Monday 10th of March 2025

lame promises...

















An unrepentant Andrew Laming has reneged on an earlier promise to immediately resign from all parliamentary positions, claiming he is the victim of character assassinations and his conduct towards women has been misrepresented.

Laming has returned to federal parliament after taking a month of paid leave to seek counselling and empathy training.


He continued to claim stalking and harassment accusations levelled against him were not true.

“Legitimate political questions I have asked online of opposition state MPs has been characterised as stalking,” Laming told parliament on Tuesday.


“A photograph taken of my own wife playing with our family has been misrepresented as stalking and hiding in the bushes in a park where there are no bushes.”

The Queensland politician also defended taking a photograph of a woman without her consent while she was bent over with her underwear exposed.

“An utterly, utterly entirely appropriate and innocent workplace photograph with no offence found whatsoever after police investigation has been characterised as lewd,” Laming said.

He continued to deny harassing two female constituents online for several years, despite issuing a public apology for his behaviour in late March.

“The work I have done on Facebook responding to the comments of others has been characterised as harassment,” the Bowman MP said.

“To refer to me and misrepresent me as a taxpayer-funded troll for my online work – with all posts remaining online, visible and public – is a misrepresentation and reflection on my character.”

Laming said six weeks ago he would resign from all parliamentary positions with immediate effect.

However, Laming has refused to resign as chair of a parliamentary committee on employment, education and training, which adds $23,000 to his annual salary. 

Labor frontbencher Tony Burke blasted his refusal to stand down from the committee after Question Time, saying Laming had a long history of trolling and abuse.

“After everything we heard about the member for Bowman over the break, we get back here and nothing has changed,” Burke told the lower house.

“Why was it important that he would resign immediately? Because the member for Bowman is not fit to be a member of this parliament.

“And this government is relying on the tainted vote of the member for Bowman to retain any majority in this place.”


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cronied pork-barrelling...


The controversial Liberal MP Andrew Laming, who returned to parliament earlier this month after undergoing empathy training, has defended another $15,000 in grants that went to organisations run by a local LNP branch president, Guardian Australia can reveal.

In the latest round of the Stronger Communities grant program in Laming’s electorate, two grants were awarded to Redlands Salad Bowl and Community Connections Redlands Coast, both of which were co-founded by the president of the Liberal National party’s Redlands branch, Craig Luxton.


The secretary of both organisations is Laming’s own electorate officer, Stephanie Eaton.

Guardian Australia can further reveal that Laming did not disclose any conflict of interest with the Department of Infrastructure before awarding more than $20,000 in grants to these same organisations in previous rounds of the Stronger Community program.


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