Saturday 18th of January 2025

things are getting dicky...


After yet another explosive report by the ABC’s Four Corners on Monday night, accompanied by a sordid tale from Network 10 of male Coalition staffers getting their jollies on the desks of female MPs, Scott Morrison staged a media confessional on Tuesday morning in an attempt to change the narrative.

What narrative?

The one tumbling into the eyes, ears and brains of everyday Australian voters that ScoMo is a FauxMo; that the nation’s self-appointed No.1 bloke is not the harmless daggy dad he’d like us to think; that in fact the PM is dangerously not a friend of Australian women.


by Paula Matthewson

It’s hard to know why it took until Tuesday – four months after the firstFour Corners program blew the lid on the bad behaviour of two senior Cabinet ministers – six weeks after former Liberal staffer Brittany Higgins went public with the details of her alleged rape by a colleague – and eight days after 100,000 women marched to make it clear that these were not isolated incidents – for the PM to finally resort to a teary mea culpa before the assembled media.

Tweet from @BrittHiggins_

Perhaps he’d taken a moment to scan the results of a (albeit unscientific)readers’ poll run by, which found a staggering 75 per cent of readers don’t feel safe out at night, 80 per cent had taken out their keys for protection or used evasive behaviour, 51 per cent had been sexually harassed at work (but 76 per cent of those did not report it) and 36 per cent encountered their first sexual predatory behaviour when aged 10 to 15.

As ABC broadcaster and journalist Patricia Karvelas put it so succinctly on Tuesday, it seems the Coalition has been so “convinced the issues around rape, sexual assault and sexual harassment were boutique feminist issues that didn’t have cut through in Australian suburbs,” it has “belatedly realised that sexism knows no class, race or political persuasion”.

Or perhaps the PM took a look at the latest opinion polls, with Newspoll showing the Coalition’s primary vote has dropped to its lowest since thePM’s Black Summer belligerence, while Essential found that even two-thirds of Coalition voters think ‘What is happening in Canberra is relevant to all women’ and that ‘It’s time women were believed when they say they have been assaulted’.



It may even be that the PM is facing an internal revolt by female Liberal MPs, finally sick to the teeth from too long being the silent enablers of Coalition bovver boys, and now threatening to go rogue on quotas and who knows what else?

Whatever the reason, the PM reverted to Crisis Management 101, saying he was shocked and disgusted at the shameful behaviour of the male staffers, and while not exactly apologising for his actions, vowed that he had now heard what Australian women were saying.

He even made reference to many of the scenarios canvassed in the poll (without naming it) and threw in a few tears for good measure.

But for many women and men witnessing the performance, and perhaps for the Parliamentary press gallery who’ve seen this tactic far too many times, the PM’s tearful – but unacceptably delayed conversion – is far too little, too late.

The PM must have realised this as he then faced a barrage of media questions on Tuesday.

Like a cat in a bathtub, the PM scrabbled and clawed at anything that might help him out of his predicament.

When the faux apology, empathy and tears failed, he tried other tactics in quick succession to get the media to back off.

He cautioned journalists about the precarious mental health of those male Coalition staffers, even obscurely referring to tragic incidents in the past.

And then the PM proved that he had not been listening at all.

In answer to a question from Sky News Australia about losing control of his staff, Morrison warned the journalist about throwing stones in glass houses, claiming that a harassment complaint had been lodged by a presumably female employee in News Corp, the owner of Sky News.

(News Corp later denied this was the case.)

A prime minister who had truly listened to what Australian women have been saying over the past month would not have divulged such a thing to score a political point.

Just as Brittany Higgins has undoubtedly been mortified, over and over again, by the public revelations of her alleged assault, the News Corp employee would likely be similarly humiliated to see her private business used as a cheap debating tactic.

Is it any wonder that only 51 per cent of the respondents to the poll said they’d be comfortable reporting their sexual assault to the police?

This is the potentially career-limiting problem for PM Morrison – his actions do not match his words.

Ever since the first Four Corners expose in November, the PM has deflected, dismissed, obscured, omitted, denied, threatened and gaslit.

On Tuesday, he continued to display these behaviours.

His humble words and tears might have meant something if they’d been genuinely delivered by the PM in November, or last month when the horror of Ms Higgins’ treatment became public.

