Thursday 26th of December 2024

bantamweights .....

bantamweights .....


The feathers are sure flying this week folks.

As Capo di Tutti Capi of the bushit crime family, “Jabba” Cheney, wings his way to Awstralya for a spot of gelignite fishing & koala shooting, “Aussie Tony” decided to announce a withdrawal of some British forces from the quicksand that has become Iraq.

Our local bantamweights panicked big time.

Local Deputy Capo di Tutti Capi (Bennelong branch), johnee rogue rattus, surrounded by his trusty lieutenants, the Minister for Foreign Flings, Alexander Airhead, & closet prime rattus aspirant, Defence Mastermind, Dr Bandit Nelson, clucked incessantly that the British withdrawal was a clear sign that things must be improving in Iraq.

At the same time, as evidence of their collective deluded state & capacity for twisted logic, the boys chorused hysterically that if we didn’t immediately send more cannon-fodder to the middle-east hell-hole that they’d created, then Iraq would become a victory for “tha terrarists”.

Of course, these days, the majority of Awstralyans require no convincing that anything peddled by rogue rattus & his mob must be a breathtaking distortion of reality, just as the overwhelming majority of Amerikans have come to recognise that Jabba’s sociopathic sibling, george - “the ugliest Amerikan of all time” - bush is a serial liar & the number one threat to global peace & security.

It was left to poor Jabba, number one ticket holder for Fox News: serial fraudster, draft dodger, war criminal extraordinaire, prime pimp for Amerikan big business & quail murderer, to try & bail the boys out by mimicking their absurd headless chicken routine.

Meanwhile, evidence of the Coalition of the Willing’s continuing “success” in Iraq continued to mount, as Denmark & Lithuania announced that they were also heading home.

Poor old rogue rattus & his merry mates must be desperately hoping that Jabba will eventually catch a few fish.

If he doesn’t, we just might be in for a little premature regime change ourselves.