Friday 3rd of January 2025

johnnee's shrill .....


johnnee's shrill .....


from our ABC …..

Andrews says Rudd threatens capitalism

Immigration Minister Kevin Andrews has taken a swipe at the federal Opposition during a speech in Sydney tonight.

Mr Andrews has told the Centre for Independent Studies that a resurgent Labor Party threatens the effective political representation of democratic capitalism.

He says a government led by Kevin Rudd would not be good for Australia.

"If the Coalition loses the next federal election to a Rudd-led government there could be no incumbent government to which to look for leadership of a democratic capitalist kind," he said.

"No bulwark against the ALP's ambitions to reintroduce a union-dominated industrial landscape.

"No effective voice for small business and independent contractors."


Gus: Our rodent in chief is getting very, very worried... He is sending all his windmilling goons to the fore, to cut the grass from under Kevin Rudd's feet... pitiful...

As if Kevin would threaten anything of the sort when it was the Labor party that relaxed the economic climate, which to be truthful was in greater condition when Howard the porkyist-extraordinaire took over. Now, while the government's budget swims tight-fisted in your money, the national debt via the trade deficit is plummeting to record levels... And the low monthly inflation figure is only achieved through importing cheap goods from China, while, apart from other disasters such as stupid wars, the cost of education is ballooning beyond the fat professor enormous girth and the cost of housing has gone through the roof ...

Throw them out.