Now they’re just the hollow words of a desperate politician, scrambling for a sway out of his self-made predicament.

  • For confidential support and services around sexual assault, contact 1800 RESPECT online or by phone on 1800 737 732. If you or someone you know needs help contact Life Line on 13 11 14

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the only glasshouse is scotty's...

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been forced to make an embarrassing apology, conceding his claim media giant News Corp needed to clean up its own house before lecturing others on workplace behaviour was "insensitive" and based on wrong information.


Key points:
  • Mr Morrison said he deeply regretted claiming that News Corp was dealing with a complaint of workplace harassment
  • He apologised after News Corp chairman Michael Miller slammed his behaviour and said no such complaint existed
  • Mr Morrison said he stood by his other remarks made in the press conference


In a late night post on his Facebook page, Mr Morrison said he deeply regretted his comments.

The Prime Minister was widely accused on Tuesday morning of trying to weaponise claims of harassment, when he sought to deflect a question from a Sky News journalist about the culture in Parliament House by suggesting News Corp was dealing with its own complaint of harassment.

"You'd be aware that in your own organisation that there is a person who has had a complaint made against them for harassment of a woman in a women's toilet, and that matter is being pursued by your own HR department," he said.

The journalist, Andrew Clennell responded he was not aware of the complaint.

"You are not aware of it. So let's not, all of us who sit in glass houses here, start getting into that," Mr Morrison added.

Hours later, News Corp's chairman Michael Miller slammed the Prime Minister's behaviour and said no such complaint existed.


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Accusing others of being as sinful as oneself is a typical sociopathic and/or religious response when under pressure... We did not expect less from Scotty... (Note: I'm no accusing Scotty from being a sociopath here, but from being a religious nut...) He got his "wrong information about media giant News Corp needed to clean up its own house" from the same source as Angus Taylor's attack on Clover Moore: thin air...




blokes, blokes, blokes...

Prime Minister Scott Morrison insists “blokes” don’t always “get it right” but says he’s doing his best to address cultural change at Parliament House.

Late on Tuesday, Mr Morrison apologised for suggesting at an earlier news conference that News Corp was dealing with a claim of harassment, accepting that it is not the case.

He made the comments while addressing cultural issues around the treatment of women within Parliament.

On Wednesday, Mr Morrison told Nine Radio he’s trying to create a culture of respect.

“Blokes don’t get it right all the time, we all know that, but what matters is that we’re desperately trying to, and that’s what I’m trying to do, and we will get this right – we all need to focus on that.”

The Prime Minister said issues of respect for women extend beyond Parliament House – and it is up to all of society to make change, not just the federal government.

“This is a societal challenge. One of the things you learn pretty quickly in government is that government can’t solve all these problems,” he said.

“We can certainly do our bit, but we’ve all got a role to play here. And if everyone sits back and says ‘well, the government’s going to fix this’, well, it won’t get fixed.”

Minister for Superannuation Jane Hume said the Prime Minister “over spoke” on Tuesday, but said it was important to grasp this moment and move on.

“I think he thinks it was an error, that he mis-stepped there, that he over spoke and that he was misinformed,” she said.

“He’s apologised for that and that was the right thing to do.

“The question is now, how do we move on.”

Liberal MP Katie Allen said the Prime Minister’s comment was a mistake, but argued women were more interested in hearing about how problems of workplace culture are going to be fixed.

“Women want to hear – what is it this Parliament is going to deliver for them?” she said.

“That’s what I want to hear about from the Prime Minister.

“Yep, absolutely a misstep from the Prime Minister, I completely agree with that, let’s move on.”


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and security breaches...

Defence officials have confirmed there was a security breach in the office of Linda Reynolds three days before staffer Brittany Higgins was allegedly raped.

The man who is accused of sexually assaulting Ms Higgins is alleged to have mishandled sensitive documents on March 19, 2019, by leaving them out in plain sight in the then-defence industry minister’s office.

A departmental liaison officer then reported the security breach to the minister’s chief of staff and the Department of Defence the next day. Ms Higgins alleges she was sexually assaulted by the man two days later, on the night of March 22, on the couch of the Minister’s office in Parliament House.

Appearing in a Senate estimates hearing on Wednesday, Defence assistant secretary Katherine Jones also revealed that there was no security breach recorded in relation to the night of the alleged rape.

Senator Reynolds has previously suggested there was “unauthorised access” to her office on the night of the alleged assault on March 22. But Ms Jones confirmed only one security breach was recorded to the department inside Senator Reynolds office in 2019 and that was the earlier incident on March 19.


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no love lost...

Sky News host Andrew Bolt says his opinion of former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has never been high, but today, it has “never been this low”.

His comments come regarding historical sexual assault allegations raised against a current senior Cabinet minister.

According to Mr Bolt, former prime minister Turnbull made a “despicable smear” against the Cabinet minister in question “without any evidence”.

“I am not saying the accusations are false, I am saying no one can possibly know if they are true,” Mr Bolt said.

“I do not trust his evidence and I certainly do not trust his motives.

“As for his character – no comment.



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Free Julian Assange Now !!!!!!

go straight to the police, the police and the police...


By Jack Waterford

Australian Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw may have meant well in imploring that victims of sexual assaults, or those aware of sexual assault crimes, go straight to the police, not to politicians or the media. A cynic might respond that most Commonwealth-level misbehaviour gets investigated, even by police, only when the media is already involved.

But the prime minister, Scott Morrison was wrong in deducing from Kershaw’s letter a need to make the AFP a clearinghouse of allegations of offences against the criminal laws of the states and territories. Likewise, using this newly invented principle as a reason for pretending that he need not even bother himself to read detailed allegations.

There were several vices in what happened. Assuming that the ostentatious act of passing on the materials, sight unseen, actually happened, it showed just why it was not a good idea. Allegations alleging rape, a long time ago, by the Attorney-General, Christian Porter were accompanied by nearly 40 pages of supporting material. Yet the collective wit of the senior AFP thought only to send a short email summary of the allegations – sans any of the detail – to the NSW Police.

It is true that the scant detail contained the information (already known in any event to NSW Police) that the alleged victim was dead. This might have enabled the AFP geniuses to deduce immediately that a prosecution was thus impossible, thus completely closing the matter. This was probably the practical consequence, but not as a matter of law. It is possible for a sexual assault case to proceed without a live victim. George Pell, for example, was charged and convicted of a sexual assault on a choirboy who had committed suicide well before the charges were laid. His conviction was quashed by a unanimous High Court, but not on the grounds that such a prosecution was legally impossible.

NSW Police, in the person of its voluble Commissioner, Mick Fuller, soon ruled out any prosecution and spent much of the next week rowing back from his general pronouncements about an investigation with which his sexual assault unit detectives were familiar, the fact that an email purporting to be from the victim had asked police to suspend the inquiry shortly before she is said to have committed suicide, and the practical difficulties of a trial without a live victim. He was also explaining, in less than satisfactory terms, why detectives had not flown to Adelaide, out of the NSW jurisdiction, to get a signed statement from the woman, even before travel restrictions caused by the pandemic, or later during those restrictions. Or, indeed, why NSW police did not ask South Australian cops to go to the woman’s house, to have her sign her statement, and then to forward it on. This is something that happens all the time, in normal cases.

What was also quickly on display was that both the Commissioner and his deputy had been all over the case, from the time that the woman first complained to NSW Police. They held several meetings, including with investigating detectives, although we have not been let in on the secret of what directions were given about the conduct of the investigation, other than (inferentially) a decision to postpone going to Adelaide.

I do not suggest that this close attention from the higher-ups was designed to sabotage the investigation. But the interventions of the political and managerial classes of a police force on the professional investigations of experienced detectives are never welcomed by the detectives themselves and create a serious risk of compromising an investigation, or even the police force itself. This is probably not something which would much trouble Mick Fuller, who trades to a degree on his being “a character”, with self-granted leeway to be planning a political career, to have multiple personal conflicts of interest, and to play favourites in the enforcement of the law.

His personal style has involved a reluctance to discipline violent cops if he thinks they have had a bad day, or to opine, after criticism of illegal and indiscriminate police strip searches of young people that they needed to learn a healthy terror of the law, and guardians of it, such as himself.

With long successions of “character” police commissioners and regular corruption allegations, it may well be that Fuller does not care much about the reputation of his force, at least as long as he has the state premier in his thrall (as he does). If he did, he would have rather more concern for appearances.

But so might the AFP Commissioner, who has yet to explain just why and how the ACT AFP Commissioner saw fit to attend on the Minister for Defence and her chief of staff soon after a staffer was found by parliamentary security staff in the minister’s office, in a dishevelled condition suggestive of sexual assault. By the time that the ACT Commissioner arrived, the woman had complained of sexual assault to ACT AFP detectives.

We want commissioners of character, not folk who are ‘characters’

The ACT Commissioner’s visit to the minister was one of a large number of occurrences in the aftermath of the alleged rape, of which the victim was entirely unaware until two years later.

Reece Kershaw found himself deeply professionally embarrassed when, as a deputy NT Police Commissioner, his commissioner tried improperly to interfere in an investigation affecting his mistress. Kershaw steered his way through the crisis, but ought to have learnt from it the fundamental dangers of too close relations with ministers, and of the heads-up principle.

Perhaps the commissioner was intending merely to give the minister a “heads-up” about ongoing police inquiries, but if that is what he was doing, his judgment is open to question because, as we have seen, the minister was inevitably to be a player in the aftermath of the case, not a disinterested observer. The heads-up is not supposed to be a privileged opportunity, not given to other interested parties, to begin preparing the alibis. It seems that it was, for example, after this meeting that the minister decided not to tell the Prime Minister – a decision that the ultra-loyal Peter Dutton may also have made about the same time.

Unlike all other Australian police forces, the AFP is not a force of what might be called general jurisdiction. The ACT precinct is, of course. One can complain to them of rape, or murder, or a fraud, and it has the power – even the duty – to immediately launch an investigation. But the national AFP does not have a general brief to investigate fraud on the Commonwealth, corruption by a senior minister, or bribery with political donations. It must await a reference from a relevant Commonwealth agency. Easy enough to come by with alleged social security fraud, or the theft of money by a public servant. Rather less common with a high-level crime, a reason why the AFP, unlike the FBI or Scotland Yard, never conducts own-motion investigations, or stings, with corruption.

The ambitions of the Home Affairs Minister and his department has tended to undermine the independence and apartness of notionally autonomous stand-alone statutory bodies, such as the AFP and ASIO. That and the character (and post-commissionership ambitions) of some of the commissioners have entrenched the AFP’s reputation as the most politicised force in the country. When one considers the NSW and Victoria Police, that is really saying something.


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Here we must say that the "evidence" from the plaintiff who went to the police — "evidence" that was not read either by Porter nor Scott Morrison — got an airing in the media, with of course our elite right-wing supporter, Andrew Bolt, proving that some of the evidence is wrong on two points. And as he says The Hard Rock Cafe opened in 1989, not 1988... But if my memory is correct, there used to be a venue/cafe in the same location for a few years, before it changed to the "Hard Rock Cafe"... Anyway this is not to judge the "evidence" investigation which from now on, due to Porter suing the ABC, cannot be exposed publicly any more than what Andrew Bolt has done... 


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liberal (CONservative) party disgusting behaviour...

For years Liberal leaders have wheeled out female MPs like me to defend disgusting behaviour. Enough!

Catherine Cusack

I joined the Young Liberals in 1982 when things were definitely on the up for women. It was an exciting time – a youthful Nick Greiner was state leader, Rosemary Foot his deputy. I found an amazing peer group that was not bored to tears by my interest in politics. I met my future husband there – we are both former YL state presidents. When our sons, now aged in their 20s, joined, we were jokingly accused of trying to establish a monarchy inside the YLs. The Liberal party has been my life.

I entered the New South Wales parliament in 2003. John Howard as prime minister openly celebrated his female MPs, whom he frequently credited with saving his government. In 2004 Chris McDiven became our first female federal president – but sadly the storm clouds had already gathered. This momentum for women came to a crashing halt with the brutal factional wars that transformed the culture and behaviour of the party, harmed our reputation and triggered an exodus of ordinary members.

Howard had tried unsuccessfully at the 2003 Adelaide federal convention to warn of the dangerous path we were on. “I think factionalism is weakening and eroding the strength of this party and the respect of this party in the Australian community,” he said.

As he feared, his message fell on deaf ears. The Howard government’s 2007 campaign was derailed when high-ranking Liberal volunteers were arrested in the dead of night letterboxing a fake Labor campaign brochure. The destructive factional wars and resultant toxic behaviours had gone too far – a halt was called to the infighting and a small group of factional leaders agreed to share power. And so began the Liberal boys’ club that has been calling the shots ever since.

The factional system relies on compliance and patronage, so straight away the idea of merit-based selection went out the window. This doesn’t just affect women – it affects everyone. Even Mike Baird needed a special deal to secure Liberal selection for the 2007 election in Manly. Favours given and favours repaid is how this works.

In other states, this model was nicknamed “the NSW disease”. Unfortunately, it spread. It has escalated.

An MP might be asked to allocate a staff position to a factional operative and in exchange his/her preselection is assured. Step away from the factions and they might all combine to unseat you. In this way, the factional model is part taxpayer-funded.

So now we have some young men on big salaries, doing aggressive factional work out of some ministerial and MP offices. And they are intoxicated with power as well as alcohol. Their bosses need to bear much of the blame. They legitimise and tolerate behaviours that serve their own self-interests in terms of getting and retaining power.

There are many reasons why women across Australia so triggered and upset by what’s going on in Canberra. Personal experience, solidarity with the victims – but most of all it has been the sense of powerlessness they feel when the issues are seemingly dismissed. It has happened over and over again and this time they are telling us: “Enough!”

Maybe there are bubbles inside the Canberra bubble? I don’t know – I am just convinced the PM needs to seek out and listen to his female MPs, who have their own stories to tell.

An alleged rape has occurred inside the citadel of Australian democracy.

Our prime minister needs to be told why people are so angry. And it’s up to his female MPs to take it to him direct.

It’s not really a choice any more. For years there has been a ludicrous expectation by Liberal leaders that we female MPs can be wheeled out to defend these disgusting behaviours. When the power to fix the problem lies with them – not with us.

It has reached the point where our personal integrity is being publicly pitted against our loyalty – it’s upsetting and embarrassing and, frankly, they should not be asking that of us.

Tell him.

Step up, be hopeful and make the case for change. Most importantly, back one another. The moment has chosen us.

Tell him.


  • Catherine Cusack is a Liberal member of the NSW upper house who was first elected to the state parliament in 2003

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FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the new me, myself, himself, him, moi, I and mea no culpa...


Scott Morrison's efforts to engage with women are more 'me' than mea culpa

Katharine Murphy


There has been a lot of focus this week, and rightly so, on Scott Morrison making things worse when his objective had been to make them better. There has been less focus, though, on what Morrison thinks he’s doing – on unpicking the underlying objectives of the prime minister’s “I’ve discovered the patriarchy” pivot.

Let me share a basic insight about Morrison that you might find useful. This prime minister speaks almost exclusively to one cohort of voters: men at risk of voting Labor. There was a departure from this strategy during Covid. Morrison engaged the whole country during the pandemic, because that’s what the times required. But outside the crisis, he speaks to blokes who might vote Labor.


If you are a swinging male voter, you won’t notice this phenomenon, because you bask in the warm glow of Morrison’s undivided attention.

But if you are not in this category, you might spend a period of time feeling excluded by the prime minister’s presentation and messaging before it dawns on you that you feel excluded because he’s not talking to you. Eventually it dawns on you that he’s never talking to you, even when words are coming out of his mouth and he’s making eye contact down the barrel of a TV camera.

Suffice to say Morrison has crafted a whole prime ministerial persona around that single objective. Speaking almost exclusively to men who you can court by being their champion, but who remain a flight risk, informs a bunch of the prime minister’s front-facing expeditions – going on 2GB and gritting his teeth while Ray Hadley drones on about himself, feeding the tabloids, appearing on A Current Affair, popping up with the self-styled everyman Paul Murray on Sky News periodically.

These aren’t accidents, they are meticulous calculations, because Morrison thinks like a campaign director. It’s how he approaches the job. This makes him quantifiably different from all the other prime ministers of my reporting lifetime.

But history shows that prime ministers are defined not by their strategising, but how they rise to the challenges no one plans for. Prime ministers have agendas and objectives, of course, but they are defined by events, and how they respond to them.

Morrison has been whacked, and hard, by an event that wasn’t on his permanent campaign plan. This moment is requiring a prime minister who has crafted a prime ministership out of talking to blokes to engage meaningfully with women in all their diversity.

It’s quite the gear shift, and it explains some of the hapless fumbling that’s happened in plain view. Given he’s had absolutely no practice (and seemingly not much interest), the transition has been inelegant, to put it kindly. Morrison has spent the past five weeks bobbing around like a cork on a boiling sea.

Grotesquely (and I don’t invoke the word lightly) Morrison and his backroom have met the moment by continuing to calculate rather than recognising that what was required was two things: empathy and moral clarity.

When I say calculating, Team Morrison has been thinking about narrow paths. This isn’t speculation. The prime minister used the analogy in the Coalition party room meeting last week.

A bit of context, quickly, to set this up. Morrison won the election in 2019because he identified a narrow path to victory. He stormed up an electoral goat track courtesy of a bunch of fine-grained calculations, informed by good research. When I say fine-grained calculations, this is what I mean: what to say, to which voters, in which parts of the country.

After that “miracle” election win in 2019, Morrison will always back himself to find the narrow path to victory. He’s made that a personal brand.

So last week, when much of the government was completely freaking out that the prime minister was leading them into an epic clustercuss, but were far too polite to say so, Morrison told his MPs in their party room that they all needed to imagine themselves on a narrow stretch of the Kokoda Track.

Don’t fret, in other words.

I’ve got this.


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Yep. All the hot air coming from Scotty of Marketing is about him, not about you. He's trying to protect his job, not improve your situation. For example, the secret proposal to downgrade your disabled status in the NDIS to save money (see scomo to puncture the tyres of your wheelchair... ) is to claim that your are not disabled enough — possibly implying that you should feel grateful that the system does not see you as disabled, but will then chastise you for having abused the generosity of the system you have been entitled to so far...


On the me, myself, himself, him, moi, I and mea, Scotty is far worse than the former champion of the me, myself, himself, him, moi, I and mea, Malcolm......

Why do a mea culpa, when HE's done nothing wrong (as far as we know, possibly except sports rorts and a few other fiddles) but all his entourage do some mea culpas and denials by the bucket-load — but where Scotty goes wrong is to do nothing about PUNISHMENT of the guilty who provide cheap apologies and investigation of serious allegations, accepting denials as sufficient proof of innocence...

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six dickinators to be charged...

A Canberra man will next week lodge formal complaints against six other men, accusing them of engaging in sex acts within Parliament House.

Key points:
  • An inquiry was launched after vision emerged showing a Coalition staffer masturbating on a female MP's desk
  • Two of the people the complainant will accuse of inappropriate behaviour are currently employed by Coalition MPs
  • Liberal backbencher Warren Entsch said he hopes police investigate the man and his motivations for making the allegations

The Department of Finance is investigating the allegations of inappropriate workplace behaviour.

The inquiry was triggered after Channel 10 obtained vision showing a Coalition staffer masturbating on a female MP's desk, an incident the Prime Minister Scott Morrison labelled "disgusting and sickening".

The complainant, who has never worked in politics but admits to having had sex within Parliament House himself after meeting a man on gay dating app Grindr, claims he has extensive evidence to support his allegations, including messages, photos and videos.

Two of the men he will accuse of inappropriate behaviour are currently employed by Coalition politicians.

Two others are former government staffers – including the man who was sacked over the desk masturbation incident – while the other two are public servants.

"After talking with senior officials from the Department of Finance and [Finance Minister] Simon Birmingham's office, I've agreed in principle to supply written evidence," the man told the ABC.

"Whilst I am not sure if all the people named in texts, pictures etc are aware that they were placed in compromising positions, that will be for the inquiry to determine."

Concerns images could amount to revenge porn

Some staff in Parliament House and a few MPs believe the man's initial decision to share the desk masturbation video with Channel 10 amounts to revenge porn.

Liberal backbencher Warren Entsch said he hoped police investigated the man and his motivations.

"I absolutely still believe this is revenge porn," he said.

"This man was involved in sharing explicit images of sexual acts with his friend. He had a collection. Now he's turned on him and publicly dragged him through the mud because this friend wanted to stop sharing information because he had a new partner.

"In the frenzy to claim another scalp, I worry about how this has all been reported."


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FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!