Monday 10th of March 2025

frankie aussie sings in the G7 showers...

my waymy way

















“I sort of call this the Frank Sinatra approach” Prime Minister Scott Morrison recently told mining executives at the Minerals Council of Australia annual dinner.

“We’re going to do it ‘our way’ … Australia is going to lead the world in low-emissions production in the resources sector,” the PM continued, explaining the diplomatic tactic he intends to take to the G7 summit in Cornwall, UK this week.

“We understand the important role gas will play, particularly over the next 30 years and more. We’re all for it.”


The Prime Minister is optimistic if he legitimately thinks he will be applauded by world leaders for his rendition of Sinatra’s anthem of self-determination.

In truth he is more likely to find himself quietly singing Sinatra’s lesser-known A Man Alone.


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FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW URGENTLY ∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑´´´®®®®®®†††††††!!!!

in front of the fireplace...


... ScoMo quoted an American crooner during his speech. “I want Australia to show the world how resource manufacturing and heavy industries can work in a low emissions and indeed a net zero economy when it comes to emissions. I call this the Frank Sinatra approach,” he said. “We’re going to do it our way in Australia, the Australian way. If we can do it in the Pilbara, if we can do it there, we can do it anywhere, as Frank used to sing about New York.” If it really is the Australian way, why didn’t ScoMo sing from the tiny Tina songbook? “I want you to burn, burn for me baby” … or “I’m in (new supply) chains”.


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The top British envoy in Canberra has confirmed that the UK is encouraging Australia to increase its emission reduction target for the 2030s, indicating it is not enough for nations to commit to net zero by 2050.

Before the G7 meeting in Cornwall late next week, where climate is set to be a key focus, the British high commissioner, Vicki Treadell, said the UK was asking all countries to lift their interim emission targets to align with the Paris goal of seeking to limit heating to 1.5C above pre-industrial levels.


Treadell described carbon border tariffs as a live issue for discussion, saying countries that were stepping up their climate commitments did not want to be “importing carbon emissions” through their supply chains.


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WHAT GLOBAL WARMING???????????????


Sydney set for coldest day in 25 years while regional NSW blanketed in snow


Sydney is set to shiver through its coldest day in 25 years with an arctic [did they really mean Antarctic?] chill still lingering over NSW.

The temperature is expected to reach 11 degrees on Thursday at Observatory Hill in the CBD, but it may feel even colder.


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Read also about the way low temperatures are not an indication of global freezing... see: and remember that a year and a half ago we had massive bushfires and temperature above 40 nearly every day...



a weekend in cornwall...


Paul A. Nuttall is a historian, author and a former politician. He was a Member of the European Parliament between 2009 and 2019 and was a prominent campaigner for Brexit. He writes:


The political ‘great and good’ will convene in sunny Cornwall this weekend for the annual G7 summit to address their two 'big issues’: the pandemic and the green agenda. The former is vital, the latter is riddled with flaws.

The British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, will host the summit, and be joined by the prime ministers of Japan, Australia, Canada and Italy. Also in attendance will be the German chancellor, the French president, and most importantly, the new American President Joe Biden.

The nations of the G7, which was formed in 1975, are deemed by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to have the most advanced economies in the world and account for 58% of global wealth. The two principal items at the top of the agenda for the G7 are dealing with the international Covid crisis and tackling climate change.

The global Covid crisis will be top of the agenda because it is both here and now, and unlike climate change, it is not based on predictions about the future. Pressure is being applied on the leaders to support a waiver on intellectual property rights on vaccines and treatments for Covid, so they can be shared around the world. 

Indeed, fifteen of the UK’s Nobel Laureates have called on Boris Johnson not to block such a proposal. Moreover, former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has described the situation as “a life and death matter”, and has urged the leaders to agree to “burden-share the financing of the whole medical effort”.

For once, Brown is quite correct. With the borders of Europe and the US being routinely breached with ease at the moment, the pandemic will surely skip from state to state. To the Americans’ credit, they have already waived their rights to intellectual property on this issue and Japan has indicated that it is willing to follow suit. 

Only the British and the Germans are holding out against the proposal. If common sense prevails, the leaders will all agree to the waiver and share their technology – albeit with the agreement of companies involved – with nations that have the finance and the scientific capability to develop their own vaccines. It is for the good of humanity and the clue, after all, is in the name: it is a ‘Global Pandemic’. 

The other issue at the top of the agenda we are told is climate change. The British are leading the way on this one and Johnson is calling for a new ‘Marshall Plan’ to fund green energy projects in middle and developing countries, particularly in Asia and Africa. This issue, however, is not as straightforward as it might initially seem and there are a number of glaring problems with this scheme.

Firstly, how big is this green Marshall Plan going to be and who is going to pay for it? One would expect the hardworking taxpayers of the G7 countries to be billed for the scheme, which is going to be immensely unpopular with the domestic electorate, particularly in the US and the UK. Also, a proportion of Marshall Aid, which was provided by the Americans after the Second World War, had to be paid back with interest. I wonder if there are any plans to recoup the money spent on this green Marshall Plan; I expect not.

Secondly, do these middle and developing countries actually want or need investment in green initiatives? We all want to see a greener world, and it may make wealthy leaders glow with a sense of self-satisfaction to be doling out cash, but many green initiatives result in making poor people poorer and rich people richer. I would suggest that the poor of Asia and Africa would prefer regular food, clean water, and infrastructure than a truckload of wind turbines.


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The good old Brexiter, Paul A. Nuttall, has not understood much through his career in history and politics... Covid-19 is more or less a transient problem. There could be some more pandemics coming our way, lab created or zoonotic evolved, sure. Meanwhile the generosity of the US prepared to give up vaccine patents is a furphy/flying-porkypiggie till the richest man on the planet (by half now, as his wife is divorcing him), Bill Gates, gives up on the concept of vaccine patents. He wont (I could be wrong mind you).


But the problem of global warming is a curly one. On this site we have studied this prognosis about the future of the planet in this regard since 2005 and since about 1979 for Gus (cartooning since 1951). All the indications, trends and observations point to a rough ride, even if we don't feel it too overtly so far. Doing "something" about global warming with renewable would actually help food and water supply to the "poor" in Asia and Africa. What the Western nations have done so far in many of these countries has been to destroy their traditional food producing ability to replace these "productive" human activities that provided lots of employment, with intensive farming that has sent many farmers to ruins as global warming turns many lands into deserts. According to records, the Sahara desert has expanded by 1 million square kilometres in the last 40 years or so, due to global warming and new farming techniques which are hungry for fertilisers and water. 


And the trends of global warming are that we are approaching major tipping points, as the ice of glaciers and poles reach critical melting by 2032...


Whatever we're going to do under a "green new deal" isn't ideal — because this concept is designed by the Western nations to stay in control of the planet — hence the G7, with recalcitrant Aussieland... And Gus has the idea that China knows this and is delaying its own "green new deal" by about ten years, though it could become greener tomorrow... 



Read from top.


FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!



Exchanging gifts, Mr Johnson gave the president a photo of Frederick Douglass - a former slave who campaigned against slavery in the 19th century - and a first edition of a collection of short stories by Daphne du Maurier to First Lady Jill Biden.

The Bidens gave Mr Johnson a US-made bike and helmet while the prime minister's new wife Carrie Johnson received a tote bag and scarf.


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Really... Better gifts would have been a picture of the Goons for Joe from Boris, and a Shaun-the-Sheep season ticket for Jill... Meanwhile, a bicycle? How gauche... Boris has a dozen of them... Joe should should have given him the melted remains of a Trump bronze statue... And a tote bag? Sounds a bit like the Easter Show... A book of New York Jewish/Irish jokes would have been more appropriate. 

cornwall rubbish...

Politics and environmentalism go hand in hand these days. Contemporary artists are often inspired by significant political events, such as summits or conferences involving high-ranking figures.

Artist Joe Rush has presented his 'Mount Recyclemore' sculpture of G7 leaders he created using old electrical items and scrap metal.

Look at these faces: do you get the feeling that they look eerily familiar? They are UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, France's President Emmanuel Macron, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and US President Joe Biden - the G7 leaders making their way to the summit in England's Cornwall this week.

The summit is to start on Friday, 11 June, and will end on Sunday, 13 June, the same day President Biden is expected to meet the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

Check out Sputnik's gallery to see the unusual sculpture in every detail.


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incoming picture