read more: ——————————— What about the “electronic ballots”? Were the Dominion systems used in the “crooked” Venezuelan elections? Three companies rule, Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Dominion, and Hart InterCivic, used by 92% of US voters, as Dominion services 40%. Smartmatic is another big US player. Question: What did the chairman of Smartmatic, a vote tabulating software, do to earn a place on Joe Biden’s “transition team?” Will Dominion be ready to have their algorithms inspected for possible bona fide faults? Were Dominion systems used in the 2016 election which was "tampered with" by Russia, according to the Democrats? Are the Dominion System so accurate that some recounts by hand showed an increased number of vote for Biden? We shall see how this court case goes... Picture at top, an old 19th century lock from Gus's collection of old locks. This one isn't the unpickable one mentioned at top. Please note than no lock is 100 per cent proof if they decide to destroy your front door to get in... But, as the master of French spies, Colonel Joinville, would say, the art of opening an envelope and see what's inside, is to make sure no-one knows that the envelope has been opened... Finding "proofs" of vote tampering will be difficult unless someone squeals. Note: In regard to nuclear weapons, if I remember well, the gizmos launching devices in the USA are using old 386 computer technology and 5 inch floppy discs, and are not linked to the internet. Like my fancy dooda locks, hacking into these is impossible without the keys... Anything other than the keys and the systems shut down.
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inside the lock...
H & T Vaughan were manufacturers of locks based in Willenhall, the industrial centre of English lock production. The company was established by brothers Henry and Thomas Vaughan in 1856. H & T Vaughan locks appear in numerous Australian hardware and department store catalogues in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In 1928, the business was sold to the US company, Yale & Towne Manufacturing Co.
Picture of the inside of the lock at top. The levers are very simple but demand some effort to open as the loaded springs are powerful.
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on election fraud...
posted four years ago: