Monday 24th of February 2025



The US’ case against Julian Assange must be dropped after a key witness confessed to lying, as the reputation of Western law and the future of journalism depend on it, UK journalist and friend to Assange Vaughan Smith has told RT. 

The news that WikiLeaks volunteer turned FBI informant Sigurdur Ingi Thordarson fabricated some important parts of his accusations in the indictment against the site’s co-founder Assange “was not a surprise,” Smith pointed out. Those close to WikiLeaks have long known that the man “had behavioral issues,” he said.

Smith gave Assange refuge in 2010 – first at the Frontline Club in London and then at his country house in Norfolk – when the publisher was fleeing from sexual assault allegations, which he consistently denied, in Sweden. The investigation was later dropped by the prosecutors.

Icelandic citizen Thordarson was one of the people who was there with Assange and Smith, the journalist said, claiming that “he was known to have stolen some things when he stayed in my house all that time ago.”

In 2012, WikiLeaks filed criminal charges against the volunteer over embezzlement and financial fraud, and he ended up being sentenced for both of them in Iceland.

In an article published by Icelandic newspaper Stundin last week, Thordarson said that he had lied in his testimony, confessing, among other things, that Assange never directly ordered him to carry out any hacking.

These new statements by the US’ key witness are “devastating” and “completely undermine” America’s case against the WikiLeaks founder. “Basically, he’s explained how he lied to frame Julian to try to save his own skin,” Smith said.


Read more:


We all come from prejudiced backgrounds — and from time to time we push a barrow of knowledge with an air of superiority that is slanted — and can be proven wrong or correct by the future. 


Here Gus analyses, in retrospect of course, and in tune with his own bias, an interview given to Jacques Hyzagi by Julian Assange, in 2014, for The Observer. While Jacques Hyzagi is “free” to think, one can feel his slanted educated background interfering while, in a way, Julian Assange is the freer spirit of all of us — while seeing how people have betrayed him, and how the system is entrapping him…


Here Gus Leonisky picks a few of the points made by Jacques Hyzagi that deserve to be dissected for being glib, unaware or uncouth. Though also biased, Gus Leonisky is old enough to have seen blue murder upon ideas, and on people whose blood spilled in the streets…


let’s see what we can trawl:



Jacques Hyzagi:

At the peak of the COINTELPRO response, things looked gloomy. On orders from the White House, Visa and MasterCard cut the flow of contributions to WikiLeaks—even PayPal joined the boycott, which is striking since it is owned by eBay, which was founded by Pierre Omidyar, who now backs Glenn Greenwald and his information disseminating website The Intercept.



We have to stop this Hyzagi narrative to mention that Glenn Greenwald has left The Intercept because it refused to be balanced. The Intercept prevented Glenn from publishing damaging correct information about Hunter and Joe Biden’s dirty deals. Glenn did quit the organisation and now pushes his articles, often from an enlightened conservative side, on the more even-handed platform, at




Jacques Hyzagi:

It is a shame that Mr. Assange doesn’t read Foucault. The bold genius had an intense discussion once on power with Mr. Chomsky, easily found online. Foucault explains to Mr. Chomsky, who doesn’t seem to understand or be interested in much of it, how mass street movements, protesters and revolutionaries usually have a problem coming up with a new viable political system once they think of overthrowing a repressive and oppressive power



This is a bit glib from Hyzagi… Revolutions do (did) happen. Whether there is a "new viable political system” in the pipeline or not, but there often is: think French Revolution, (though it took a century to fully settle the ideals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity which are viable goals in themselves), on secularity (work in progress) and or Karl Marx and of Mao Tse Tung… These things never happen overnight…


It has to be said by Gus that Michel Foucault was an idiotic French philosopher who, typically French, often disagreed with his own opinions… He also was “une pédale” (homosexual — apologies for the nasty pejorative) which at the time of his official tenures was a borderline status…  Not that Gus is prejudiced here, but it is likely that Foucault would have met a lot of prejudices in a strongly “Catholic” country (despite the laicity) and this would have influenced his wonky philosophy. At this level, Chomsky's would be a more valuable pragmatic voice — and did well to avoid Foucault.



On Eric Schmidt, it has to be said that he was a traitor to Assange’s visions, even to the point of writing an idiotic book  — as noted by Jacques Hyzagi: The New Digital Age, in which Mr. Schmidt and Jared Cohen propose that the majority of young people are not inherently good and that an unmediated Internet would bring nothing positive. They argue that U.S. foreign policy is in fact a boon to the world, probably code for more countries flattened equals more spaces digitalized under Google’s panoptical, militarized eye.” 


These platitudes are pervasive nowadays but they are not totally unfamiliar; Ayn Rand could have said as much. This is a scary proposal since now Messers. Schmidt and Assange could also be viewed as the two faces of the same coin.




This is bullshit. Schmidt sold his soul to the devil. Assange did not… Assange knew the depths of what he had to deal with, and though Schmidt was a little crappy Judas, Assange was cleverer than Jesus Christ. He knew the extend of the rot as he explained to Jacques Hyzagi:


“Last week’s revelations that Ken Dilanian, a LA Times and Chicago Tribune reporter assigned to cover the C.I.A. was submitting his pieces to the agency for approval right before publication in exchange of access,” Julian Assange told The New York Observer last Sunday at the small Ecuadorian Embassy under siege in London, “is a typical quid pro quo that exemplifies the state of the press nowadays. Most news organizations in America who used to be family owned are now run by corporations so vast and diversified that their portfolio bottom line and quarterly shareholders dividend targets force them to change their business plans and have their journalists become government press secretaries in order to gain administrative favoritism.”




“You don’t publish the world’s most powerful governments’ dirtiest secrets and stay anonymous for long,” Mr. Assange replied.




One common thread in the 8 millions of leaked documents so far is the disregard, disgust and contempt that governments, elites, journalists, politicians and corporations have for the unwashed.

“In your book,” I told him, “you mention that activists made a major mistake by focusing on governments and giving corporations a free pass.”

“This is at this point in time probably the most important thing to keep in mind,” he answered.




Jacques Hyzagi seems to "know everything", without realising that everything was not known BUT SUSPECTED and that Wikileaks made it known that our leaders (were) are savage beasts who will polish their turds to make us swallow fool's gold… Jacques Hyzagi tells us:


With WikiLeaks [—] support and financing of the worst crimes, death squads, renditions of the wrong people and torture were finally time stamped and signed, names were named. But who seriously had ever seen it any other way? So why kill the Cassandra bearing old news? Deterrence? Preemption? What other monstrosities could possibly be out there to leak?



Hello? Anyone there in the space used by Jacques Hyzagi for brains? Few journalists and writers ever wrote about the EXTEND of the damage without some imaginative caveats, provisos and more turd polishing… and mostly without showing the ill-intent of the big brassy guys, ending up blaming the lowly bottom dwelling fodder doing shit… 




Jacques Hyzagi continues:


“In which context could you possibly have said that the words ‘Honor Bound to Defend Freedom’ plastered at Guantanamo were a worse pervasion of the truth than the ‘Work Will Set You Free’ signs at the Nazi concentration camps?” I asked.

“I never meant to imply that Guantanamo was worse than the unspeakable horror of the Nazi camps, of course. But ‘Work Will Set You Free’ was an old slogan predating the camps,” Mr. Assange answered, “whereas the one at Guantanamo was tailor-made for it, using words in a deceptive way to completely pervert language…”

“Like Orwell’s doublespeak?” I asked, hoping that, as they say across the pond, when in a hole someone would stop digging.

“No,” he corrected me, “doublespeak uses a word to alter the perception of meaning, this was created to scarily legitimize multiple wars and it worked.”



One can here see the extraordinary thinker that Julian Assange is. The clarity of semantics is important to him and so it should be to all of us, when we often settle for passable instead of precise. We have explored this aspect of language on this site when used with intent to manufacture a malfeasant or good idea. I will find the link later on...




Other great Assange thoughts collected by Jacques Hyzagi :


“You can be interested in both,” Mr. Assange said. “The left self-destructed in its search of identity politics like what you are doing right now. I understand the Solzhenitsyn of the ’90s who, coming back to Moscow from the States and having gladly participated in community politics in Vermont, now tries to restore a Slavic culture to a country ravaged by Western input and voided of its religious soul. Something Putin is trying to do now.”




By then Hillary Clinton was touring the world, begging for forgiveness for the U.S., which had killed, bombed, insulted, plotted against, bullied, bribed, rigged elections, tortured, renditioned, demeaned, and eavesdropped on every single foreign government as proven by none other than the WikiLeaks’ diplomatic cables. Ms. Clinton assured them things would be different going forward and those idiots believed her, as exemplified later on by the doughboy president, François Hollande, who agreed to have Bolivia’s president Evo Morales’ plane from Moscow refused air space due to a fear that Edward Snowden would be hidden in Mr. Morales’ luggage. Attorney General Eric Holder, the grand liberal proponent of gay marriage and mass Latino deporter-in-chief, convened a secret grand jury in Virginia to deal with Mr. Assange.


“Virginia is not an innocent choice,” Mr. Assange told me, “this is where every single military government contractor lives.




Maybe,” he said, “but look at what Tony Blair did … and look who is introducing Hillary Clinton at meetings last week … Anne-Marie Slaughter, the president of New America and Jared Cohen the director of Google Ideas … Senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, ex-Secretary of State’s Policy Planning Staff member and advisor to both Condoleezza Rice and Hillary Clinton … He is also on the Director’s Advisory Board at the National Counterterrorism Center … He co-wrote with Mr. Schmidt or wrote The New Digital Age … Cohen is seen on Instagram clowning in front of troops … It is pretty clear that we are witnessing the birth of a Google-military-surveillance complex here … When I met with Schmidt and Cohen in 2011, Schmidt was with a woman called Lisa Shields … later I contacted Hillary Clinton at the State Department and I got an answer from … Lisa Shields. The courts might be the only answer here. Many here in England believe that the Supreme Court should strike down this clause in the new law voted in to ensure that someone who is not charged shouldn’t be extradited … They call the clause, making it non-retroactive, the ‘Assange clause.’ It doesn’t look good if this clause were to stay upheld for democracy and justice independence in the United Kingdom…”





I don’t think that Jacques Hyzagi fully understood the implications of what Assange said, but it was more profound, clear and more current than Cicero, Plato, Aristotle, Voltaire and Nietzsche put together, without any conflict of purpose...



From time to time Jacques Hyzagi waddles in his own mud showing he is no Freud who had a great sense of humour (despite being German — to deride Rutger Bregman…).



Jacques Hyzagi:



“That’s not what I meant,” I uncouthly interjected, alluding to the underlying imperialistic racism latent here. “The Ecuadorian Embassy … a small insignificant country crawling with brown faces with not even a Picasso to speak for in any Quito museum.”



YES, Jacques Hyzagi WAS UNCOUTH (and racist)… Whatever we think of cultures in terms of our own is often wrong. A culture has to be looked at intrinsically and separated from comparisons. Should we indulge in such parallel, we would have to acknowledge that Picasso borrowed his styles from African Art —  and other cubists possibly borrowed a tad from Indigenous people of the Americas...





Overall, Hyzagi did a passable job in this interview, sometimes below par as he let his own prejudices rule the roost in his own mind, probably with encouragements from his masters at The Observer… 


I am prepared to say unfortunately that many journos (all claiming freedom of the press) would not want to see Assange be freed. Why? Because, should Assange be free, many of the people in media organisations would have egg on their faces FOR NOT HAVING DONE THEIR JOBS AND FOR basically always SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY… (read picture at top...) 





WE NEED HIS VISIONARY INTELLECT TO RESCUE US from the crap we have been served by both the Republicans and the Democrats or any other dolts… He is the Nelson Mandela of the media...



Not only that, Julian has committed no crime. 

August 5 2021…

August five 2021…



It has to be said that Assange predicament isn’t unique in history. But this is our history and our moment, thus his case is unique at this point in time. 


Chénier, Socrates, etc. Apart from a few cases, say Dreyfus, Mandela, most of these situations were solved in ways that have brought shame on our humanity. We can’t let this go on… 


At this stage since there is little action in the general press and the mass media, apart from a few small information centres and from some countries “we don’t like”, like RT or Sputnik, we need to raise awareness until it’s unescapable. Say we dedicate August 5 2021 to Julian Assange. All journalists who value their profession shall either go on strike or finish their articles with “FREE JULIAN ASSANGE NOW!!!” and prevent the editors to remove the dictum by locking them up in a cellar or a jail… Or all articles written on that day should be about freeing Julian Assange — no other news allowed. No more clichéed pix or videos of people getting yet another jab. 


go on, pass the message, do something!


August five 2021… Then the Capitol will have to be stormed again, peacefully...

drop the case...

The UK’s High Court has granted the US government permission to appeal a decision that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange cannot be sent to the United States to face espionage charges.

The judicial office said on Wednesday that the appeal had been granted and the case would be listed for a High Court hearing.

No date has been set.


In January, a lower court judge refused a request to send Assange to the US to face spying charges over WikiLeaks’ publication of secret military documents a decade ago.

District Judge Vanessa Baraitser denied extradition on health grounds, saying Assange was likely to take his own life if held under harsh US prison conditions.

The judge ordered that Assange must remain in prison during any potential US appeal, ruling that the Australian citizen “has an incentive to abscond” if he were freed.

Assange, 50, has been in London’ high-security Belmarsh Prison since he was arrested in April 2019 for skipping bail seven years earlier during a separate legal battle.

Assange spent seven years holed up inside Ecuador’s London embassy, where he fled in 2012 to avoid extradition to Sweden to face allegations of rape and sexual assault.

Sweden dropped the sex crimes investigations in November 2019 because so much time had elapsed.

US prosecutors have indicted Assange on 17 espionage charges and one charge of computer misuse over WikiLeaks’ publication of thousands of leaked military and diplomatic documents.

The charges carry a maximum sentence of 175 years in prison.


The prosecutors say Assange unlawfully helped US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning steal classified diplomatic cables and military files that WikiLeaks later published.

Lawyers for Assange argue that he was acting as a journalist and is entitled to First Amendment freedom of speech protections for publishing documents that exposed US military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Assange’s fiancee, Stella Moris, urged US President Joe Biden to drop the prosecution launched under his predecessor Donald Trump.

Ms Moris, who has two young sons with Assange, said outside the High Court that the WikiLeaks founder was “very unwell” in prison.

“He won his case in January. Why is he even in prison?” she said.

“I’m appealing to the Biden administration to do the right thing. This appeal was taken two days before the Trump administration left office, and if the Biden administration is serious about respecting the rule of law, the First Amendment and defending global press freedom, the only thing it can do is drop this case.”


Read more:


August 5 2021…



narrative control...


Julian Assange once said, “The overwhelming majority of information is classified to protect political security, not national security.

As someone whose life’s work before his imprisonment was combing through documents of an often classified nature, he’d have been in a prime position to know. He’d have seen time and time again how a nation’s citizenry are not under the slightest threat from the secret information in the documents that had been leaked to him from around the world, but that it could damage the reputation of a politician or a government or its military.

As the persecution of the WikiLeaks founder continues to trudge on with the UK government’s granting the Biden administration permission to appeal a declined extradition request, claiming that it can safely imprison Assange without subjecting him to the draconian aspects of America’s prison system which caused the initial dismissal, it’s good to keep in mind that this is being done entirely for the purpose of controlling public access to information that is inconvenient for the powerful.


Read more/see more:


Read from top.



See also: